Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Comprehensive Service Contract (Work Package) For Horticultur ... in India
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Tender Brief
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Comprehensive Service Contract (Work Package) For Horticulture Maintenance Services At Helicopter Factory, Nittur, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur For 01 Year Period. -Maintenance Of The Entire Horticulture Work Having
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Comprehensive Service Contract (Work Package) for Horticulture Maintenance Services at Helicopter Factory, Nittur, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur for 01 year period. -Maintenance of the entire Horticulture work having features as per yard stick in the garden area, lawn, trees, shrubs, hedge, flower beds, foliage, creepers etc. including hoeing, weeding, pruning, replacement of plants, gap filling, watering, mowing of lawn by means of lawn movers and brush cutters, clearing of jungle and rank vegetation, removal of garden waste etc. at Helicopter Factory, Nittur, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur as per Scope of work enclosed & As per direction of EIC/OIC. (Bidder has to quote by considering the CLC minimum Wages including future increase of VDA, statutory payment as per ESI & EPF Act, relievers, etc., as per scope of work and terms & conditions of contract) Minimum labour engaged in a day shall not be lessthan 32 labours (including relievers). Please refer scope for details. Labour for Tractor with tanker is extra and there is a seprate BOQ line in Price Bid. - YEARLY MATERIALS & HIRING CHARGES - Altracol Decis Stanes chloro Red Earth -Rubber Hose pipe 20mm [Gates/Dunlop or approved equivalent] Elmo lawn movers blade Garden Gum Shoe Size 10inch Fibre body watering can with shower 5Ltr capacity Compost Manure 1 Load 407 6 whiller terracota colour PVC plastic pot for plants-14" Wood cutting tool macchu Ammonium salt of Glyphosate 71% Flourite Stanes Fenval-Fenvalerate 0.4% DP insecticides Hand spray pump | Ltr capacity kisan kraft make Hybrid rose plants of variety colours Terracotta Plastic pot 9 inch plant Terracotta Plastic pot 12 inch plant Terracotta Plastic pot 24 inch plant charcoal River sand from thirchi Urea weighing 50 Kgs each spotted Supply of black colour polythene cover for plantation. --Size (5" x 9") Supply of black colour polythene cover for plantation --Size (6" x 9") Supply of black colour polythene cover for plantation --Size (8" x 9") K-Othrine flow Hire Caharges for Supply of 1 No. of STIHL Make Wood cutting power machine Heavy Duty with 100Mtr cable. Which can be taken back by contractor after completion of work. [The contractor is required to maintain the machine in good working condition. If the break down of machine as notified by EIC is more than five days twice the rate quoated by contractor will be deducted as penalty]. Hire charges for supply of 2Nos. of Power Lawn mover "ELMO Company" 2.00 H.P single phase lawn mover heavy duty usage specially design for korean/burmuda grass and any tough variety grass. Cable length 150mtr blade length 16" long. Which can be taken back by contractor after completion of work. [The contractor is required to maintain the machine in good working condition if the break down of machine as notified by EIC is more than five days twice the rate quoated by contractor will be deducted]. Hire charges for supply of 2 Nos. of Pesticide spray pump of 15 Ltr capacity with PVC body with brass handle and nozzle of adjustable type. 2Nos. [The contractor is required to maintain the machine in good working condition if the break down of machine as notified by EIC is more than five days twice the rate quoated by contractor will be deducted]. Hire Charges for Supply of 1 No. of Hedge clipper machine with steel blade with 100Mtr cable. Which can be taken back by contractor after completion of work. [The contractor is required to maintain the machine in good working condition. if the break down of machine as notified by EIC is more than five days twice the rate quoated by contractor will be deducted]. Hire charges for 1 No. of Stihi telescopic shaft/ pole 456 CM long Hire charges for 1 No. of Stihi telescopic saw 40 cm PR 40CT Hire charges for Supply of one no of Tractor with tanker of 2.50 to 3KL capacity approximately 8 Hours in a day with 01 driver an 02 Unskilled Labour along with Tractor including diesel oil, Loading and unloading charges etc. for watering plants and trees where water lines are not available. [Water shalll be supplied by HAL free of cost] Total Quantity :
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