Tenders Are Invited For Provide Design Modification And Supervisions Consulting Services For Football Field ... in Ethiopia
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Provide Design Modification And Supervisions Consulting Services For Football Field Improvement Work, Septic Tank, Toilet And Indoor Game Work
Tenders are invited for Provide Design Modification and Supervisions Consulting Services for Football Field Improvement Work, Septic Tank, Toilet and Indoor Game Work. Bid Security Amount: 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) Birr by Bank Order (CPO) or Unconditional Bank Guarantee Bid closing date: 4:00 AM on the 22nd day of the calendar days from the date of publication Bid opening date: 4:30 AM on the 22nd day of the calendar days from the date of publication Region: Addis Ababa Bid document price: Varies per lot Bid bond: Varies per lot Note:- A Bidder may only Bid on One Lot of His Choice. A Bidder Who Competes for More than One Lot will be Disqualified. Documents to be Submitted to Bidders According to the Terms Mentioned in Turn Number 1, the Winning Bidder must Submit a Letter of Assurance that They must Submit Updated Documents after December 30th [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://tender.2merkato.com/tenders/6744526c64f38656a1fbef89
Contact Information
Second floor of Bole sub-city administration design and construction works office of the sub-district building located in the junction area Tel: +251 1 1 893 2467
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