CARRYING OUT THE 03 NOS. WORK IN HEAD CONSTRUCTION OF 11/0.4 KV LT SUBSTATION BY 250 KVA T/F AT (1) OPPOSITE B-109 SECTOR-64, (2) NEAR J-66 SECTOR-63 AND (3) NEAR G-86 SECTOR-63 TO REDUCE OVERLOADING OF EXISTING 400 KVA T/FAS PER DPR S.NO. 1, 2, 3 IN AREA OF EUDSD-I, NOIDA UNDER EUDD-I, NOIDA IN THE JURIDICTION OF EUDC-I, NOIDA (BUSINESS PLAN F.Y. 2024-25 (PART-2) RS. 21.20 CRORE FOR NOIDA ZONE).- 1 Cartage of following material from ESC Noida/Sahibabad/ Ghaziabad /Any other ESC of Meerut Discom to JE Store and from JE store to various points site of work including loading and unloading at both ends : - 2 250 KVA, 11/0.4 KV T/F New 3 ST Pole 11 Mtr. long. 4 11 KV TPMO. 5 11 KV Fuse Set. 6 ACSR Weasel Conductor 7 11 KV Pin Insulator with Pin 8 11 KV Disc Insulator with fitting T&C. 9 Top Channel 125x65x2240mm. 10 Dropper Channel 100x50x2028mm. 11 MS Channel for fuse set 100x50x2028mm. 12 MS Channel 125x65x1300mm. 13 LT XLPE Cable Al. 1x400 14 LT XLPE Cable Al. 3.5x400 15 Earthing of pole. 16 3x120 11 KV XLPE Cable. 17 3x120 11 KV XLPE Cable Jointing Kit O/D 18 Providing & fixing of following material of standard make / best quality for complete the work of pole structure at HT / LT line as per RESPO norms by the contractor at his own cost : - 19 MS Holding Clamp with nut & bolts. 20 Al. Crimping Lug 400 long barrel. 21 Concreting of poles (0.880 Cu.m.each) 22 Stone Pad 300x300x75mm. 23 Danger board 24 Barbed wire G.I. 25 Red oxide paint 26 Aluminium paint 27 G.I. Pipe 6 Dia. 28 HDPE Socket suitable for HDPE pipe 140 mm dia. 29 RCC / Stone Route Marker yellow colour with proper marking. 30 Drilling of dia suitable for 140 mm dia by trench less method by horizontal boring machine at a depth of 1.5 mtrs below the ground level for laying of cable complete in all respects. 31 Providing of 06 Mtr long pieces of HDPE pipe (4 Kg / m2) 140 mm Dia PN 4 PE 63 (PVVNL approved) after inspection of competent committee at manufacturing site of the items with actual guarantee period. 32 Laying and interconnecting of above 06 Mtr long pieces of HDPE pipe 140mm Dia PN 4 PE 63 (PVVNL approved) in trench for laying of cable complete in all respects.. 33 Digging of pits of size 4 mtr x 4 mtr x 1.5 mtr for cable loop. 34 Road Restoration charges as per authority norms for hot mixed pakka road / CC road / kaccha road / mix soil/ normal soil/ soft & hard rack as it is when start of work. 35 Laying and pulling of 3x120 XLPE 11 KV Cable through HDPE pipe, DTs to ACBs to LT line, loop & riser complete in all respects. 36 Hi port test for 11 KV Cable XLPE cable. 37 Hoisting of cable on double pole structure through GI pipe 6 inch dia 3 mtr long fixed on pole structure including its jumpering complete with clamps, bolts and nuts. 38 The Excavation of foundation pit in CC road/ mix soil/ normal soil/ soft & hard rack by using heavy duty compressor and its back filling and leveling etc. The size of the pit will be 600x600x1800 mm for each pole and having a depth of 1/6 of the full length of the support. 39 Fabrication of MS channel / Angle as per site requirement complete in all respects. 40 Erection of S.T. pole 11 Mtr. including fitting of all reqired accessories of HT/LT line as per RESPO schedule. 41 Grouting of each pole (In ratio of 1:4:8 in Cement, sand and Brick Ballast) in size 450mmx450mmx1800 mm as per RESPO schedule Complete in all respects. 42 Construction of Plinth in size 450x450x300 mm of each (0.880 Cu.m) pole above the ground level(In ratio of 1:3:6 in Cement, sand and Brick Ballast) as per RESPO schedule Complete in all respects. 43 Fixing of 11 KV TPMO. 44 Fixing of 11 KV Fuse Set. 45 Fixing of 3x120 11 KV XLPE Cable Jointing Kit O/D 46 Fixing of LT XLPE Cable Al. 1x400 47 Fixing of LT XLPE Cable Al. 3.5x400 48 Excavation of earth and driving of M.S. earthing rod of size 20x2500 mm in earth and jointing through G.I wire of 6 SWG between support and earth electrode by providing proper size of bolts and nuts etc. as per RESPO schedule Complete in all respects. 49 Laying, Lifting and final Binding, Sagging of ACSR Weasel Conductor including fixing of all accessories as per RESPO schedule Complete in all respects. 50 Construction of new distribution 250 KVA T/F Plinth. The size of plinth shall be 2 Mtrs. long, 2 Mtrs. wide and height 1.5 Mtrs. from ground level with 15 CM thick top CC slab. The above work includes Excavation of earth, laying of bring ballast pad for foundation brick work, CC and plastering and proper curing complete with all respects as per RESPO schedule. (providing material for Plinth : Cement - 14 Bag; Fine Sand - 3; Coarse sand - 1.2; Brick Ballast - 0.45; 1st Class Bricks - 1300 Nos.; Stone Ballast - 0.4; MS channel 125x65mm - 48 Kg.; MS Twisted bar of size 20mm - 40 Kg.) 51 Mounting, installation of 250 KVA T/F on above Plinth, alongwith double earthing of the same, complete in all respect as per RESPO schedule. 