Providing Lab Items, Chemicals, Test Kits And Blood Bank Items For General Hospital Karauli , For Lab - , A.S.L.O. Kit 1X100 (Beacon) , Acetic Acid 500 Ml , Alkine Phosp. Erba 6X6 Ml , Amylase Test Kiterba 6X6 , Auto Analyzer Paper Role Mars Msy , Auto Pippetes Tips (Tarson) 1000 Ul , Blood Sugger Kit 2X200 Ml Erba , Blood Urea Kit5x20 Ml Erba , Blue Tipes500 Pcs Tarson , Yellow Tipes1000 Pcs Tarson , C.R.P. Kit (Quantative) 50 Ml Erba , C.R.P. Kit (100 Test Beacon , Capilary Tube(Isi Marked) , Stop Watch , Abx Cbc Cleaner 1 Ltr Horiba , Abx Cbc Diluent (20 Ltr)Horiba Co. , Abx Cbc Lyse (1 Ltr) Horiba Co. , Cbcdiluent 20 Ltrmars Medical Systems Smart Cell 80Pro , Cbclise 500 Mlmars Medical Systems Smart Cell 80Pro , Cbcproclen 100 Mlmars Medical Systems Smart Cell 80Pro , Cbcspecial Cleaner 100 Ml Mars Medical Systems Smart Cell 80Pro , Cbc Detergernt Solution10 Ltr Mars Medical Systems Smart Cell 80Pro , Cbc Printer Paper Horiba , Cbc Probe Cleaner (1 Ltr) , Cbc Mono Clair (500 Ml) , Cbc Controll Horiba Co. , Centirfuse Tube(Isi Marked) , Chamber Cover Slip , Cholstol Kit 5X20 Ml Erba , Ck Nac 25 Ml Beacon , Ckmb 25 Ml Beacon , Cl+ , Coombes Test (Direct) , Coombes Test (Indirect) , Hiv Rapid Card Acon Per Test , Cubette Calorimeter , Chikengunia Elisa Jemitra 96 Test , Chikengunia Rapid Jemitra Per Test , Dengue Kit(Elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm(Other) 96 Test , Dengue Kit(Elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm (J.Mitra) 96 Test , Dengue Kit(Elisa Method Kit) Ns1, Igg, Igm( S.D.) 96 Test , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg (Other) Per Test , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg(J.Mitra) Per Test , Dengue Rapid Kit Ns1 Igm / Igg (S.D.) Per Test , Disttil Water (5 Ltr. Tin) , Dlc Counter , Dropper , E.D.T.A. Powder 250Gr , Plane Vial Vaccutainor Prrless 1X100 , E.S.R. Pipetts Prrless , Electolyte Kit Chlorine , Erba Cell Wash For Biochem. , Esr Stand , Esr Tube Glass , Tissue Paper Role , Filter Paper/Blooting Paper , Fuchet Regent For Bile Pigment 125 Ml , Glass Pfncil (Marking) , Gluco Strips Cold Free Sdper Strip , Glucometer Per Pc , Glucometer Strip(On Call Plus) Per Strip , Jsb Ist & Iind 125Ml , K+ , Lactin "A" Kit (Rapid) , Ldh Test Kit 25 Ml Beacon , Lenset 1X100 , Lipidprofile , Liqucilince(E) , Lismans Stain 250Ml/500Ml , M.T. Vail 10 Tu 5 Ml , Malaria Fild Stain A 125 Ml , Malaria Fild Stain B 125 Ml , Slide Box (100 Slide) Blue Star , Slide Staning Stand Per Pc , Beakar 250-350Ml (Slide Staning) Borosil Per Pc , Micro Clear Glass Slide(76*26*0.95) With Ground Polish Edge (Isi Marked) 1X50 Blue Star , Micro Pipette 0-50Other , Micro Pipette 0-50Tarson , Micro Pipette 0-100 Other , Micro Pipette 0-100 Tarson , Micro Pipette 0-500 Other , Micro Scopice Cober Slip Per Pc Blue Star , Eye Piece 5X (Microscope) Labomed , Eye Piece 10X (Microscope) Labomed , Microscope Lense 10X Labomed , Microscope Lense 40X Labomed , Microscope Lense 100X Labomed , Xylene (For Microscope Lence Cleaning) Labomed , Micro Pipette 10-100 Ul Tarson , Multistrips (For Urine) Simens , N/10 Solution Lanser , Na+ , Neubers Chamberw-Germany , Nitic Acid 500Ml , P.T. Tube (Isi Marked) With Cork & Sticker Per Pc , Platelet Counting Fluid(Rees Ecker) 125 Ml , Pregnancy Kit Card Other , Pregnancy Kit Card Acon Per Pc , Pregnancy Kit Cardperga News Per Pc. , Pregnancy Kit Cardlabgen Per Pc , Promthrombin Testkittulip 5 Ml , R.A. Factor 1X100 Beacon , Rbc Pipette W-Germany , Rh View Box , S. Calcium 100 Ml Erba , S.G.O.T. (For Semiautoanalizer) Other 5X20 Ml , S.G.O.T. (For Semiautoanalizer) Erba. Co. 5X20 Ml , S.G.P.T. (For Semiautoanalizer) Other 5X20 Ml , S.G.P.T. (For Semiautoanalizer) Erba. Co. 5X20 Ml , Seman Analysis Sierm Count 125 Ml , Serum Albumin 200 Ml Erba , Serum Bilirubin 4X60 Ml Erba , Serum Cretinine Kit4x60 Ml Erba , Serum Hdl 40 Ml Erba , Serum Ldl 40 Ml Erba , Serum Protin 200 Ml Erba , Serum Protine 200 Mlothers , Serum Trigly Ceride 5X20 Ml Erba , Sodium Citrate 500 Ml Lansar , Sulfur Powder 500Gm Lansar , Scrub Typhous Elise Kit Elise For Igg/Igm96 Test Jmitra , Scrub Typhous Elise96 Testctk , Scrub Typhous Rapid Test J Mitra , T.S.H. 96 Test J Mitra , T396 Test J Mitra , T4 96 Test J Mitra , Tec Fluid 500 Ml , Test Tube 10" Borosil , Test Tube 4"Borosil , Test Tube Holder , Test Tube Stand , Test Tube(Isi Marked) , Tlc Fluid , Tlc Pipetts(Isi Marked) , Triglyceride 5X20 Ml Erba , Uric Acid5x20 Ml Erba , Urine Analizer (Strip) Simnes , Urine Container 50Mlhi Media , Urinstrip(Aib & Sugger) Simnes , Multistrip (Urin) Simnes , V.D.R.L. 1X100 Beacon , Vdrl Rapid Card Acon , Yellow Tipes 1X1000 Tarson , Wbc Fluid 500 Ml , Widal Test (Slide Method) Beacon , Aslo 50T Beacon , Blood Cell Counter Peutra 60 Ct Reageuts, Chemicals, & Vaccume Tubes , Abx Diluents 20 Ltr , Abx Alphalyse 1 Ltr , Abx Eosinofix 1 Ltr , Abx Cleaner 1 Ltr , Abx Minoclear 500 Ml , Reagents For Elisa Reader , Hiv Elisa 1X96 T Jmitra , Hbs Ag Elisa 1X96t Jmitra , Hcv Alisa 1X96t Jmitra , Fully Auto Analyser Model Erbaxl 300 Reageuts, Chemicals & Disposables , Albumin System Pack , Amylase System Pack , Bilirubin T&D System Pack , Urea System Pack , Cholestrol System Pack , Alkaline Phosphate System Pack , Glucose System Pack , S. Creatnin System Pack , Calcium System Pack , Total Protein System Pack , Trigly Ceride System Pack , Hdl Colestrol Direct System Pack , Sgot System Pack , Sgpt System Pack , Chloridesystem Pack , Uric Acid System Pack , Ck System Pack , Ckmb System Pack , Sample Cup System Pack , Ggt System Pack , Ldl Cholestrol With Calibrator System Pack , Ldhp System Pack , Microprotein System Pack , Phosporus System Pack , X L Multical System Pack , X L Wash System Pack , Regent For Fully Auto Anlyzar (Randox)S , Human Assayed Multi Sera Level-2 , Human Assayed Multi Sera Level-3 , Calibration Sera Level-3 , Wash Solution No.1 , Wash Solution No. 2 , Ast (Got) Liquid , Alt(Gpt)( Liquid) , Alk. Phos. (Liquid) , Bilirubin Direct Liquid , Bilirubin Total Liquid , Calcium Liquid , Cholesterol Liquid , Glucose Liquid , Creatinine Liquid , Urea Liquid , Uric Acid Liquid , Triglycerides Liquid , C1 Wash Solution , Regent , Trop- T Test Kit (Roch) , Trop- I Test Kit (Roch) , Quantitative Crp Kit 50 Ml Erba , K3edta Vaccutanior Prrless , Heamoglobin Meter (Squar Shape)(Isi Mark) , Cloted Vial Vaccutanior Prrless , Multi Channel Pippet (0?L -50?L)(50?L -100?L)(100?L -1000?L) Fine Pippet , (Cbc Rotater)Per Pc , Cross Match Card Tulip Per Test , Blood Group Cardtulip Per Test , Glass Measuring Cylinderborosil , Vdrl Rotaterper Pc , Elisa Machine/Reader /Washer One Set 96 Test (Rayto) Wave Length Range 400-750 Nm Per Pc , Blood Weight Machine () Per Pc , Blood Donation Donor Coatchpr Pc , Binocular Microscope Labomed Per Pc , Tissu Paper Rolepr Pc , Cover Slip Size (18X18mm Micro Cover Glass) No.1 Blue Star Per Pc , For Blood Bank - , H.I.V Tridot Kit J Mitra , H.I.V. Test Kit(Rapid)Medonica , H.I.V. Test Kit(Rapid) Acon Per Pc , H.I.V. Test Kit(Rapid) S.D. Per Pc , H.I.V.(Elisa Method Kit) 96 Test Jmitra , Hemoque Hb 301 Per 200 Pc , Haemoglobin Pipette W-Germany , Haemoglobinmeter(Sahli) W-Germany , Hb Tube (Squar Shape) W-Germany , Hcv(Rapid Method Kit)Medonica , Hcv(Rapid Method Kit) Acon , Hcv(Rapid Method Kitt S.D. , Hbs Ag(Elisa Method Kit) 96 Test J Mitra , Hbs Ag(Rapid Method Kit) Medonica Per Pc , Hbs Ag(Rapid Method Kit)Acon Per Pc , Hbs Ag(Rapid Method Kit)S.D. Per Pc , Malaria (Antigen) (Rapid) Medonica , Malaria (Antigen) (Rapid)Labgen Per Pc , Malaria (Antigen) (Rapid)S.D Per Pc , Malaria (Antigen) (Rapid)Jmitra Per Pc , K3 Edta Vaccutanior Prrless Per Pc , Blood Bag 350 Ml , Blood Bag 100 Ml , Anti Sera A, B, D 10Ml(Jimitra) , Anti Sera A, B, D 10Ml (Arrkaray) , Anti Rh 10 Ml Tulip , Digital Microscope Per Pc