Supply Of Equipments, Lenins And Furnitures Under Cphc-Uhc Program For Bangalore Rural District Hwc Fy 2023-24 - Cheatles Forceps..,Stethooscope..,Mouth Mirror..,Stadiometer..,Vulsellium..,Examination-Table..,Foam Mattresses-For Examination Table..,Cord Cutting Scissors..,Instrument Tray-With Cover..,U P S..,Sponge Holding Forceps..,Plain (Tissue) Forceps..,Toothed Forceps..,Kidney Tray Big..,Led Torch..,Measuring Tape..,Digital Thermometer..,Snellen Near Vision Chart..,Near Vision Chart..,Tongue-Depressor..,Mouth Gag..,Plastic Chairs-For Patient Waiting Area..,Dust Bins -Yellow.,Dust Bins - Black Or White.,Fire Extinguisher-4.5 Litres..,Sims Retractor.,Kelly S Hemostat Forceps Straight 140 Mm Ss.,Cusco - Graves Speculum Medium.,Artery Forceps - Straight.,Artery Forceps - Curved.,Dressing Forceps(Spring Type), 160 Mm, Stainless Steel.,Ambu Bag (Paediatric Size) With Baby Mask.,Tuning Fork (512).,Office Chair - S Type With Bottom And Back Cushion.,Office Ms Table - 4X2 With One Storage Draw.,Steel Almirah 22 Gauge Body And 24 Gauge Door - 6 Feet Height.,Steel Stool For Attendants (Revolving) With 3 Legged Powder Coated Base Stand.,Bed Sheet For Examination Tables.,Dust Bins - Blue.