Tenders Are Invited For Construction And Furnishing Of Two Community Classrooms In Deir Moz Village, Al-Raqa ... in Yemen
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Construction And Furnishing Of Two Community Classrooms In Deir Moz Village, Al-Raqaya District, Al-MarawAh District, Al-Hodeidah Governorate
Tenders are invited for Construction and Furnishing of Two Community Classrooms in Deir Moz Village, Al-Raqaya District, Al-Marawah District, Al-Hodeidah Governorate Fees in Riyals: 8000/-. Bid Validity Period: 90 Days Warranty validity Giving: 120 Days Guarantee value: $ 900/-. 1. Tender documents can be obtained from the headquarters of the Social Fund for Development, Hodeidah Branch, the commercial district behind . Omar Bin Abdul Aziz School - next to Al-Subhi Park - Hael Saeed Mosque, Hodeidah - Republic of Yemen, P.O. Box: , Complaints toll-free number 8009800 4897, Telephone: 03208198 - 03239371, Fax: 03214835 during official working hours for a non-refundable fee as stated above and according to the addresses stated below. 2. The bid shall be submitted in a above for opening the envelopes at the following sealed envelope sealed with red wax, with the project name and tender number written on it, on or before the deadline specified address: Social Fund for Development. Hodeidah Branch Commercial District Behind Omar Bin Abdul Aziz School - Next to Al-Subhi Park - Hael Saeed Mosque, Hodeidah - Republic of Yemen, P.O. Box: 4897, Tel: 03208198 - 03239371, Fax: 03214835, Complaints No. 8009800. 3. Envelopes will be opened at the Social Fund for Development headquarters. Hodeidah Branch Commercial District Behind Omar Bin Abdul Aziz School - Next to Al-Subhi Park - Hael Saeed Mosque, Hodeidah - Republic of Yemen, P.O. Box: 4897, Tel: 1. The bid validity period is as specified above, and any bid submitted in a different currency will be excluded. 12. The bid shall be submitted in the currency mentioned above. 13. The employer is not obligated to accept the lowest bid or any other bid. 14. The announcement can be viewed on the Social Fund for Development website www.sfd-yemen.org .15 The bidder must, at his own expense, visit the site before submitting his bid and shall bear the responsibility for not visiting the site. .16 The process of selling tender documents will stop seven days before the date of opening the envelopes as specified in the tender document. For inquiries regarding the sale of envelopes, contact the following: Social Fund for Development, Hodeidah Branch, Commercial District, Behind Omar Bin Abdul Aziz School - Next to Al-Subhi Park - Hael Saeed Mosque, Hodeidah - Republic of Yemen, P.O. Box: 4897, Tel: 03208198 - 03239371, Fax: 03214835, [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.sfd-yemen.org/ar/content/31/183
Contact Information
Hodeidah Branch Commercial District Behind Omar Bin Abdul Aziz School - Next to Al-Subhi Park - Hael Saeed Mosque, Hodeidah - Republic of Yemen, P.O. Box: 4897, Tel: +967-3208198 - 03239371, Fax: +967-3214835
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