Tenders are invited for KSB Complete Descaler Pump. Khuzestan Axin Steel Company intends; Hand over the goods you need to qualified suppliers based on the specifications and conditions listed in the inquiry form. It should be noted that the applicant suppliers, while receiving the inquiry documents, must register in the list of suppliers of Oxin Steel Company of Khuzestan and complete the self-declaration questionnaire of the suppliers within the stipulated time on the companys website at the address srm.oxinsteel.ir, as well as the respected suppliers, put the confirmation of registration on the above site along with a copy of the announcement of changes from their company in the envelope for sending the price. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://oxinsteel.ir/category/auctions-and-tenders/
Contact Information
Ahvaz - Kilometer 10 of Ahvaz Road, Emam Khomeini Bandar - Postal Code: 61788-13111 and PO Box: 61775-1733, Axin Steel Company Khuzestan - Department of Contract Affairs Phone: 061-32909107
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