Supply Of Stationery Articles Supplying Stationery Articles For A Period Of One Year From The Date Of Confirmation Of Contract Or As Mentioned In Work Order At Total Five Offices/Homes In Kolkata Under The Controller Of Vagrancy West Bengal As Specified In Notice , Stationery Articles , Bathing Soap (Branded) , Bengal Chemical Phenyl , Binder Clip (41 Mm) , Bleaching Powder (Branded, Packed) , Branded Detergent Powder For Washing (Isi Mark) , Calculator , Cd Jacket , Cello Tape [ 1” ] , Channel File , Coconut Oil (Branded Quality, Iso Certified) , Correction Pen , Cotton Duster (Good Quality, 24X24) , Cotton Tag , Dhuna (Superior Quality) , Double Way Pen- Linc (Red & Blue) , Double Way Refill – Blue & Red , Envelope [ 16” X 12 “] , Envelope [ 23 X 10 Cm] (Small) , Envelope [ 26 X 11 Cm] , Envelope [ 9½ “ X 12” ] , Envelope [ Cotton] [ 24Cm X 31Cm ] , Envelope [ Cotton] [ 30Cm X 40Cm ] , Envelope [28Cm X 12Cm ] , Eraser , Fevicol Instant Glue (White, 200 Ml Bottle) , Fevistick (15Gm) , File Cover [ Polycoated ] , Flap For Folder , Gel Pen [ Green ] , Gum Bottle (300Ml & 500 Ml) , Hand Wash (Branded) , Hawai Chappal (Various Size 4 Nos. To 10 Nos.)(Ajanta Brand) , High Light Pen , James Clip [ Good Quality, Packet Of 100 Clips ] , Knife 6” [ Office Purpose, Folding] , Lid Of Glass (For Standard Size Of Glass) , Lock [ Branded , 7 Lever ] , Lock [ Branded, 6 Lever ] , Marker Pen , Marking Flag , Match Packet (Packet Of 10 Safety Match Boxes) , Mosquito Repellent Liquid Oil Refill (45Ml) , Mosquito Repellent Liquid Vaporiser (Electric Machine) , Moulded Glass Paper Weight , Note Sheet Pad (80Gsm, 100 Sheet) , Office Tray (33 X 25 X 8 Cm Approx) , Waste Paper Bin (Plastic) , Pen (Use & Throw) Black / Blue / Red , Pen Stand (Good Quality With Calender) , Pencil (Good Quality) , Pencil Battery - Aa Size (Branded Quality) , Pencil Battery - Aaa Size (Branded Quality) , Pendrive 3.0 (64 Gb, Branded) , Phorn Wooden / Drilling Needle , Pin Pot , Plastic Cover File (For A4 Paper) , Plastic Scale [ 2” X 12” ] , Printing Paper (A4 Size, 75 Gms +, Pack Of 500 Paper) , Punch Machine (Good Quality) , Register, Binding [ No. 20 ] , Register, Binding No. 12] , Ruled Register [10 No] , Sealing Wax , Sketch Pen , Slaked Lime (50 Kg Bag) , Small Towel (1X2 Approx) , Stamp Pad [ Big] , Stamp Pad Ink , Stamp Pad Small , Stapler (Big) , Stapler (Small) , Stapler Pin [ 24 / 6] Big , Stapler Pin [ No. 10 Small ] , Tea Spoon , Thread Ball , Tooth Powder (Branded Quality, Iso Certified) , Towel (2½ X 5 Approx ) , Water Sponge Pot , Window Envelope (White) 28Cm X 12 Cm , Window Envelope (Brown)(28 Cm X 12 Cm) , Writing Pad (8”X5.75”, 75Gsm Page, 25 Pages)