tender for Nagar Panchayat Gaura Badshahpur Water Supply Scheme Jaunpur Construction Of Rcc Oht, Tubewell, Pump House, Staff Quarter, Boundary Wall, Distribution System, Rising main and appurtenant Works, 1 CIVIL WORKS 2 Boundary wall , Approach roads and Gates 3 Construction of 1.3 m high and 115 mm thick boundary wall with 230 mmx230 mm thick pillar made in Brick masonry in 1 cement and 4 sand mortar, the spacing between two pillar should not be more than 3.0 m c/c and the depth of foundation should not be less than 0.60m, with 0.5 m barbed wire fencing at the site of water works as per departmental type design and drawing, and, as per specifications given in the bid document including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc.for proper completion of work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 4 Supply and fixing of 3.6 m & 1.20 m wide MS gate including fabrication and supply of steel and construction of boundary wall pillars of size 1.35mx0.23mx0.23m with ornamental brick work 115mm th. around RCC, as per departmental type design and drawingand as per specifications laid down in the bid document, including supply of all materials, labour,T&P etc.required for proper completion of works as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge. 5 Construction of Interlocking pavement Road for approach to water works, as per departmental type design and drawing and as per specifications laid down in the bid document, including supply of all materials , labour, T&P etc.required for proper completion of work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 6 Earth filling inside the water works campus 7 Provision for horticulture for site development of water works 8 STAFF QUARTER AND MCS or SCADA ROOM 9 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P, complete and construction of a Half set of One No. Single Roomedstaff quarters for operating staff , pump operator, chaukidar, pump attendant and other as per departmental type design and drawing, and, as per specifications given in the bid document including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc.for proper completion of work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 10 Construction of MCS, Centralized Control Room including Supply of all materials, labour, T&P, completeand other as per departmental type design and drawing, and, as per specifications given in the bid document including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc.for proper completion of work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge 11 PUMP HOUSE 12 Provide all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete and construct Pump house size (3.00 x 3.60) m Chlorinating room size (1.8 x 2.5)m as per departmental type design and drawing (drawing no-D-2) and as per the specifications for civil work given in the bid document, including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc complete as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 13 Zone-1 (FOR T.W. no. 1, 2& 3) 14 Zone-2 (FOR T.W. no. 4 & 5) 15 Zone-3 (FOR T.W. no. 6 & 7) 16 Construction of Stilling chamber and V Notch for bye-Pass Arrangement of Tubewells for Zone 1,2 &3 17 RISING MAIN AND APPURTENANT WORKS FOR ZONE 1,2&3 18 Supply of D.I. Pipe with specials of following size/wall thickness with I.S. 8329/2000 or its latest amendments with jointing materials including F.O.R. destination up to site store inclusive of all taxes and duties, third party inspection chargrs. Packing and forwarding charges road transportion charges , insurance etc. with loading unloding and stacking etc. all complete. 19 150 MM Dia D.I. K-9 (ZONE 2) 20 200 MM Dia D.I. K-9 (ZONE 1&3) 21 Supply of D.I D/F specials including F.O.R destination and all taxes and insurance etc complete. 22 Supply of following size C.I.D./F sluice valve capable of standing working pressure of 10 kg/cm2 as per IS 14846/2000 or its latest amendment including F.O.R. destination up to site store inclusive of all taxes and duties third party inspection charges. packing and forwarding charges, road transportation charges, insurance etc. with loading unloading and stacking etc. all complete. 23 150 MM 24 200 MM 25 Carting of following size CI sliuce valve from site store to site of work lowering the same into trenches and fixing in position and jointing the same with supply of all materials and testing etc. complete. 26 150 MM 27 200 MM 28 Excavation of earth for pipe line trenches with lift upto 1.5 and lead upto 50m filling back the earth into trenches including watering ramming and disposal of surplus materials with in 50m lead etc. complete. 29 Carting from store to site of work following D.I. Pipe with specials, lowering the same into trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient including jointing properly testing of pipe line (but excluding the cost of trenching and cutting of pipe for making the length etc. complete. 30 150 MM 31 200 MM 32 Supply of all materials, labour andT&P to construct masonary type sluice valve chamber complete as per type design. 33 Supply of all materials , labour T&P and construct RCC thrust block at the bends etc. complete. 