Tenders Are Invited For Mid-Term Program Reveiw For Building Resilience Of Children, Young People, Families ... in Kenya
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tenders Are Invited For Mid-Term Program Reveiw For Building Resilience Of Children, Young People, Families And Communities Affected By Conflict, Climate Change And Migration
Tenders are invited for Mid-Term Program Reveiw for Building Resilience of Children, Young People, Families and Communities Affected by Conflict, Climate Change and Migration in the East and Horn of Africa Programme Save The Children Regional Programmes (RP) in partnership with three regional partners (Hornof Africa youth Network, REPSSI, and Children Voices Today are implementing a four-year programme under the DANIDA Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) 2022 2025. The programme, Building Resilience of Children, Young People, Families and Communities Affected by Conflict, Climate Change and Migration in the East and Horn of Africa, seeks to address pertinent issues impacting the rights of children and youth including conflict, climate change, migration, and displacement, and constricted civic and democratic space in the East and Horn of African. The overall intended impact of the programme is to see that the rights of children and youth, including refugees, IDPs and Children and Youth on move are protected, and respected. It also aims at ensuring increased capacity of regional accountability mechanisms, Governments, COs and Partners to provide access to conflict-and-climate crisis-prepared quality services (health, education, protection, social, MHPSS) for affected children and youth including CYOM, IDPs and refugees. Tender Link : https://www.savethechildren.net/tenders
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