Expression of Interest for Engagement of Consultant to Manage Events for the Agribiz Project SCOPE OF THE ASSIGNMENT GIZ Ghana seeks to engage a well-established firm with the requisite skills and capacity to offer to organize, manage and coordinate, about 33 key workshops and events nationwide. Area of Assignment: Ghana (Nationwide) Events: (Detailed out in ANNEX 1 of TOR) 1. PFAG Follow Up on 1V1D (2 locations) 2. ESLG Training for AWIA (2 locations) 3. VSLA-Training for VOWAN (4 locations) 4. Skills training for AWIA (2 locations) 5. Agro processing training for VOWAN (4 locations) 6. Training on organic fertilizer preparation by VOWAN (2 locations) 7. Digital Skills training for GCYE staff and Regional Leads 8. GCYE Young Entrepreneurs annual summit and expo (EVENT) 9. GCYE Follow-up on advocacy work on the start-up act (2 locations) 10. FAGE Horticulture Expo25 (EVENT) 11. Follow-up on SVCAG Export restriction Advocacy 12. Follow-up on SVCAG National Soya Strategy Advocacy 13. DAA Aquaculture training 14. 2025 International Rural Womens Day (EVENT) 15. EDFAG Training on Advanced Equipment Design and Innovation, Quality Assurance and Compliance, Sustainability and Material Management (2 locations) 16. Gender Makes Business Sense 17. VSLA training for SVCAG (5 locations) Tender Link :
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The Procurement Unit GIZ Ghana No. 7 Volta Street, Airport Residential Area, Accra P.O. Box KA 9698, Accra
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