34 OVERHEAD TANK 35 Supply of all materials labour T&P etc. completefor construction of R.C.C. Over Head Tank of 1300 KL capacity with 22 Meter staging above ground level with main components, including cost of soil testing and assuming bearing capacity of soil as 8 MT, with supply of design and drawings. All the water retaining components of OHT shall be casted in M-30 concrete and minimum grade of concrete of foundation and staging should be M-25 with approved cement, coarse sand and stone grit as per I.S. 11682 and I.S.456 Seismiceffects and wind load should be taken into consideration as per I.S. 1893 for earthquake resistance and I.S. 875 part-III for wind load on structure and including 1M wide RCC staircase, 1 m wide R.C.C. M30 balcony, M.S. ladder made of 45x45x6 mm angle section and 20mm plain M.S. bars with hand rails of 20mm medium class G.I. pipes, One aluminum ladder inside the tank from top dome to bottom dome, R.C.C. railing with 20mm dia medium class G.I.pipe (in 3 rows) on both sides of stair case and top dome, supported on 50x50x6mm M.S. angle section, spaced at intervals not more than 1.5m, Proper ventilator at top dome in circular shape of 1.2 m dia, Water level indicator fabricated with sensor connecting to automation, Lightening conductor as per I.S.S.2309 or its latest amendments of latest electricity rules, consisting of proper elevation rod with 5 or more fork points as prescribed in ISS 2309-1969 and ISS 3013-1966, C.I. manhole of min 60x60cm size with locking arrangement, Supply, fixing, jointing of C.I.D/F Pipes of appropriate size with C.I.D/F specials conforming to IS 8329/2000 as vertical pipes for inlet, outlet, overflow and washout as per latest / relevant I.S. specificationswith all jointing materials for proper completion of work,Supply and Fixing of appropriate size manually operated D/F Sluice Valve / Butter Fly Valves as per ISS 700/1969 or its latest amendments class “A” working pressure 10 Kg/cm2, Construction of bed blocks in 1:2:4 PCC with cement, coarse sand and approved stone grit , Construction of washout / overflow chamber and chambers for sluice / butter fly valves as per departmental type design and drawing, Supply of 200 mm dia PVC pipe as per I.S.-4985/2000 for disposal of water from overflow and washout chamber to suitable point outside the water works compound, Painting of all concrete surface and steel pipe works with three coats of approved cement paint and anticorrosive paints.(FOR ZONE -1) 36 Supply of all materials labour T&P etc. for complete construction of R.C.C. Over Head Tank of 600 KL capacity with 22 Meter staging above ground level with main components, including cost of soil testing and assuming bearing capacity of soil as 8 MT, with supply of design and drawings. All the water retaining components of OHT shall be casted in M-30 concrete and minimum grade of concrete of foundation and staging should be M-25 with approved cement, coarse sand and stone grit as per I.S. 11682 and I.S.456 Seismiceffects and wind load should be taken into consideration as per I.S. 1893 for earthquake resistance and I.S. 875 part-III for wind load on structure and including 1M wide RCC staircase, 1 m wide R.C.C. M30 balcony, M.S. ladder made of 45x45x6 mm angle section and 20mm plain M.S. bars with hand rails of 20mm medium class G.I. pipes, One aluminum ladder inside the tank from top dome to bottom dome, R.C.C. railing with 20mm dia medium class G.I.pipe (in 3 rows) on both sides of stair case and top dome, supported on 45x45x6mm M.S. angle section, spaced at intervals not more than 1.5m, Proper ventilator at top dome in circular shape of 1.2 m dia, Water level indicator fabricated with sensor connecting to automation, Lightening conductor as per I.S.S.2309 or its latest amendments of latest electricity rules, consisting of proper elevation rod with 5 or more fork points as prescribed in ISS 2309-1969 and ISS 3013-1966, C.I. manhole of min 60x60cm size with locking arrangement, Supply, fixing, jointing of C.I.D/F Pipes of appropriate size with C.I.D/F specials conforming to IS 8329/2000 as vertical pipes for inlet, outlet, overflow and washout as per latest / relevant I.S. specificationswith all jointing materials for proper completion of work,Supply and Fixing of appropriate size manually operated D/F Sluice Valve / Butter Fly Valves as per ISS 700/1969 or its latest amendments class “A” working pressure 10 Kg/cm2, Construction of bed blocks in 1:2:4 PCC with cement, coarse sand and approved stone grit , Construction of washout / overflow chamber and chambers for sluice / butter fly valves as per departmental type design and drawing, Supply of 200 mm dia PVC pipe as per I.S.-4985/2000 for disposal of water from overflow and washout chamber to suitable point outside the water works compound, Painting of all concrete surface and steel pipe works with three coats of approved cement paint and anticorrosive paints.(FOR ZONE -2). 37 Supply of all materials labour T&P etc. completefor construction of R.C.C. Over Head Tank of 900 KL capacity with 22 Meter staging above ground level with main components, including cost of soil testing and assuming bearing capacity of soil as 8 MT, with supply of design and drawings. All the water retaining components of OHT shall be casted in M-30 concrete and minimum grade of concrete of foundation and staging should be M-25 with approved cement, coarse sand and stone grit as per I.S. 11682 and I.S.456 Seismiceffects and wind load should be taken into consideration as per I.S. 1893 for earthquake resistance and I.S. 875 part-III for wind load on structure and including 1M wide RCC staircase, 1 m wide R.C.C. M30 balcony, M.S. ladder made of 45x45x6 mm angle section and 20mm plain M.S. bars with hand rails of 20mm medium class G.I. pipes, One aluminum ladder inside the tank from top dome to bottom dome, R.C.C. railing with 20mm dia medium class G.I.pipe (in 3 rows) on both sides of stair case and top dome, supported on 50x50x6mm M.S. angle section, spaced at intervals not more than 1.5m, Proper ventilator at top dome in circular shape of 1.2 m dia, Water level indicator fabricated with sensor connecting to automation, Lightening conductor as per I.S.S.2309 or its latest amendments of latest electricity rules, consisting of proper elevation rod with 5 or more fork points as prescribed in ISS 2309-1969 and ISS 3013-1966, C.I. manhole of min 60x60cm size with locking arrangement, Supply, fixing, jointing of C.I.D/F Pipes of appropriate size with C.I.D/F specials conforming to IS 8329/2000 as vertical pipes for inlet, outlet, overflow and washout as per latest / relevant I.S. specificationswith all jointing materials for proper completion of work,Supply and Fixing of appropriate size manually operated D/F Sluice Valve / Butter Fly Valves as per ISS 700/1969 or its latest amendments class “A” working pressure 10 Kg/cm2, Construction of bed blocks in 1:2:4 PCC with cement, coarse sand and approved stone grit , Construction of washout / overflow chamber and chambers for sluice / butter fly valves as per departmental type design and drawing, Supply of 200 mm dia PVC pipe as per I.S.