Expression of Interest for End-User Impact Studies for Mae/023 Co-Financed Projects - Framework Contract - Maximum Budget: 1 000 000 Eur - Performance Period of 24 Months (Renewable Twice) The maximum budget available for this contract is estimated at 1 000 000 EUR (all taxes excluded) for the entire contract period, including any possible renewal, divided into several mobilisations on an ad hoc basis. This budget represents the maximum estimated amount for all the mobilisations and is subject to mobilisation orders. The contracting authority is not obliged to use the entire budget. Interested services providers are invited to submit sufficient documentation to respond to the selection criteria. The dossier, including the selection criteria and the application form, is available on request at the address given below. Expressions of interest, exclusively drawn up in English, must reach the following address by email no later than 06.01.2025 at 18h00 (local time Luxembourg): Tender Link :
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B.P. 2273L-1022 Tel: +352 29 58 581
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