Tenders Are Invited For Insurance Of 24 Or More Passengers To Transport The Companys Employees On The Shift ... in Syria
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Insurance Of 24 Or More Passengers To Transport The Companys Employees On The Shift Line From (Jiroud, Rahaiba, Mohbatiya, Qatifa And Nasiriyah)
Tenders are invited for Insurance of 24 or More Passengers to Transport the Companys Employees on the Shift Line from (Jiroud, Rahaiba, Mohbatiya, Qatifa and Nasiriyah) The General Company for Electricity Generation in Nasiriyah announces for the first time an internal tender by way of addition or deletion to secure a microbus with a capacity of 24 passengers or more to transport the companys employees on the shift line from (Jiroud, Al-Rahiba, Al-Muadhamiya, Al-Qatifah and Al-Nasiriyah) and to the company, in accordance with the conditions specified in the tender file, which those wishing to participate can obtain from the Contracts Department in the company for an amount of (50,000) Syrian pounds. According to the following: Estimated statement: /127,750,000/ SYP Temporary insurance: Amount of /6,300,000/ SYP Final insurance: 10% ten percent of the value of the referral Implementation period: One calendar year from the date of the order to proceed Late penalty: 0.1% one per thousand of the total value of the contract for each day of delay, with a maximum penalty of 20% of the total value of the contract The duration of the bidder and the nominated contractors commitment to each with their bid is /90/ ninety calendar days. Bids are submitted to the companys office until the end of official working hours on Tuesday, 12/24/2024. The date of the tender session is ten oclock on the day following the last date for submitting bids at the companys building 97002 [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : elan.gov.sy
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