Tenders are invited for Development of the Vanuatu National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and six Provincial Adaptation Plans (PAPs). SCOPE OF WORK: The successful execution of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is closely interconnected with the development of Provincial Adaptation Plans (PAPs). The National Adaptation Plan establishes the overarching national priorities, frameworks, and strategies, while the Provincial Adaptation Plans provide a localized application that reflects the unique vulnerabilities and needs of each province. Therefore, the consultancy must ensure that both the NAP and PAPs are aligned and mutually reinforcing, creating a cohesive adaptation strategy that effectively addresses climate resilience across all levels of governance in Vanuatu. In this context, the consultant must demonstrate that the tasks for developing the NAP and PAPs are not isolated but are interlinked, with each task contributing to a harmonized and comprehensive approach to adaptation planning. The consultant is responsible for ensuring that activities under each task complement one another to build a robust foundation for national and provincial resilience, in line with both national policies and community-level priorities. The Consultant will be responsible for developing the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and six Provincial Adaptation Plans (PAPs), as well as organizing validation workshops and facilitating stakeholder engagement. The scope of work includes the following activities: Task 1. Development of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Activity 1.1: Draft NAP Document i. Review and integrate existing climate adaptation reports, enhanced NDC, and data from previous projects (e.g., Vanuatu Coastal Adaptation Project (VCAP), the Vanuatu Community-based Climate Resilience Project (VCCRP)) and other government policy documents. ii. Develop the draft NAP document based on Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessments (CRVAs), including sectoral analysis for agriculture, water, infrastructure, and tourism. iii. Ensure the NAP integrates gender-responsive and socially inclusive adaptation measures. Activity 1.2 : Validation Workshop for NAP i. Organize a national validation workshop to present the draft NAP to key stakeholders (e.g., government agencies, private sector, NGOs). ii. Facilitate discussions to solicit feedback, ensuring the NAP reflects the priorities and concerns of all stakeholders. Activity1.3 Finalization and Submission of NAP i. Develop briefing notes and presentations for National Advisory Board and facilitate the NAB approval process such as answering questions from the NAB and its technical working groups ii. Incorporate feedback from the validation workshop into the final NAP document. iii. Submit the finalized NAP to MCCA leadership for approval and onward submission to the UNFCCC. Task 2. Development of Provincial Adaptation Plans (PAPs) for all six provinces ( Malampa, Penama, Sanma, Shefa, Tafea, and Torba) Activity2.1 .: Assessment of Existing Provincial Adaptation Plans i. Conduct a review of existing adaptation-related plans and policies at the provincial level to identify synergies, gaps, and misalignments with national frameworks. ii. Evaluate climate vulnerabilities in each province based on risk assessments Activity 2.2 : Consultative Sessions for PAP Development i. Organize stakeholder consultations in each province to identify local adaptation priorities, ensuring gender-sensitive and inclusive processes. ii. Engage with provincial governments, local communities, and sectoral representatives to gather input for PAP development. Activity 2.3 : Validation Workshops for PAPs i. Hold six (6) validation workshops with provincial stakeholders to present findings from vulnerability assessments and draft PAPs. ii. Identify and prioritize adaptation measures for each province through participatory processes. Activity 2.4: Guidance Notes on PAP Prioritization i. Develop guidance notes that outline the prioritization process for PAPs, incorporating feedback from the validation workshops. ii. Upload guidance notes to the National Advisory Board (NAB) portal for public access. Activity 2.5: Finalization of PAPs i. Prepare and finalize six (6) PAPs, incorporating vulnerability assessments and stakeholder input. ii. Ensure that each PAP includes gender-segregated participation data, action plans, and a timeline for implementation. iii. Develop briefing notes and presentations for National Advisory Board on each Provincial Adaptation Plan and facilitate the NAB approval process such as answering questions from the NAB and its technical working groups Activity 2.6 : PAP Handover and Launch Events i. Organize six (6) handover events to launch the PAPs and ensure buy-in from provincial stakeholders. ii. Engage local media