-4985/2000 for disposal of water from overflow and washout chamber to suitable point outside the water works compound, Painting of all concrete surface and steel pipe works with three coats of approved cement paint and anticorrosive paints.(FOR ZONE -3) 38 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 39 Supply of following sizes and type of pipes with specials and all jointing materials such as socket, rubber gasket as per IS 4984/1995 and IS 1592/2003 or their latest amendment including F.O.R. destination up to site store inclusive ofall taxes and duties,third party inspection charges,packing and forwarding charges ,road transportation charges,insurance etc. with loading, unloading and stacking etc. all complete. 40 D.I. K-7 41 250 MM dia 42 300 MMdia 43 H.D.P.E (Grade - PE 100) PN - 6 44 90MM O.D. 45 110MM O.D. 46 140MM O.D. 47 160MM O.D. 48 200MM O.D. 49 Carting, laying and jointing of the following sizes of pipeinto the trenches including cost of all jointing material, labour, T & P and testing etc, complete. 50 D.I. K-7 51 250 MM dia 52 300 MMdia 53 H.D.P.E (Grade - PE 100) PN - 6 54 90MM O.D. 55 110MM O.D. 56 140MM O.D. 57 160MM O.D. 58 200MM O.D. 59 Supply of specials for above above HDPE pipe (5% of supply of pipes amount) 60 Supply of specials for above above DI pipe (10% of supply of pipes amount) 61 Excavation for pipeline work in Ordinary Soil with lift up to 1.5 M and lead up to 50 M including filling back the excavated earth into the trenches with watering, ramming and disposal of surplus earth with in 50 M lead. 62 Supply of following types of fitting including railway freight, cartage upto store, all taxes and insurance. CI D/F Kirloskar Sluice Valves, Scour Valve Class-I as per IS 780 (1969) suitable for a working pressure of 10 Kg / Sq.Cm. 63 80 MMdia 64 100MMdia 65 125 MMdia 66 150 MMdia 67 200 MMdia 68 250MMdia 69 Scour Valve 80mm dia 70 Fire Hydrant (Sluice valve type) 80 mm dia 71 CI single ball type Air Valve25 mm Dia 72 Carting of following sizes C.I.D./F Sluice Valve and specials from site store to site of work and lowering them into the trenches, fixing in position and jointingthem with pipelines and testing etc. complete including supply of jointing materials. 73 80 MMdia 74 100MMdia 75 125 MMdia 76 150 MMdia 77 200 MMdia 78 250MMdia 79 Scour Valve 80mm dia 80 Fire Hydrant (Sluice valve type) 80 mm dia 81 CI single ball type Air Valve25 mm Dia 82 Supply of all materials and construct following chambers as per type design with supply of all labour, T&P etc. complete. 83 Masonary Type chamber 84 Fire Hydrant Chamber 85 Air Valve Chamber 86 Surface Box Type chamber 87 Construction of Single Tap Pillar Type Stand Post as per departmental type design including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 88 Dismantling of following type of road (ifmultiple layers exist then only top layer will be considered formeasurement )and temporary Reinstatement of road with old materials including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete. 89 BOE Road 90 C.C. Road 91 Bitumen Road 92 Interlocking 93 Reinstatement of following type ofroad surface for laying of pipe, sorting outand stacking of useful material and disposal of unserviceable materials upto distance of 50 m as per PWD/local body/NHAI specification including supply of all materials, labour, T & P etc. required for completion of work. 94 BOE Road 95 C.C. Road 96 Bitumen Road 97 Interlocking (with 60% old+40% new tiles) 98 Provision for crossings of nalas & culvert including shifting of telephone cables etc. Along the alignment of pipeline including supply of C.I. tyton pipe andspecials etc. complete. (3.5 M.Wide Road) 99 Provision for crossing of national highway (NH) 128A by trenchless technology. 100 making house connection with supply,carting,laying & jointing of ferrul,20mm(OD)HDPE & GI pipes & I.S.I. Marking, saddle/clamp of required size C.I. bib, J Hook or M.S. cock of approved quality M.S.U. clamp , 25x25x25cm C.C. grouting of unsupported GI pipe with dismantling andreinstatement of following type of roads or as directed by Engineer- in-charge inclunding cost of all jointing materials, specials, labour, testing and T&P etc. complete. 101 In C.C. Roads 102 For 90 mm to 110mm dia 103 For 125 mm to 160 mm dia 104 For 180 mm to 250 mm dia 105 For 250 mm to 300mm dia 106 In Bitumenous Roads 107 For 90 mm to 110mm dia 108 For 125 mm to 160 mm dia 109 For 180 mm to 250 mm dia 110 For 250 mm to 300mm dia 111 In B.O.E. Roads 112 For 90 mm to 110mm dia 113 For 125 mm to 160 mm dia 114 For 180 mm to 250 mm dia 115 For 250 mm to 300mm dia 116 In C.C. Interlocking Tiles Roads 117 For 90 mm to 110mm dia 118 For 125 mm to 160 mm dia 119 For 180 mm to 250 mm dia 120 For 250 mm to 300mm dia 121 In Kaccha Roads 122 For 90 mm to 110mm dia 123 For 125 mm to 160 mm dia 124 For 180 mm to 250 mm dia 125 For 250 mm to 300mm dia 126 E&M WORKS 127 ZONE 1- TW-1 (800 LPM, 60M Head) (E&M WORK) 128 TUBE WELL CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT 129 TRANSPORTATION 130 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of rig machine 131 Provision of site Security arrangement and site Barricading arrangement with safety norms during completeperiod of work . 