Registration Of Prices For The Eventual Acquisition Of Hospital, Protection And Security Material, According To The Conditions, Quantities And Requirements Established In The Notice And Its Annexes.. Padlock,Padlock,Padlock,Protective Glove,Protective Glove,Protective Glove,Hospital Shoe,Ear Protector,Rubber Glove,Rubber Glove,Rubber Glove,Rubber Glove,Facial Protector,Protective Goggles,Surgical Glove,Bandage,Surgical Glove, Hospital Cap,Surgical Glove,Glove Surgical, Surgical Glove, Gauze Compress, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Bandage, Bandage, Degermination Brush, Hospital Compress, Tourniquet, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Sterilization Packaging, Field Disposable Surgical