Tenders are invited for Lighting Devices and Electrical and Electricity for Maintenance Work in the Border Center Tartus governorate Announcement of a tender for the second time in total speed The governorate of Tartus announces its need to implement the maintenance project of metal barriers and secure lighting devices and electrical ladder for the maintenance work required at the border crossing Center in accordance with the specifications specified in the technical conditions Book prepared for this purpose and wishes to secure this through a tender Offers are offered until the end of the official working day from Wednesday, located in 16 / 10 / 2024 to the Office of the governor and prefer the offers at exactly ten oclock in the morning of the next day, located in 17 / 10 / 2024 Estimated disclosure value /29831310 / L x Initial insurance 5 % of the estimated disclosure value Final insurance 10% of the referral value Duration of execution /45 / day The delay fine is one thousand for each day of delay The exhibitor stays connected to his show /90 / days The contractor must be classified according to the latest certified classification decision The offers are submitted accompanied by all the necessary supporting papers stipulated in Article /11 / of the contracts Law No. 51 of 2004 and a document proving participation in the official announcements Bulletin. the bids can be reviewed by the governorate-Contracts Department to view the book of conditions and purchase the strike for an amount of /100000/LX during official working hours [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : elan.gov.sy
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