Supply Of Items And Equipment For Physics And Chemistry Laboratory At Government Polytechnic College, Jatara Supply Of Items And Equipment For Physics And Chemistry Laboratory At Government Polytechnic College, Jatara , List Of Physics Items And Equipment , Vernier Callipers , Beaker 100 Ml , Magnifying Glass , Screw Gauge , Meter Scale , Spherometer , Big Size Plane Mirror (Std Size) , Triangle And Parallelogram (Gravesands Apparatus) , Weight Of 20 Gram (5 Set) , Weight Of 50 Gram (5 Set) , Spring , Hook Law Apparatus , Flywheel , Stop Watch , Cylindrical Glass Jar , Steel Balls 5Mm (1Packet) , Steel Balls 10 Mm (1Packet) , Steel Balls 20 Mm (1Packet) , Clamp With Stand , Mercury Thermometer Range 0-360 Degree Celsius , Resistor - 5Ohm (1 Packet) , Ammeter Up To 3 Amp , Four Dry Cell- 1.5 V , Battery Eliminator , Meter Bridge 12*100*50 Mm , Galvano Meter 300 V , Rheostat , Resistance Box (Low& High) 10 To 100 Ohm , Sand Paper , Pulley Z 12*11*5.5 Cm , Newtons Cradle Apparatus , Stock Law Apparatus Tubelight 1 M , Pullengers Apparatus (Linear Expansion) , Clamp With Retort Stand (With 2 Holder) , Pendulum , Cantilever , Ultrasonic Interferometer , Wooden Drawing Board , Rectangular Glass Slab , Drawing Pins (Packet) , Convex Lens Focal Length 20 Cm , Concave Lens Fl-20 Cm , Lens Holder 1.5 M , Optical Bench , Voltmeter , Cell Holder -5 V 10*10*3 Cm , Meter Bridge , Battery 9 Watt , Battery 6 Watt , One-Way Keys , Two-Way Keys , Diode 10 Amp-50 Amp , Photo Cell 60W, 100Ma , Lamp/ Light Source 10W Halogen Bulb , Diffraction Grating Screen 500 Lpo , Prism , Mercury (1000 Gram) , Kirchoffs Apparatus 5-12V , Multi Meter (Semas 830L) , Ohm Law Apparatus 20 Ohm , Convex Mirror 2Mm , Concavemirror 2 Mm , Fortins Barometer Diameter 10Mm , Glycerine , Glass Slab , Electrical Vibrator 0.38 Kw Speed 1440 , List Of Chemistry Items And Equipment , 250 Ml. Beaker , 100 Ml Beaker , 250 Ml Measuring Flask , 100 Ml Measuring Cylinder , Burette Stand , Pipette 25 Ml , Conical Flask 100 Ml , Conical Flask 250 Ml , Volumetric Flask 250Ml , Volumetric Flask 100 Ml , Standard Flask 250 Ml , Measuring Jar 500 Ml , Round Bottle Flask 250 Ml , Test Tube , Test Tube Stand , Test Tube Brush , Wire Gauze 6X6 Inch , Wash Bottle , Glass Rod , Funnel , Funnel Stand , Weighing Bottle , Distilled Water 5 Ltr , Copper Metal 100 Gm , Tongs , Silica Crucible , Lubricating Oil , Stop Watch , Mercury Thermometer Range 0-360 Degree Celsius , Ignition Lighter , Eye Protection Specs , Filter Paper , Electronic Balance , Electric Oven , Muffle Furnace , Conductivity Meter With Electrode/ Atc Probe , Magnetic Stirrer With Stirring Bead , Photo Calorimeter , Bunsen Burner With Stopcock Brass Pipe , Graphite Electrode 5Mm Diameter X2 , Retort Stand & Clamp To Hold Electrode , Leads & Crocodile Clips , Copper Stirrups X2 , Small Piece Of Emery Paper , Ammeter (0-500 Ma) , Cuvette , Zinc Plate 2*10 Cm , Copper Plate 2*10 Cm , Ph Meter , Connecting Wires , Zinc Wire/Electrode , Copper Wire / Electrode , Filter Paper Packet , Rubber Bulb , Sand Paper (Emery Paper) , Gypsum , Watch Glass 32 Mm , Dropper 05 Ml , Litmus Paper Blue , Litmus Paper Red , Ph Paper Pkt. , Reagent Bottle , Gloves , Spatula , Zinc Granules 500 Gram , Oxalic Acid 500 Gram , Sodium Hydroxide 500 Gram , Methyl Orange Indicator 500 Ml , Potassium Permanganate 500 Gram , Potassium Iodide 500 Gram , Sodium Thio Sulphate 500 Gram , Potassium Dichromate 500 Gram , Copper Sulphate 500 Gram , Acetic Acid 500 Ml , Nitric Acid 500 Ml , Sulphuric Acid 500 Ml , Starch 500 Gram , Taluene 500 Ml , Ethanol 500 Ml , Diethyle Ether 500 Ml , Potassium Hydroxide 500 Gram , Coconut Oil 500 Ml , Standard Edta Solution 500 Ml , Buffer Solution Ph10 500 Ml , Potassium Chloride 500 Gram , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate 500 Gram , Potassium Thiocyanate 500 Ml , Ammonium Thiocyanate 500 Ml , Hydrochloric Acid 500 Ml , Potassium Nitrate 500 Ml , Zinc Sulphate 500 Gram , Eriochrome Black T Indicator 500 Ml , Calcium Standard Solution 500 Ml , Agar Agarpowder 100 Gm