Possible Acquisition Of Tools For Aircraft Maintenance, To Meet The Demands Of The 1St General Employment Helicopter Squadron Of The North.. Headset,Multimeter,Multimeter,Tools Set,Screwdriver Set,Magnifying Glass,Resistance Meter,Motor Grinder,Motorcycle Grinder,Barometer,Portable Welding Machine,Portable Quick Saw,Portable Quick Saw,Bench,Stool,Riveter Pliers Parts / Accessories, Vacuum Pump, Pressure Gauge, Pressure Gauge, Tool Set, Half Cane Nose Pliers, Pliers, Mechanical Compression Pliers, Power Supply, Gas Expansion Thermometer Remote Reading, Paint Gun, Paint Gun, Paint Gun, Miscellaneous Equipment For Professional Services, Machine Riveting Pneumatics,Transport Trolley,Transport Trolley,Compressed Air Nozzle,Pliers,High Pressure Hose,Industrial Trolley,Wrench Set,Internal Micrometer,Internal Micrometer,Internal Micrometer,Drill/Screw Machine Part/Accessory,Calibrator,Portable Sprayer,Column Drill Machine ,Ultrasonic Bath,Tool Set,Drill,Snap Torque Meter Scale (Kg.M).,Snap Torque Meter Scale (Kg.M).,Snap Torque Meter Scale (Kg.M).,Snap Torque Meter Scale (Kg.M).,Torque Meter Snap Scale (Kg.M)., Torque Meter Snap Scale (Kg.M)., Torque Meter Snap Scale (Kg.M)., Drill, Manual Press, Body Shop Scissors