Tenders are invited for Cleaning and Spraying Service will be Obtained Nature, type and quantity: Between 02.01.2025 and 31.12.2025, 250 working days (this work will be done in part time), including the closed and environmental areas of the service buildings of the directorates specified in the technical specifications, including materials, equipment and other expenses;Total area of 19.789 m2 x 250 days = General and Environmental Cleaning of the area of 4.947.250 m² and 18.789 m² x 2 = 37.578 m² spraying service will be purchased. c) 6 -storey service building, including Bordum, will be done/will be delivered and will be delivered and Akale, Aziziye, Çat, Khorasan, Karayaz, Karaçoban, Köprüköy, Narman, Oltu, Pasinler, Tekman, Hns, enkaya, Uzundere, Ispir and Pazaryolu LandDirectorates and Hns, Khorasan, Ispir and Oltu cadastral units;Ar Land Registry and Cadastre and Doubayazt Land Registry and Cadastre Unit, Diyadin, Elekirt, Dough, Patnos, Talçay and Tutak Land Registry Directorates;Ardahan Land Registry and Cadastre and Çldr, Damal, Hanak, Posof and Lake Land Registry Directorates;Kars Land Registry and Cadastre and Akyaka, Arpaçay, Kazman, Digor, Sarkam, Selim and Thirst Land Registry Directorates;Idr Land Registry and Cadastre and December, Service Buildings of Tuzluca and Karakoyunlu Land Registry Offices. ç) Duration/Delivery Date Start Date 02.01.2025, End Date of the Work 31.12.2025 D) Start Date of Work02.01.2025 3- a) The tender (final bid) date and time23.12.2024 - 10:00 b) Meeting Place of the Tender Commission (Address to Open E-Cleights) Erzurum Land Registry and Cadastre 8th Region Directorate Meeting Hall located on the third floor of the service building 4. Conditions to participate in the tender and the required documents and the criteria to be applied in the proficiency assessment: Tender and Bid Opening Date: 23.12.2024 10:00 Type of Ad: Tender [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.ilan.gov.tr/ilan/1632554/ihale-duyurulari-mal-alim-ihaleleri-temizlik-ve-ilaclama-hizmeti-alincaktir