Tenders are invited for Evaluation of Three Infrastructure Projects on Irrigation and Drinking Water Supply in Ishkashim District of Tajikistan. Closing Date: 13 Nov 2024 Type: Consultancy Themes: Agriculture/Water Sanitation Hygiene The impact evaluation of three infrastructure projects in rural areas of the Ishkashim district in Tajikistan, financed and implemented under the Tajik-Afghan Cross Border Programme of the PATRIP Foundation, is conducted primarily for learning and to provide recommendations for new projects/ programmes with a multi-sector approach in a defined target area. A second purpose is, to hold accountable to the donor PATRIP Foundation and to contribute to the learning and development of the PATRIP Foundation programming as same as to inform PATRIPs back financing donor KfW on specific programme indicators of the PATRIP Programme Result Framework. The projects have been implemented with local partners of the Civil Society and have a ratio of appr. 85% infrastructure and 15% soft components. Projects to be evaluated: Efficient irrigation structure in Ishkashim border area (rehabilitation of exitisting but depilated irrigation infrastrcuture) (started in 2020, ongoing till 12/2025), 1,275,000 EUR budget Energizing Development in the Ishkashim border area (solar powered irrigation to turn barren land into arable land) (started in 2021, ends in 12/2024,) 1,098,000 EUR budget Safe drinking water supply in the Ishkashim border area (Construction of drinking water systems) (started in 2021, ends in 12/2024), 704,000 EUR budge Required expertise The evaluator team shall have min. 5 years of practical experience with evaluations and shall have conducted min. two evaluations on programme level or in a multi-project/ sector setting as lead evaluator. Strong working knowledge of agriculture, productive renewable energy and WASH is required, preferably in the target region, minimum in Tajikistan, proven with a respective team composition English, Russian/ Tajik is required on working proficiency, local languages of the target region an asset. Proven experiences with gender-responsive / transformative planning, monitoring and evaluation in lead or as evaluation team member in min. 2 previous conducted evaluations are required. How to apply Applicants (consultant teams/ companies) have to provide: A technical and financial offer The technical part of the offer should include reference to the perceived feasibility of the ToR. (If required, including suggestions for specific evaluation questions.) It should also include a brief description of the overall design and methodology of the evaluation and a workplan/adaptations to the workplan at hand (maximum 4 pages). The financial part includes a proposed budget for the complete evaluation. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective VAT, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and other costs (e.g. visa costs). Proof of professional registration and taxation is also required (e.g. by providing the evaluator(s) tax number). CV with references. Declaration of undertaking The financial part does need to include travel costs, accommodation and per diems. All insurances are the responsibility of the evaluator(s) Soft copies of relevant documents will be provided by Welthungerhilfe Welthungerhilfe / local partner staff will facilitate community entry and contacts to other interviewees. Material for workshop facilitation will be provided by Welthungerhilfe Laptops need to be provided by the evaluator(s). Offers have to be signed or should include the phrase valid without signature: Offers will be accepted by individual consultants, commercial companies, NGOs and academics until the fill in date. Contact details: Offers shall be submitted via email to Welthungerhilfe to the email address below latest until November 13th, 2024 midnight. Detailed ToR and all annexes (Logframes, and templates for reporting as per WHH standard) will be send upon request. Contact: rb.tjk.dushanbe@whh.de; in copy: Saidjon Sharipov, Head of Logistics/ Procurement (Saidjon.sharipov@welthungerhilfe.de) Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4107019/evaluation-three-infrastructure-projects-irrigation-and-drinking-water-supply-ishkashim-district-tajikistan
Contact Information
Bukhoro St. 2a, Dushanbe, Tajikistan Attn: Saidjon Sharipov
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