Tenders Are Invited For Printing Works (Visiting Cards, Invitation Cards, Annual Reports, Leaflet, Banners, ... in Sri Lanka
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Printing Works (Visiting Cards, Invitation Cards, Annual Reports, Leaflet, Banners, Letter Heads, T-Shirt, Mug, Brochure, Etc.)
Tenders are invited for Printing Works (Visiting Cards, Invitation Cards, Annual Reports, Leaflet, Banners, Letter Heads, T-Shirt, Mug, Brochure, etc.). -refundable registration fee of Rupees Four Thousand (Rs. 4,000.00) per category is payable by way of a Pay Order or Bank Draft issued in favour of Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited or by cash and the receipt for payment or Bank draft should be attached to the application. The Bank Draft / Pay Order should he valid at least for 90 days. Money Orders are not accepted. Tender Link : https://tenders.lk/site/tenders/view_tender?tender_id=514793&slug=airport-aviation-services-sri-lanka-private-limited-registration-of-suppliers-for-the-years-2025-2026
Contact Information
Head or Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Division, Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited, Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake Telephone Nos. 011-2264106/011-2264103
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Warm Greetings from TenderDetail.com !!
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