132 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (DRILLING) 133 ERECTION OF RIG MACHINE AND DRILLING WORK- 134 Leveling and dressing of site and camp equipage and erection of D.C. rig machine at pin point and drilling up to 330 metre deep. 135 Drilling of 625mm dia bore from G.L. to 65 m BGL. 136 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 65m BGL to 100m BGL. 137 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 100m BGL to 200m BGL. 138 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 200m BGL to 300m BGL. 139 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 300m BGL to 330m BGL. 140 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL- 141 Lowering of 300mmx200mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea Gravel between annular space of bore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 300m BGL. 142 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 60m BGL. 143 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 60m B.G.L To 100m BGL. 144 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 100m B.G.L To 300m BGL. 145 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 100m B.G.L To 300m BGL. 146 Extra Work (Site Clearance), Arrangement of Water Disposal and silt /malba during development of Tubewell. 147 MATERIALS 148 TUBE WELL:ASSEMBLYM.S. Tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain Pipe, Slotted Pipe, Rings, well cap, Bail Plug, Clamp, Reducer, Centre Guide, Support Structure etc 149 300mm. dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1 mm thick. 150 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick slotted pipe. 151 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe. 152 300X200 mm. dia M.S reducer 16.0 mm. thick. 153 300mm. size M.S. well cap. 12mm thick. 154 300mm size M.S. half thread nipple. 155 300 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck. 156 200 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck. 157 300 mm.dia size M.S. S/I clamp. 158 Tube well supporting Frame. 159 200mm.dia size M.S.bail plug. 160 200mm Center guide. 161 300mm dia half thread socket 162 PEA-GRAVEL- 163 1.60mm to 4.80mm. size pea gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingatsite. 164 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBE WELL 165 Development of tube well by 600 PSI air compressor 166 Transportation,Installation, Dismantling of compressor including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 167 Development of tube well by 600 PSI air compressor. 168 Sodium Hexametaphasphate 169 Development of tube well by 3 cusec O.P. unit 170 Transportation,Installation & Dismantling of O.P. unit including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 171 Development of tube well by 3cusec O.P. unit. 172 TEST :- 173 Chemical and bacteriological test. 174 Yield and verticality test of tube well. 175 Logging of tube well. 176 Zone TestingAS per site requrement 177 Zone testing including all requred material , labour T&P etc. complete in all respect. 178 Cement sealing of contamenated accufer/zone including all requred material , labour T&P etc. complete in all respect. 179 Supply and lowering of 90mm dia UPVC gravel feed pipe. 180 Other miscellaneous work as per site requirement ie - vehicle / transportation arramgement for site supervision 181 PUMP-SET 182 1100 LPM, 60m head 2900rpm, 25 H.P. submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ 5% volt, 50hz, 3-phase A.C. Supply (As per IS 8034-1989)- 1 SET, Soft control panel fabricated with 22mm tick M.S. plate dust and vermin proof having MCCB including following items. 1SET,Voltmeter 0-500 volt range with selector switch. 1 NOS,MCCB 100 amp. 1 NOS,Ammeter 0-100 amp. range with selector switch. 1 NOS,KWI meter 1 NOS,Power factor meter 1NOS,Frequency meter 1NOS,Hour count meter 1 NOS,Single phase preventer1 NOS,Power capacitor of suitable capacity 1 SET,Phase indicting lamps with toggle switch. 1 SET,Instrument fuses of 6 amp. capacity. 1 SET,15 amp. switch fuses unit for light and fan point 1 NOS,Submersible cable of suitable size 90 min case any other item required for the completion of this item including Manually operated oil immersed at auto transformer starter with suitable relay to operate the pump set.1 set 183 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES 1 set 184 150 mm dia 5.4mm thick M.S. columnpipe with both end flanged and groove for passing submersible cable in each length in 3m long 30 m with 1m long top pipe with cap (Damdam) and sealing ring. 8 nos, 100mm dia size CI-D/F 90 Degree bend-1 nos,100mm dia size CI-A/F Tee -1 nos,100mm dia size M.S. Distance piece 1.00m long 2 Nos. and 1.5m long 1 No. -M.S. enlarger/reducer of suitable size. -1 nos,100mm dia Kirlosker/IVC make Sluice Valve,P.N. rating 1.0 Having following specification confirming. (As per IS - 14846-2000)-2 nos,Non rising system with hand wheel ,Both end flangedFace ring pressed in body and wedge.With Isometric trap axial threads for smooth operation of stream.Wedge tarred on both sides provided with deep grooves inside.Applicati100mm dia Kirlosker/IVC makeReflux Valve on Handling of clear water sp. gr. 1.0(Confirming to 15.780/I.S. 2905)(Confirming to IS-5312 part-I) Having following specification :-1set,Suitable for handling clear water having specific gravityand temperature up to 500. Both end flanged.Door contact on the periphery.Body: Gun Metal.Hinge pin stainless steelDisc face: High quality mature rubber or better. TOOLS (REPUTED MAKE) IN A TOOL KIT-1 set. Pipe wrenches -2 nos,D/E spanner 22/6 mm-6pcs,Adjustable wrench 300 mm-1 no,Screw driver (a) 12 X 250 mm-1 no,(b) 8 X 250 mm-1no,(c) 5 X 250mm-1 no,Combination plier 200mm-1no,Nose plier 200 mm-1no,Hammer with handle 1 Kg. -1 no,Line tester (Taparia make)-1no,GAUGES :-1 set,Febrick/H Guru make Pressure gauge -1 no,Febrick/H Guru make Depth Gauge-1 no,Other necessary fitting for gauges, control cock, Air hand pump, sunmica top wooden board flexible PVC armoured 12mm airline 40m including all accessories. 