Tenders are invited for Single Phase Generating Set 3 KVA Gasoline Fuel Armed Forces Signal Department ((Announcement of a call for tenders for the fifth time)) The Chairman of the Armed Forces Signal Management Tender Committee announces the need of the Ministry of Defense - Armed Forces Signal Department to purchase [various generating sets] according to the content of the purchase request No. / 8 / dated 18/2/2024 AD: M Indication of materials Statutory unit Quantity Temporary Insurances Notes Writing number 1 Single phase generating set 3 kVA Gasoline fuel 1 only one only 300.000 SYP A form number / 1 / is required for study Technical 2 Single phase generating set 5 kVA Gasoline fuel 1 only one only 663.750 SYP 3 Three phase generating set 10 kVA Diesel fuel only 1 only one 3.150.000 SYP Catalogues and technical bulletins are required 4 Three phase generating set 30 kVA Diesel fuel only 1 only one 7,275,000 SYP - Those wishing to submit these materials can view the term sheets and related documents in ( Office of the Contracts and Tenders Committee in the Signal Department - Damascus - Mahdi Bin Barka Street - 3313751 phone from 8.00 am on the first day of publishing this announcement in the official announcements bulletin until the end of the official working hours of each day until Sunday, 3/11/2024 AD) and obtaining a copy of the term sheets against payment of its value of / 10.000 / Syrian pounds. - Financial and technical offers shall be submitted to the Contracts and Tenders Committee within three sealed envelopes (technical offer envelope - financial offer envelope - identification papers envelope) and placed in a fourth envelope entitled in the name of the Armed Forces Signal Department and the subject of the request for proposals is written on it until fourteenth oclock on Sunday, 3/11/2024 AD), in accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of the Ministry of Defense Contracts Law No. 2 dated 1/3/2022 AD and its amendments. - The value of temporary insurances is determined at 5% of the estimated value of the pledge in the amount of / 11,388,750 / SYP only eleven million three hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty Syrian pounds only in the event that the contractor submits to secure the entire items of the purchase order, but in the event that he submits to secure one item of the purchase order, the value of temporary insurances for this item shall be determined as mentioned in the table above by (5%) of the total value of one item of the purchase order items and these insurances are provided under A certified check or bank guarantee issued by banks accepted in accordance with the regulations in force in Syria or reinforced by it, provided that it is stated that it is submitted to ensure the seriousness of the offer, and it is submitted within the specified period for submitting offers with the fees resulting from temporary guarantees. - The final insurances shall be determined at the rate of /10%/ of the contract value, provided that they are submitted to the Department within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date of notification of the referral of the pledge to him. - Duration of completion of the undertaking: The contracted materials must be delivered within a maximum period of 90 days starting from the day following the notification of the contractor of the order to start implementation. - The period of the exhibitors commitment to his offer shall be determined by three months from the date of the end of the submission of offers. - The period of commitment of the nominated contractor to his offer shall be determined by /6 months/ from the date of notification of the referral to him in accordance with the provisions of Article / 30 / of Law No. / 2 / of 2022 AD. - Required documents: Envelope of the identification documents stipulated in Article 16 of Law 2 of 2022. Application for participation (affixed with legal stamps according to the following: a financial stamp worth SYP 100.000 - a war effort stamp worth SYP 300 - a martyr stamp worth SYP 200). - The amount of SYP 10.030 shall also be paid for the addition of the national contribution for reconstruction resulting from the financial stamp duty and the war effort stamp fee + SYP 5.100 for the local administration fee resulting from the financial stamp fee and the stamp fee for the war effort. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : elan.gov.sy
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