Tenders Are Invited For Maintenance And Plating Of The Garbage Compactor Box, Including The Repair Of The Hy ... in Syria
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Maintenance And Plating Of The Garbage Compactor Box, Including The Repair Of The Hydraulic Circuit, Upholstering Of The Drivers Cabin, And Performing General Maintenance.
Tenders are Invited for Maintenance and Plating of the Garbage Compactor Box, including the Repair of the Hydraulic Circuit, Upholstering of the Drivers Cabin, and Performing General Maintenance." Municipality of Qudsaya Displaced Persons Gatherings Announcement of a Request for Price Offers for the First Time The Last Date for Receiving Offers is the End of the Working Day on Tuesday 11/26/2024. Offers will be Opened the Next Day at Ten in the Morning in the Municipality Building. Implementation of the following Project at the Expense of the Independent Budget in Quneitra Governorate According to the Technical and Legal Specifications. Project Name Initial Insurance Implementation Period File Price Maintenance and Plating of a Garbage Compactor Box with Repair of a Hydraulic Circuit, Upholstery of the Drivers Room, and General Maintenance According to the Technical Specifications 3,000,000 Lbp. Only Three Million Syrian Pounds, No More than 15 Days 100,000 Syrian Pounds Final Guarantees are Paid by Certified Check, Bank Guarantee or Cash in the Municipality Fund Final Guarantees of 10% of the Referral Value are Kept by the Administration Late Penalty of 0.01% One Per Thousand for each Day of Delay Duration of the Bidders Commitment to His Offer 30 Days Starting from the Day following the End of the Bids Duration of the Candidates Commitment to His Offer /120/ Days One Hundred and Twenty Days Starting from the Day following His Written Notification of the Referral of the Pledge to Him Those Who Wish to Participate must Submit Their Offer to the Municipality of Qudsaya Displaced Gatherings in a Large Envelope Bearing the Name of the Bidder and the Subject of the Advertisement and Containing Three Envelopes. The First: Contains the Subscription Request with Financial Stamps /100,000/ Syp. Only One Hundred Thousand Syrian Pounds According to a Receipt Paid to the Finance Directorate. The Second: Contains the Technical Offer The Third: Contains the Financial Offer The File can be Purchased or Viewed at the Municipality of Qudsaya Displaced Gatherings 94116 [Disclaimer: The above Text is Machine Translated. For Accurate Information Kindly Refer the Original Document.] Tender Link : elan.gov.sy
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