1set, Misc. items such as protection ring, cutout, transformer oil, electric resistanace rubber sheet etc.-1 no,LIFTING TACKLE (REPUTED MADE)2 tones capacity 4.5 m lift, spur geared chain pulley block (Tested on 3 Tones.)-1 no 185 Cost of additional 100mm dia 3m long M.S. flange colanm pipe. 186 Supply and installation of Electro Mechanical type Dozer set of suitable capacity working pressure 0-4 Kg/Cm2 complete with panel and 100 liter capacity syntax make tank suitable for 600 to 3000 LPM discharge of pumping plant. 187 Power Wiring and Earthing, Internal Wiring of Pump House , internal and external lighting with solar inverter and panel capacity of 1kw 188 Painting of pumping plant with approved anticorrosive and specified colour paint-2 coat. 189 One month watch & ward during the period of installation. 190 TRAIL AND RUN OF PUMPING PLANT FOR THREE MONTHS 191 Cost Pump operator 1 Nos.x3month 192 Cost of sodium hypochloride for chlorination of water 193 Expenditure on electricity consumed 194 CompleteSCADA automation work for Tube well and O.H.T 195 Redundant RTU intelligent GSM based remote treminal unit with redundant CPUand power supply with analog and digital parameters and features as specified0 One eachfor each Tube wellto store and transmit data at multiple stations and also compatible to satellite communication 196 GSM based wireless communication system for RTU Capable to transfer and gether data from remote to control stations. All accessories included with single enhancer, antenna specs already. 197 SITC OF Auto phase reversal unit up to 30 HP 198 SITC OF Actuator & control switch gear for 150/200/300 mm size CIDF sluice Valve (3 NOS). 199 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (2NOS) suitable for 150/200/300 mm size delivery Pipe 200 Smart Pressure Transmeter and Ultrasonic Level Senser with display 201 Complete cabling for 1 No. of Tubewell including cable in T.W 1, pressure transmeter to room, flow transmeter to room OHT to room, level transmeter to room. 202 Control Panel with IP 54 Protection , industrial grade for all equipment separate for control (24 V) and power equipments WITH 7 inch HMI touch screen suitable to communicate with PLC/RTU for local; display and control of process parameters as specified in technical specification . 203 Installation, commissioning & testing 204 Test & Trail run for 3 months 205 SITC OF Voltage Stabilizer 206 Supply & Erection of Servo Stabilizer of 25 KVA Input voltage range = 200 - 480 volts, 3 Phase, A.C. SupplyOut put voltage range = 415 + 1% , 3 PhaseInsulation=" C " ClassTemperature Rise = 45 Degree Centigrade above ambient temperature Frequency= 50 HzCooling = Air CooledOperation mode= Automatic 207 ZONE 2- TW-2 (700 LPM 60m Head, ) (E&M WORK) 208 TUBE WELL CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT 209 TRANSPORTATION 210 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of rig machine 211 Provision of site Security arrangement and site Barricading arrangement with safety norms during completeperiod of work . 212 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (DRILLING) 213 ERECTION OF RIG MACHINE AND DRILLING WORK- 214 Leveling and dressing of site and camp equipage and erection of D.C. rig machine at pin point and drilling up to 330 metre deep. 215 Drilling of 625mm dia bore from G.L. to 65 m BGL. 216 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 65m BGL to 100m BGL. 217 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 100m BGL to 200m BGL. 218 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 200m BGL to 300m BGL. 219 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 300m BGL to 330m BGL. 220 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL- 221 Lowering of 300mmx200mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea Gravel between annular space of bore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 300m BGL. 222 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 60m BGL. 223 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 60m B.G.L To 100m BGL. 224 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 100m B.G.L To 300m BGL. 225 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 100m B.G.L To 300m BGL. 226 Extra Work (Site Clearance), Arrangement of Water Disposal and silt /malba during development of Tubewell. 227 MATERIALS 228 TUBE WELL:ASSEMBLYM.S. Tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain Pipe, Slotted Pipe, Rings, well cap, Bail Plug, Clamp, Reducer, Centre Guide, Support Structure etc 229 300mm. dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1 mm thick. 230 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick slotted pipe. 231 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe. 232 300X200 mm. dia M.S reducer 16.0 mm. thick. 233 300mm. size M.S. well cap. 12mm thick. 234 300mm size M.S. half thread nipple. 235 300 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck. 236 200 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck. 237 300 mm.dia size M.S. S/I clamp. 238 Tube well supporting Frame. 239 200mm.dia size M.S.bail plug. 240 200mm Center guide. 241 300mm dia half thread socket 242 PEA-GRAVEL- 243 1.60mm to 4.80mm. size pea gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingatsite. 