Tenders are invited for Procurement and Supply of Assorted Furniture for 6no. Basic Schools (250pcs Dual Desk, 20-Set of Teachers Tables &Chairs.) Closing Date: 06th November, 2024 Price of Tender Document: Gh¢500.00 No. of Lots: 1 Tender Description: Procurement and supply of Assorted Furniture for 6No. Basic Schools (250pcs Dual Desk, 20-set of Teachers Tables &Chairs.) Additional Information: The Zabzugu District Assembly now invites sealed tenders from eligible Tenderers for the supply and Construction of the above goods and Works. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Tendering (NCT) procedures specified in the Public Procurement Act, 663 (2003) as amended and the guidelines of the Public Procurement Authority of the Republic of Ghana. 3. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from the office of the District Chief Executive , Zabzugu District Assembly and inspect the tender documents at the address given below from 0900hrs to 1700 hrs. GMT during working days. 4. Tender document may be purchased from the Finance Unit during working hours (09:00 Hours 17:00 Hours GMT) from Monday to Friday at the address stated below for a non-refundable fee of Five Hundred Ghana Cedis (GH¢500) only for the set. The document will be obtained personally and with an application letter. Tenderers are advised to use the address stated below for obtaining information, inspecting and purchasing of tender document and submission. 5. Completed Tenders must be sealed and deposited into the Tender Box located at the address below at or before 10:00 Hours GMT on Wednesday 6th November, 2024 after which time the bids will be opened in the presence of Tenderers or their representatives who may choose to be present at the Conference Hall of the Zabzugu District Assembly. 6. Tenders are to submit their completed bids with: Valid GRA Tax Clearance Certificate. Valid SSNIT Clearance Certificate. Valid VAT Registration Certificate, (For Goods). Valid Labour Certificate (works) Works and Housing Certificate (D3 and K3) (works) Valid Business Registration Certificate Valid Registration Certificate from PPA 7. Tenders shall be valid for 90 days after the deadline of the tender submission. All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of amount stated in the table above for each lot. Late Tenderers will be rejected. Source of Funds: District Development Fund (DDF) Tender Link : https://tenders.ppa.gov.gh/tenders/31549
Contact Information
Opposite Zabzugu Hospital Address: Box 1. City: Zabzugu Region: Northern Region Country; Ghana Nothern Region Zabzugu District Tel: +233-372095624/0372095589/0372095604
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