Bids Are Invited For Screw Fillister Head (Ifl-7735) , 5305-003957 , Eye Bolt[ Ilg-2641] , Ilg-26415306-052194 , Screw Mc Csk. Hd. Ilg-2112, 5305-013328 , Spacer Ring Ilg-707, 5365-005254 , Plate(Cover Crank) Ilg-15761 To Drawing No. 1015-006432 , Pin Taper, Type-A, To Size- 2.5 X 25 To Specn. Is: 6688-1981 , Screw Machne Hex Head Precision Steel 8.8 Phosphated To Size M-10 X 35 Mm Long To Specn. Is: 1364-1967 , Screw, Machine Slotted Cheese Head Precision Steel 8.8, Phos- Phated To Size M6 X 10 Mm Long To Specn. , Screw, Machine, Hex, Hd. Precision, Steel, 8.8, Phosphated M16 X 45 Mm Long To Specn. Is: 1364-67. , Screw, Machine, Slotted Csk Head Steel Size M6 X 10 Mm Long 4.8 Phosphated To Specn Is 1365-1978 , Screw St Hex. Hd To Size-M6x15mm P8.8 Phosphated To Specn Is: 1364. Pt-2-1983 Total Quantity : 1253
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