Bids Are Invited For Ncs Dc86001-Barite Ore Powder 1 X 70G , Ncs Dc86002 - Barite Ore Powder 1 X 70G , Ncs Dc86003 - Barite Ore Powder 1 X 70G , Ncs Dc86004-Barite Ore Powder 1 X 70G , Ncs Dc86005-Barite Ore Powder 1 X 70G , Ncs Dc86006- Barite Ore Powder 1 X 70G , Ncs Dc86007-Barite Ore Powder 1 X 70G , Gre-11 Rare Earth Ore 5 X 10G , Can Ree- 1 Rare Earth Elements 1 X 100G , Gre-13 Rare Earth Ore 5 X 10G , Can Ree-3 Rare Earth Elements 1 X 100G , Can Ree-2 Rare Earth Elements 1 X 100G , Mbh Ree-Hi-22-P Rare Earth Ore 1 X 90G , Usz 25-2006 Rare Earth Ore 1 X 100G , Usz 42- 2006 Rare Earth Ore 1 X 100G , Amis 0185 Rare Earth Ore 1 X 100G , Gre-06 Rare Earth Ore 5 X 10G , Oreas 701 Tungsten Ore 5 X 10G , Oreas 700 Tungsten Ore 5 X 10G , Usz 26-99 Tungsten Ore 1 X 100G , Uns Trv Rare Earth Ore 1 X 100G , Kz 3031-84 Copper Molidbemic Scarnifield 1 X 100G , Kz 3030-84 Copper Molidbemic Scarnifield 1 X 100G , Ncs Fc 28220 Coal Proximate 1 X 50G , Cz Sf-07-14 Coal Proximate 1 X 50G , Ncs Fc 28144 B Coal Proximate 1 X 50G , Ncs Dc 60121 Graphite 1 X 50G Total Quantity : 47
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500068,Geological Survey of India ,Southern Region , Srinivas
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