244 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBE WELL 245 Development of tube well by 600 PSI air compressor 246 Transportation,Installation, Dismantling of compressor including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 247 Development of tube well by 600 PSI air compressor. 248 Sodium Hexametaphasphate 249 Development of tube well by 3 cusec O.P. unit 250 Transportation,Installation & Dismantling of O.P. unit including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 251 Development of tube well by 3cusec O.P. unit. 252 TEST :- 253 Chemical and bacteriological test. 254 Yield and verticality test of tube well. 255 Logging of tube well. 256 Zone TestingAS per site requrement 257 Zone testing including all requred material , labour T&P etc. complete in all respect. 258 Cement sealing of contamenated accufer/zone including all requred material , labour T&P etc. complete in all respect. 259 Supply and lowering of 90mm dia UPVC gravel feed pipe. 260 Other miscellaneous work as per site requirement ie - vehicle / transportation arramgement for site supervision 261 PUMP-SET 262 700 LPM, 60m head 2900rpm, 15 H.P. submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ 5% volt, 50hz, 3-phase A.C. Supply (As per IS 8034-1989)- 1 SET, Soft control panel fabricated with 22mm tick M.S. plate dust and vermin proof having MCCB including following items. 1SET,Voltmeter 0-500 volt range with selector switch. 1 NOS,MCCB 100 amp. 1 NOS,Ammeter 0-100 amp. range with selector switch. 1 NOS,KWI meter 1 NOS,Power factor meter 1NOS,Frequency meter 1NOS,Hour count meter 1 NOS,Single phase preventer1 NOS,Power capacitor of suitable capacity 1 SET,Phase indicting lamps with toggle switch. 1 SET,Instrument fuses of 6 amp. capacity. 1 SET,15 amp. switch fuses unit for light and fan point 1 NOS,Submersible cable of suitable size 90 min case any other item required for the completion of this item including Manually operated oil immersed at auto transformer starter with suitable relay to operate the pump set.1 set 263 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES 1 set 264 100 mm dia 5.4mm thick M.S. columnpipe with both end flanged and groove for passing submersible cable in each length in 3m long 30 m with 1m long top pipe with cap (Damdam) and sealing ring. 8 nos, 100mm dia size CI-D/F 90 Degree bend-1 nos,100mm dia size CI-A/F Tee -1 nos,100mm dia size M.S. Distance piece 1.00m long 2 Nos. and 1.5m long 1 No. -M.S. enlarger/reducer of suitable size. -1 nos,100mm dia Kirlosker/IVC make Sluice Valve,P.N. rating 1.0 Having following specification confirming. (As per IS - 14846-2000)-2 nos,Non rising system with hand wheel ,Both end flangedFace ring pressed in body and wedge.With Isometric trap axial threads for smooth operation of stream.Wedge tarred on both sides provided with deep grooves inside.Applicati100mm dia Kirlosker/IVC makeReflux Valve on Handling of clear water sp. gr. 1.0(Confirming to 15.780/I.S. 2905)(Confirming to IS-5312 part-I) Having following specification :-1set,Suitable for handling clear water having specific gravityand temperature up to 500. Both end flanged.Door contact on the periphery.Body: Gun Metal.Hinge pin stainless steelDisc face: High quality mature rubber or better. TOOLS (REPUTED MAKE) IN A TOOL KIT-1 set. Pipe wrenches -2 nos,D/E spanner 22/6 mm-6pcs,Adjustable wrench 300 mm-1 no,Screw driver (a) 12 X 250 mm-1 no,(b) 8 X 250 mm-1no,(c) 5 X 250mm-1 no,Combination plier 200mm-1no,Nose plier 200 mm-1no,Hammer with handle 1 Kg. -1 no,Line tester (Taparia make)-1no,GAUGES :-1 set,Febrick/H Guru make Pressure gauge -1 no,Febrick/H Guru make Depth Gauge-1 no,Other necessary fitting for gauges, control cock, Air hand pump, sunmica top wooden board flexible PVC armoured 12mm airline 40m including all accessories. 1set, Misc. items such as protection ring, cutout, transformer oil, electric resistanace rubber sheet etc.-1 no,LIFTING TACKLE (REPUTED MADE)2 tones capacity 4.5 m lift, spur geared chain pulley block (Tested on 3 Tones.)-1 no 265 Cost of additional 100mm dia 3m long M.S. flange colanm pipe. 266 Supply and installation of Electro Mechanical type Dozer set of suitable capacity working pressure 0-4 Kg/Cm2 complete with panel and 100 liter capacity syntax make tank suitable for 600 to 3000 LPM discharge of pumping plant. 267 Power Wiring and Earthing, Internal Wiring of Pump House , internal and external lighting with solar inverter and panel capacity of 1kw 268 Painting of pumping plant with approved anticorrosive and specified colour paint-2 coat. 269 One month watch & ward during the period of installation. 270 TRAIL AND RUN OF PUMPING PLANT FOR THREE MONTHS 271 Cost Pump operator 1 Nos.x3month 272 Cost of sodium hypochloride for chlorination of water 273 Expenditure on electricity consumed 274 CompleteSCADA automation work for Tube well and O.H.T 275 Redundant RTU intelligent GSM based remote treminal unit with redundant CPUand power supply with analog and digital parameters and features as specified0 One eachfor each Tube wellto store and transmit data at multiple stations and also compatible to satellite communication 276 GSM based wireless communication system for RTU Capable to transfer and gether data from remote to control stations. All accessories included with single enhancer, antenna specs already. 277 SITC OF Auto phase reversal unit up to 30 HP 278 SITC OF Actuator & control switch gear for 150/200/300 mm size CIDF sluice Valve (3 NOS). 279 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (2NOS) suitable for 150/200/300 mm size delivery Pipe 280 Smart Pressure Transmeter and Ultrasonic Level Senser with display 281 Complete cabling for 1 No. of Tubewell including cable in T.W 1, pressure transmeter to room, flow transmeter to room OHT to room, level transmeter to room. 282 Control Panel with IP 54 Protection , industrial grade for all equipment separate for control (24 V) and power equipments WITH 7 inch HMI touch screen suitable to communicate with PLC/RTU for local; display and control of process parameters as specified in technical specification . 