Tender For Work Contract For Laying Of 11Kv 3 X 300 Sqmm Cable By Trenchless Technology Methodin Cedc.; 1 Work contract for laying of cable by Trenchless 2 laying of Cable by trenchless technology without pipe- Drilling Reaming & Laying of 11KV 3x300 Sq.mm UG cable using Trenchless Technology Method ( Horizontal Directional Drilling Method) at a depth of about 1.20m or more by using directional drilling unit equipped with automated pipe handling system, using bentonite mud mixing system and all necessary accessories using pulling the cable carefully without damaging other services like telephone, internet cables, water pipes, etc., installation including cost of pipe hire changes for all the accessories and equipment etc., taking necessary drive pit for drilling & laying the cable removing the excavated earth.The rate quoted for includes the change of GPR (Ground PenetratingRadar) survey for identifying the existing utility in the proposed bore path, making necessary entrypit and exit pit at every equalIntervals, extra excavation for joint pits, road/ rail crossings,including erection of straight joint kitif any as required and as directed , transporting of cable drums from storesincluding loading and unloading using truck mounted crane transporting of empty drums including loading at site and devolution of empty cable drum and balance cable to departmental stores etc.,complete as directed. 3 Erection of AB switch alone for DP Switch
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110kv thirumangalam ss complex anna nagar chennai-40
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