Tenders are invited for Computers and Computer Printers, Photocopiers, Typewriters, Roneo Machines, Fax Machines, Scanners Applications should be accompanied by a receipt for the payment of non refundable fee of Rs. 1,500.00 (along with government approved taxes) by cash made to the Shroff of the Municipal Council or by Cheque or Money Order drawn in favour of the Municipal Commissioner, Municipal Council, Nuwara Eliya or the receipt (Bank Deposit Slip) received for crediting to the Collection Account No. 134-1002-400-17-534 of the Municipal Council maintained with the Peoples Bank. Tender Link : https://tenders.lk/site/tenders/view_tender?tender_id=515624&slug=nuwara-eliya-municipal-council-registration-of-suppliers-2025
Contact Information
K.K.G.I.D.P. Wijethilake Municipal Commissioner Municipal Council, Nuwara Eliya. Tel. No. (052-2222183)
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