283 Installation, commissioning & testing 284 Test & Trail run for 3 months 285 SITC OF Voltage Stabilizer 286 Supply & Erection of Servo Stabilizer of 25 KVA Input voltage range = 200 - 480 volts, 3 Phase, A.C. SupplyOut put voltage range = 415 + 1% , 3 PhaseInsulation=" C " ClassTemperature Rise = 45 Degree Centigrade above ambient temperature Frequency= 50 HzCooling = Air CooledOperation mode= Automatic 287 ZONE 3- TW-1 (1100 LPM 60M Head) (E&M WORK) 288 TUBE WELL CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT 289 TRANSPORTATION 290 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of rig machine 291 Provision of site Security arrangement and site Barricading arrangement with safety norms during completeperiod of work . 292 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (DRILLING) 293 ERECTION OF RIG MACHINE AND DRILLING WORK- 294 Leveling and dressing of site and camp equipage and erection of D.C. rig machine at pin point and drilling up to 330 metre deep. 295 Drilling of 625mm dia bore from G.L. to 65 m BGL. 296 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 65m BGL to 100m BGL. 297 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 100m BGL to 200m BGL. 298 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 200m BGL to 300m BGL. 299 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 300m BGL to 330m BGL. 300 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL- 301 Lowering of 300mmx200mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea Gravel between annular space of bore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 300m BGL. 302 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 60m BGL. 303 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 60m B.G.L To 100m BGL. 304 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 100m B.G.L To 300m BGL. 305 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 100m B.G.L To 300m BGL. 306 Extra Work (Site Clearance), Arrangement of Water Disposal and silt /malba during development of Tubewell. 307 MATERIALS 308 TUBE WELL:ASSEMBLYM.S. Tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain Pipe, Slotted Pipe, Rings, well cap, Bail Plug, Clamp, Reducer, Centre Guide, Support Structure etc 309 300mm. dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1 mm thick. 310 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick slotted pipe. 311 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe. 312 300X200 mm. dia M.S reducer 16.0 mm. thick. 313 300mm. size M.S. well cap. 12mm thick. 314 300mm size M.S. half thread nipple. 315 300 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck. 316 200 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck. 317 300 mm.dia size M.S. S/I clamp. 318 Tube well supporting Frame. 319 200mm.dia size M.S.bail plug. 320 200mm Center guide. 321 300mm dia half thread socket 322 PEA-GRAVEL- 323 1.60mm to 4.80mm. size pea gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingatsite. 324 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBE WELL 325 Development of tube well by 600 PSI air compressor 326 Transportation,Installation, Dismantling of compressor including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 327 Development of tube well by 600 PSI air compressor. 328 Sodium Hexametaphasphate 329 Development of tube well by 3 cusec O.P. unit 330 Transportation,Installation & Dismantling of O.P. unit including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 331 Development of tube well by 3cusec O.P. unit. 332 TEST :- 333 Chemical and bacteriological test. 334 Yield and verticality test of tube well. 335 Logging of tube well. 336 Zone TestingAS per site requrement 337 Zone testing including all requred material , labour T&P etc. complete in all respect. 338 Cement sealing of contamenated accufer/zone including all requred material , labour T&P etc. complete in all respect. 339 Supply and lowering of 90mm dia UPVC gravel feed pipe. 340 Other miscellaneous work as per site requirement ie - vehicle / transportation arramgement for site supervision 341 PUMPING PLANT 342 1100 LPM, 60m head 2900rpm, 30 H.P. submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ 5% volt, 50hz, 3-phase A.C. Supply (As per IS 8034-1989)-1 set- submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ 5% volt, 50hz, 3-phase A.C. Supply (As per IS 8034-1989)- 1 SET, Soft control panel fabricated with 22mm tick M.S. plate dust and vermin proof having MCCB including following items. 1SET,Voltmeter 0-500 volt range with selector switch. 1 NOS,MCCB 100 amp. 1 NOS,Ammeter 0-100 amp. range with selector switch. 1 NOS,KWI meter 1 NOS,Power factor meter 1NOS,Frequency meter 1NOS,Hour count meter 1 NOS,Single phase preventer1 NOS,Power capacitor of suitable capacity 1 SET,Phase indicting lamps with toggle switch. 1 SET,Instrument fuses of 6 amp. capacity. 