Tenders are invited for Supply of Uniforms - Sarees. -refundable registration fee of Rupees Four Thousand (Rs. 4,000.00) per category is payable by way of a Pay Order or Bank Draft issued in favour of Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited or by cash and the receipt for payment or Bank draft should be attached to the application. The Bank Draft / Pay Order should he valid at least for 90 days. Money Orders are not accepted. Tender Link : https://tenders.lk/site/tenders/view_tender?tender_id=514793&slug=airport-aviation-services-sri-lanka-private-limited-registration-of-suppliers-for-the-years-2025-2026
Contact Information
Head or Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Division, Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited, Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake Telephone Nos. 011-2264106/011-2264103
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