52 Providing and installation ofLT ACB800 Amp. with cabinet / structure (L&T, Schneider, ABB, Hevells, PVVNL approved make) as per following specification with all relevant certificate :- 53 800 amp. 03 pole fixed manual ACB. 54 Red/yellow/blue light indication 55 ON & OFF Indication 56 Amp., Voltmeter& energy meter digital 57 Metering C.T 800/5A, 58 Panel fabrication of size 1250mm x 900mm x 600 mmmade of M.S sheet 14 gauge with powder coating with panel lock and key arrangement.(two nos). and additional locking arrangement seprately including providing hut type shape as per drg. 59 Fabrication ofaluminium bus-bar for each phases 60 Incoming size 425 mm x 50mmx12 mm (twin) 61 Out going size 720 mm x 50mm x 12 mm(twin) 62 Neutral size 900mmx50mmx12 mm. 63 Fabrication of pannel stand made of M.S Angle of size 900mm x 600mm x 500 mm as per drg. 64 Assembly of above ACB, Indicators, Meters, Metering CT & bus bar arrangment in the panel, fitting the panel on Stand with nut and boltswith wiringetc. & grouting inratio 1:4:8 with cement, coarse sand and brick blast. 65 Providing and fixing of aluminium bus bar of size 300mmx60mmx12 mm on L.T side of T/F. 66 Making all connections with ACB & Distribution T/F and commissioning the ACB complete in all respect. 67 WORK OF PROVIDING AND FIXING OF 01 NOS. NEW WIREMESH FENCING OF 11/0.4 KV L.T. SUB-STATION INSTALLED AT ABOVE PLACE AS PER FOLLOWING(All Material provided by contractor for above work.) :- 68 1. Frames of size 12X15x6 for each fencing of LT Sub-stations. (All Material provided by contractor for above work.)2. The fencing shall be fabricated out of MS angle iron of size 40x40x5 mm having 2 Nos. legs of 45 Cm. long in each frame duly welded and fixed with wire mesh of size 75mm 25mm, 10 SWG within the frame, pressed under MS flat of size 25x5 mm inside the angle iron on all four sides with the help of duly Welded along with cross bracing of 25x5 mm MS flat on every frame will be grouted in 1:2:4 cement mortar with cement, coarse sand 20 mm gauge stone ballast. 3. Every frame after Fabrication will be painted with one coat of red oxide and two coats of Green synthetic enamel paint of approved make after proper cleaning. 4. The above mentioned frame will be jointed with each other with 70 mm long MS flat of size 25x5mm by first class welding as per site.5. Fabrication and providing of wire mesh fencing frame for gate of size 4’x6’. Fabricated as per above specifications with proper locking arrangement. 69 Construction of boundry / toe wall in bottom of fencing in brick work cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) for link in the size of 0.22mx0.60m (0.30m in earth, 0.30m above ground level) including plaster in cement mortar 1:4 and finishing with water proof cement paint. (Approx construction 12 Mtrs. boundry / toe wall for each fencing of LT Sub-stations.) (All Material provided by contractor for above work) 70 PROVIDING AND INSTALLATION OF CHEMICAL EARTHING FOR 250 KVA T/F (BODY & NEUTRAL - 03 NOS.) AND ACB (01 NO.) (WITH ALL MATERIAL AND LABOUR). AS PERFOLLOWING (The all material and labour shall be provided by the contractor with 24 month guarantee for resistance value less than one OHM.) :- 71 Providing of earthing electrode :-Material Description : GI Electrode,Galvanization : 150 Micron (Min),IS Standard : IS 3043 / IEEE - 837,Short Time Current Rating kA (rms) For 1 Sec : 42 KA For 1 Sec,Dia of Electrode : 50mm,Length of Electrode : 3000mm,Weight of Electrode : 15 Kgm,Pipe Thickness : 4mm or As per IS : 1239 4mm,Inside Filling Material : Crystalline Conductive Mixture,Inner Strip : 3100 X 50 X 6 mm,Terminal Hole Dia : 16 MM.Technology : Metal Thermal Spray (Joints) ProtectionEarthing Resistance Value in Different Soil Conditions with ERIC Backfill Compound : Normal Soil - Upto 2 Ohms, Sand. Muran Soil - Upto 4 Ohms, Rock Soil - Upto 4 Ohms,Electrode Testing Cetificate : CPRI Testd.Surrounding Filling Material (ERIC):-Product : ERIC (Earth Resitance Improvement Compound),IS Standard : IS 3043/IEEE 837,Chemical Composition : Graphite, Activated Carbon, Bentonite, ETC., Resistivity Value : >0.2 Ohm Per Meter,Melting Temperature : 2500 Degree Centigrade,Specific Gravity : 2.6,PH Value of Chemical : 7-9,Solubility in water : 3.54,Colour : Light cream/Ash,Main Caution ; Sodium,Moisture Capacity at 105 Degree : 10%,Weight of Chemical used / Earthing Pit : 50 Kg,Water Absorbing Capacity : 20 Times,Environmental Effects : Eco Friendly.Test Certifictae : ROHS Certified,Thermal Stability : Testsed,Corrosion Resistance : Tested,Swell Test Certificate : Yes,Ph Value Test Certificate : Yes.Installation Parameter :-Need Hole Dia : 6-8Need Hole Depth : 3 Meter,Guarantee : 24 Month. 72 Providing and fixing of GI strip of size 32 mm x 6 mm suitable for 250 KVA distribution t/f & ACB installed at Above 11/0.4 KV L.T. Substation. 73 Providing and fixing of PVC Pit covers for above earthing electrode terminals.