and community representatives to raise awareness about the PAPs. Task 3. Development of Adaptation Finance Costing Plan and Roadmap for NAP and PAPs Activity 3.1 Develop Adaptation Finance Costing Plan and Roadmap i. The Consultant will be responsible for quantifying the funding needs required for the implementation of both the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and the six Provincial Adaptation Plans (PAPs). ii. The Consultant should identify and outline potential funding sources, including public, private, and international financing options, such as Green Climate Fund (GCF), development banks, and other partners. iii. The roadmap should provide a comprehensive financial strategy, including short-, medium-, and long-term actions for securing funding for prioritized adaptation activities. Activity 3.2: Convene Forums for Donors and Sponsors i. Organize and facilitate two (2) forums aimed at bringing together potential donors and sponsors to discuss the funding of prioritized climate change adaptation actions. ii. The Consultant should prepare relevant presentations and materials to showcase the adaptation finance needs and opportunities, based on the costing plan and roadmap developed. iii. Reports summarizing outcomes, key agreements, and next steps for potential funding collaborations will be prepared and submitted to GGGI. Task 4. Ensuring Synergies between NAP and PAPs Activity 4.1: Identifying and Strengthening Synergies i. Conduct a detailed analysis to identify synergies between the NAP and PAPs, ensuring that local adaptation measures inform and strengthen the national plan and vice versa. ii. Develop a framework for the continuous alignment and integration of PAPs into the NAP, ensuring that provincial-level insights and adaptations directly influence national policy revisions. Activity 4.2: Stakeholder Engagement on Synergies i. Organize a workshop to discuss the identified synergies between the NAP and PAPs with key stakeholders, including provincial and national government representatives, NGOs, and community leaders. ii. Document stakeholder feedback and refine the approaches to strengthen interconnections between the NAP and PAPs. Activity 4.3: Integration into NAP Readiness i. Collaborate with GGGI teams working on NAP Readiness to ensure that synergies between NAP and PAPs are integrated into readiness activities. ii. Develop a report detailing how PAPs influence and enhance the NAP, which can be used as a reference for future adaptation planning and the closing report. Activity 4.4: Closing Report on Synergies i. Prepare a section for the closing report that comprehensively discusses the synergies between NAP and PAPs, highlighting how provincial adaptations have informed national strategies. ii. Ensure the report emphasizes the interdependency of NAP and PAPs and provides recommendations for maintaining these synergies in future adaptation efforts. HOW TO OBTAIN THE DOCUMENTS: Documents can be accessed via the e-Green Procurement Portal by selecting View Details on the relevant notice and then clicking the Tender Application button. If you are a new supplier, you will be required to register your details. If you have an existing account, you will need to login to the portal. Please refer to the guidance documents under the `Supplier Guidance` area of the portal for further information. ONLINE TENDER MANAGEMENT: Once in the Tender Management Area for the tender, there are five possible tabs: Tender, `Tender Documents`, Correspondence, Clarifications and History. Select the 2nd tab (`Tender Documents`) where you will find useful information regarding the RFP. Scroll down to the heading Tender Documents Received where you will be able to view / download the documents. OPTING IN & OPTING OUT: Please note that you may be required to Opt In before you can start populating your response. The Opt Out functionality will also be available throughout the duration of the tender process. Opting out will give you the option of declaring you no longer want to receive any further communication in relation to this tender along with the opportunity of providing comments and feedback for this decision. You can choose to Opt In at any time during the tender process if you initially decided to Opt Out. SUBMITTING YOUR RESPONSE VIA THE PORTAL: Please note that you may be required to Opt In to be able to submit a response through the portal. Tenderers will be required to upload any mandatory Placeholders (i.e., specified documents) within the `Tender Documents` tab. The ability to attach additional documents may also be available. Your proposal will not be submitted until you click `Submit Return`, located towards the bottom of the screen. On clicking `Submit Return`, you will receive a receipt confirming that your proposal has been submitted to GGGI Tender Link : https://in-tendhost.co.uk/gggi/aspx/Tenders/Current