Prequalifications are invited for General Office Stationery and Cartridges e.g. Books, Pens Rulers, Chalks, Rubbers, Panicles, Marker Pens, Cell Tapes, Masking Tapes, Flipcharts, Etc Suppliers Who Meet the Criteria for Prequalification will be Prequalified for the Categories Applied for and will Form the List of Vendors Who will be Given Tender/Quotation Documents to Bid for the Supply of Goods, Works, and Services under Those Categories as and when Required Basis. Sf South Sudan Also Intends to Sign Lfa with a Selected Number of Suppliers for Specific Goods and Services Completed prequalification documents must be titled appropriately Lot #_Description_Company Acronym [For Example: Lot 1_General Office Supply_ABC Limited] and submitted to SouthSudan| The Subject of the email should be the same as the Bid title [For Example: Lot 1_General Office Supply_ABC Limited]. SF South Sudan will not be liable if a bid proposal is not properly labelled, and the correct email subject is not utilized Tender Link :
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Plot 43, Hai Neem, P.O. Box 143, Juba,
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