Tenders are invited for The Upgrade of Programmable Logic Control System and Simovert Master Drives on the Rail Mounted Gantries (Rmg01 & Rmg02) for Transnet Soc Limited (Reg No. 1990/000900/30) Operating as Transnet Port Terminals (Tpt) at the Durban Container Terminals (Pier 1) on a once off Period. Advertised: 2024-11-20 Closing: 2024-12-06 Province: KwaZulu-Natal Category: Services: General Tender Link : https://www.etenders.gov.za/home/Download/?blobName=36b860c6-a185-46b2-8912-01c6ea5d76f0.pdf&downloadedFileName=ANNEXURES -ICLM DB 925 TPT.pdf.pdf
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