Allergist, Surgical Assessment, Consultation Anesthetist, Surgical Anesthetist, Angiology, Home Care (Consultation), Cardiology, Plastic Surgeon, Coloproctologist, Dermatology, Endocrinologist, Physiotherapist, Speech Therapy, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Gynecology And Obstetrician, Hematology, Hepatologist, Infectious Diseases Specialist, Mastologist , Occupational Medicine, General Clinic Consultation, General Practitioner 20H/Weekly, General Practitioner 40H/Weekly, Nephrology, Neuro Surgeon, Neurology, Neuropediatrics, Nutritionist, Ophthalmology, Oncologist, Orthopedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatrics, 12-Hour Medical On-Call, 24-Hour Medical On-Call, Surveillance On-Call (Orthopedist) ) 24Hs, Pulmonology, Proctologist, Psychology, Psychopedagogue, Psychiatry, Rheumatology, Anesthetic Risk, Medical Patient Transfer Services To Teofilo Otoni, Medical Patient Transfer Services To Gov. Valadares, Medical Patient Transfer Services To Ipatinga, Medical Patient Transfer Services To Belo Horizonte, Occupational Therapy, Urology, Reception With Risk Classification, Acuity Visual, Contact Lens Adaptation, Cerebral Angiography (4 Vessels), Thoracic Aorta Ct Angio, Abdominal Aorta Ct Angio, Skull Arterial Angiotomography, Skull Venous Angiotomography, Neck Arterial Angiotomography, Neck Venous Angiotomography, Thoracic Arterial Angiotomography, Tomography Angiotomography Thoracic Venous, Arterial Ct Angiogram Of Upper Abdomen, Venous Angiotomography Of Upper Abdomen, Arterial Angiotomography Of Pelvis, Venous Angiotomography Of Pelvis, Arterial Angiotomography Of Lower Limb (With Guideline Defined By Ans - No. 116), Pulmonary Arterial Angiotomography, Pulmonary Venous Angiotomography, Skull Mri Angiography, Needling Monocular, Lacrimal Tract Assessment With Sonfagem, Administration Of Medications In Specialized Care, Tonal And Vocal Audiometry, Conjunctival Autotransplantation, Free Field Audiometry, Urodynamic Assessment, Application Of Foam In Saphenous Vein, Avastin, Bera, Sup/Inf Blepharoplasty, Sup/Inf Blepharoplasty + Supercilios, Superior Blepharoplasty, Lower Blepharoplasty , Ultrasonic Biometry - Ecobiometry Per Eye, Ultrasonic Biometry Binocular, Monocular Ultrasonic Biometry Conjuctive Suture, Bladder Biopsy, Uterine Cervical Biopsy, Renal Biopsy, Laryngeal Lesion Biopsy, Tongue Biopsy, Thyroid Biopsy, Prostate Biopsy, Breast Biopsy, Calazio - Surgical Treatment, Visual Field, Campimetry Computerized, Monocular Yag Laser Capsulotomy, Cardiac Catheterization, Carotid Arteries, Binocular Yag Laser Capsulotomy, Chemical Cauterization (Dermatology), Monocular Cyclophotocoagulation, Refractive Surgery W/ Excimer Laser, Bilateral Breast Scan, Thyroid Scan, Cesarean Section, Pilonidal Cyst, Trabelectomy Surgery (Glaucoma), Cataract Surgery, Surgery Pterygium With Glue - Without Stitch + Tx Conjunctival, Intra Stromal Ring Implant Surgery, Surgery With Anesthesia, Pterygium Surgery, Uterine Curettage, Magnetic Resonance Contrast, Cystoscopy/Ureteroscopy, Colposcopy, Monocular Entropion/Ectropion Correction, Monocular/Binicular Entropion/Ectropion Correction, Entropion Correction Entropion/Ectropion Binocular, Collection Traces Of Sexual Violence, Daily Eye Pressure Curve, Colonoscopy With Polyp Removal, Colonoscopy, Abscess Drainage, Duplex Scan Venoso Mmi, Duplex