Tenders Are Invited For Lot 1. Milling Machine; Lot 2. Grouting Machine; Lot 3. Raismus Machine; Lot 4. Form ... in Ukraine
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Lot 1. Milling Machine; Lot 2. Grouting Machine; Lot 3. Raismus Machine; Lot 4. Format-Cutting Machine; Lot 5. Miter Saw; Lot 6. Drilling And Grooving Machine; Lot 7. Aspiration; Lot 8. Disc-Belt Grinding Machine
Holzmann Fs 300 Milling Machine, Mast Holztechnik F300 Jointing Machine, Mast Holztechnik R400 Reaming Machine, Mast H-Rs305 Vf3200 Standart Forming And Cutting Machine, Holzmann Kap 305 Jl Miter Saw, Holzmann Lbm 290 Drilling And Grooving Machine, Mast Holztechnik H-As3900 Aspiration -3, Holzmann Bt 1220 Top Belt Sanding Machine
Contact Information
80381, Україна, Львівська Область, Жовківський Район, С. Малехів
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