Supply Of Radio Diagnostics And Interventional Items For Jorhat Medical College And Hospital, Jorhat , Radio Diagnostic And Interventional Items With Specifications , Dry View Film (Kodak)14X17 , Dry View Film (Kodak) 8X10 , X-Ray Film12x15 , X-Ray Film 12X12 , X-Ray Film 10X12 , X-Ray Film 8X10 , X-Ray Film 6.5X8.5 , C.R. Film ( Dry Film) (Kodak/Agfa) 14X17 , C.R. Film ( Dry Film) (Kodak/Agfa) 10X12 , C.R. Film ( Dry Film) (Kodak/Agfa) 8X10 , C.R. Film ( Dry Film) (Fuji) 14X17 , C.R. Film ( Dry Film) (Fuji)10X12 , C.R. Film ( Dry Film) (Fuji)8X10 , Mammography Film (Agfa) 10X12 , Usg /Echo. Roll (Normal) , Usg /Echo.Roll (High Gloss) , Usg /Echo. Lamination Sheet , Usg Jelly (250Ml) , Developer (9Ltr.) , Developer (13.5Ltr.) , Developer (22.5Ltr.) , Fixer (9Ltr.) , Fixer (13.5Ltr.) , Fixer (22.5Ltr.) , Iv Contrast For Ct (Iohexol) 300 Mg – 50 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Iohexol) 300 Mg – 100 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Iohexol) 350 Mg – 50 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Iohexol) 350 Mg – 100 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Iodixanol) 320Mg -100 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Iodixanol)320Mg -50 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Ipromide) 300 Mg – 50 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Ipromide) 300 Mg – 100 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Ipromide) 370 Mg – 50 Ml , Iv Contrast For Ct (Ipromide) 370 Mg – 100 Ml , Iv Contrast Conray 43%/60% – 20 Ml , Iv Contrast Urographin 60%/76% – 20 Ml , Iv Contrast For Mriinjection (Gadobuprol 1Molar) 5 Ml , Iv Contrast For Mriinjection (Gadobuprol 1Molar) 10 Ml , Iv Contrast For Mriinjection (Dimeglumine Gadopentetate) 10 Ml , Barium Sulphate 5 Kg , Barium (Microbar) Suspension 1Ltr , X-Ray Cassette ( Kiran/Rki) Withintensifying Screen (Green 400)12X15 , X-Ray Cassette ( Kiran/Rki) Withintensifying Screen (Green 400)12X12 , X-Ray Cassette ( Kiran/Rki) Withintensifying Screen (Green 400)10X12 , X-Ray Cassette ( Kiran/Rki) Withintensifying Screen (Green 400) 8X10 , X-Ray Cassette ( Kiran/Rki) Withintensifying Screen (Green 400)6 ½ X 8 ½ , X-Ray Intensifying Screen (Green 400)12X15 , X-Ray Intensifying Screen (Green 400)12X12 , X-Ray Intensifying Screen (Green 400)10X12 , X-Ray Intensifying Screen (Green 400)8X10 , X-Ray Intensifying Screen (Green 400)6 ½ X 8 ½ , X-Ray Cassette With Screen/Fitted (800 Speed)14X17 , X-Ray Cassette With Screen/Fitted (800 Speed)12X15 , X-Ray Cassette With Screen/Fitted (800 Speed)14X17 , Cr Cassete With Plate Agfa (Adcom Cas+Plate Md40) , Cr Cassete With Plate (Adcom Cas+Plate Md40) 10X12 , Cr Cassete With Plate (Adcom Cas+Plate Md40) 8X10 , Mammography Cr Cassette (Agfa) 10X12 , Lead Divider 6X15 , Lead Divider7x17 , Lead Letter (Alphabet) A-Z , Lead Nos. (Numerical)0-9 , Lead Apron , Lead Protective Screen 6X3 , Lead Goggles (Standard Size) , Lead Gloves (Standard Size) , Gonadal Shield (Male) Standard Size , Gonadal Shield (Female) , Thyroid Shield (Standard Size) , Tank (Developing) 9Ltr , Tank (Developing) 13.5Ltr , Tank (Developing) 22.5Ltr , Tank (Developing) 27 Ltr , Stationery Grid 6X1 , Chest Stand (Wall Type) , Chest Stand (Floor Type) , Dark Room Safe Light , X-Ray Pass Box , Dry Cabinet (X-Ray Film Drier) , X-Ray Drying Clip , X-Ray Reporting Formats & All Other Necessary Printing Items Of Radiology Department (A-4) , X-Ray Reporting Formats & All Other Necessary Printing Items Of Radiology Department (Fs) , Pigtail Catheter (16 Size) , Pigtail Catheter (18 Size) , Pigtail Catheter (21 Size) , Ecg Roll 50Mm X 20M Size , Ecg Roll210 Mm X 20M Size , Ecg Roll80 Mm X 20M Size , Enema Can , Puncture Needle (Single Wall 21 G & 22G) , Puncture Needle (Trocar Needle 21 G & 22G) , Puncture Needle (Chiba Needle 21 G & 22G) , Spinal Needle (18 G) , Micropuncture Systems (Microwire 0.018 Inch) , Micropuncture Systems (Coaxial Dilator) , Micropuncture Systems (Micropuncture Needle 21 G) , Co-Axial Dialator , Guidewire (0.010-0.038 Inch) Acess Wire , Guidewire (0.010-0.038 Inch)Maneuvre Wire , Guidewire (0.010-0.038 Inch) Rail Wires (Stifer) (Amplatz And Rosen Wire) , Floopy Tip And Stiffer Rosen Wire – J Shape , Vascular Sheath & Inner Dilator (8F-Inner Diameter) (2F Larger Than The Sheath) , Non Selective Flush Catheter , Selective Flush Catheters- Size- 3F=1 Mm (Outer Diameter) , Flush Pigtail Catheter , Straight Flush Catheter , Cobra-1 Catheters , Mickelson Cather , Bard/Maxcore Biopsy Gun 14 G , Bard/Maxcore Biopsy Gun 16 G , Bard/Maxcore Biopsy Gun 18 G , Bard/Maxcore Biopsy Gun 20 G , Maxcore Biopsy Gun 22 G , Vab Gun (Encore Vab Gun 10 G, Product Code Ecp 0110G Description : Encor Probe) , Vab Gun (3 Way Extension 150 Cm) , Vab Gun (3 Way Extension 200 Cm) , Vab Gun (Three Way Cannula) , Vab Gun (True Guide Co-Axial Needle (Complitable With Maxcore Biopsy Gun) , View Box (Led) , View Box (Led) , Lead Protective Screen 6X3 , Hanger 14X17 , Hanger 12X15 , Hanger 12X12 , Hanger 10X12 , Hanger 8X10 , Hanger 6½X8½ , Lead Sheet Head Glass 6X3 , Iv Contrast For Mriinjection (Dimeglumine Gadopentetate) 20 Ml , Iv Contrast For Mriinjection (Gadoteric Acid 0.5Mmol) 20 Ml , Iv Contrast For Mriinjection (Gadodiamide 0.5Mmol) 10Ml , Iv Contrast For Mriinjection (Gadodiamide 0.5Mmol) 20 Ml , Iv Contrast For Mriinjection (Gadoteric Acid 0.5Mmol) 10 Ml , Usg Jelly(5000Ml) , Usg /Echo.Lamination Folder , C.R. Film ( Dry Film) (Kodak/Agfa) 12X12 , X-Ray Film 14X17 , X-Ray Despatch Bag/Envelop (15X18) , X-Ray Despatch Bag/Envelop (10X12)