1 SET,15 amp. switch fuses unit for light and fan point 1 NOS,Submersible cable of suitable size 90 min case any other item required for the completion of this item including Manually operated oil immersed at auto transformer starter with suitable relay to operate the pump set.1 set 343 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES -1 set 344 150 mm dia 5.4mm thick M.S. columnpipe with both end flanged and groove for passing submersible cable in each length in 3m long 30 m with 1m long top pipe with cap (Damdam) and sealing ring. -8 nos, 150mm dia size CI-D/F 90 Degree bend-1 nos,100mm dia size CI-A/F Tee -1 nos,150mm dia size M.S. Distance piece 1.00m long 2 Nos. and 1.5m long 1 No. -M.S. enlarger/reducer of suitable size. -1 nos,150mm dia Kirlosker/IVC make Sluice Valve,P.N. rating 1.0 Having following specification confirming. (As per IS - 14846-2000)-2 nos,Non rising system with hand wheel ,Both end flangedFace ring pressed in body and wedge.With Isometric trap axial threads for smooth operation of stream.Wedge tarred on both sides provided with deep grooves inside.Applicati 150mm dia Kirlosker/IVC makeReflux Valve on Handling of clear water sp. gr. 1.0(Confirming to 15.780/I.S. 2905)(Confirming to IS-5312 part-I) Having following specification :-1set,Suitable for handling clear water having specific gravityand temperature up to 500. Both end flanged.Door contact on the periphery.Body: Gun Metal.Hinge pin stainless steelDisc face: High quality mature rubber or better. TOOLS (REPUTED MAKE) IN A TOOL KIT-1 set. Pipe wrenches -2 nos,D/E spanner 22/6 mm-6pcs,Adjustable wrench 300 mm-1 no,Screw driver (a) 12 X 250 mm-1 no,(b) 8 X 250 mm-1no,(c) 5 X 250mm-1 no,Combination plier 200mm-1no,Nose plier 200 mm-1no,Hammer with handle 1 Kg. -1 no,Line tester (Taparia make)-1no,GAUGES :-1 set,Febrick/H Guru make Pressure gauge -1 no,Febrick/H Guru make Depth Gauge-1 no,Other necessary fitting for gauges, control cock, Air hand pump, sunmica top wooden board flexible PVC armoured 12mm airline 40m including all accessories. 1set, Misc. items such as protection ring, cutout, transformer oil, electric resistanace rubber sheet etc.-1 no,LIFTING TACKLE (REPUTED MADE)2 tones capacity 4.5 m lift, spur geared chain pulley block (Tested on 3 Tones.)-1 no 345 Cost of additional 100mm dia 3m long M.S. flange colanm pipe. 346 Supply and installation of Electro Mechanical type Dozer set of suitable capacity working pressure 0-4 Kg/Cm2 complete with panel and 100 liter capacity syntax make tank suitable for 600 to 3000 LPM discharge of pumping plant. 347 Power Wiring and Earthing, Internal Wiring of Pump House , internal and external lighting with solar inverter and panel capacity of 1kw 348 Painting of pumping plant with approved anticorrosive and specified colour paint-2 coat. 349 One month watch & ward during the period of installation. 350 TRAIL AND RUN OF PUMPING PLANT FOR THREE MONTHS 351 Cost Pump operator 1 Nos.x3month 352 Cost of sodium hypochloride for chlorination of water 353 Expenditure on electricity consumed 354 CompleteSCADA automation work for Tube well and O.H.T 355 Redundant RTU intelligent GSM based remote treminal unit with redundant CPUand power supply with analog and digital parameters and features as specified0 One eachfor each Tube wellto store and transmit data at multiple stations and also compatible to satellite communication 356 GSM based wireless communication system for RTU Capable to transfer and gether data from remote to control stations. All accessories included with single enhancer, antenna specs already. 357 SITC OF Auto phase reversal unit up to 30 HP 358 SITC OF Actuator & control switch gear for 150/200/300 mm size CIDF sluice Valve (3 NOS). 359 Electro Magnetic Flow meter (2NOS) suitable for 150/200/300 mm size delivery Pipe 360 Smart Pressure Transmeter and Ultrasonic Level Senser with display 361 Complete cabling for 1 No. of Tubewell including cable in T.W 1, pressure transmeter to room, flow transmeter to room OHT to room, level transmeter to room. 362 Control Panel with IP 54 Protection , industrial grade for all equipment separate for control (24 V) and power equipments WITH 7 inch HMI touch screen suitable to communicate with PLC/RTU for local; display and control of process parameters as specified in technical specification . 363 Installation, commissioning & testing 364 Test & Trail run for 3 months 365 SITC OF Voltage Stabilizer 366 Supply & Erection of Servo Stabilizer of 40 KVA Input voltage range = 200 - 480 volts, 3 Phase, A.C. SupplyOut put voltage range = 415 + 1% , 3 PhaseInsulation=" C " ClassTemperature Rise = 45 Degree Centigrade above ambient temperature Frequency= 50 HzCooling = Air CooledOperation mode= Automatic 367 Local Control Station for all 7 nos TW - zone 1 , 2 &3 (Controlling and monitering in Gaurabadshahpur N.P ) 368 CE / UL Certified industrial grade 55" LED MONITOR with latest configuration as per technical specification. 369 Video wall media player of same OEM 370 32" Desktop / PC with i7 processor as per specification with letest window 2 nos ( 1 nos for operator and 1 nos for Engineer incharge) 371 CE / UL certified 3 KVA UPS with batteries as per specification 372 GSM Based wireless/broad band communication system for PLC capable to transfer and recived datea & gather data from remote sites to LCS with Internet connectionwith Static IP 373 CE / UL certified industrial grade ETHERNET switch with surge protector 374 A-Full development of letest version of required TAGS SCADA Software with coustomization of software for LCSas per spec mentioned in technical bid document and direction given by EIC , B- Customised software with Mobile App facility system architecture ( Industria internet based & viewed through mobile apps for increased local & remote visibility) and Integration with existing MCS C- CE/UL certified LCS room PLC with redundent CPU & Power supply at LCS in IP54 enclouser as per spec mentioned in technical bid document and direction given by EIC. 375 Canon / HP / equivalent Laser printer with scanner , wifi coonection suitable1018 or equivalent 376 Security surveillance IP camera with recorder. FOR all 4 nos TW andLCS Site location 377 SITC of A.C (1.5 Ton BEE 3 STAR with voltage stablizer2NOS ),Table, Chair, Control Desk & other necessary Furniture items for LCS room AS PER DIRECTION of site engineer incharge with trail and run period.