Supply Of Various Types Of Test Kits, Rejents And Materials For Laboratory And Blood Bank Under Mukhya Mantri Niesulk Janch Yojana At Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Bhilwara , Bio Medical Waste White Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Glass Test Tube 4" (1X100) , Glass Test Tube 3" (1X100) , Disposable Mask (1X100) , Disposable Mask(1X50) , Mask Tripple Layer (1X1) , Mask N-95 (1X1) , Dropper Plastic 5 Ml (1X100) , Micropore Transparent Tape 1" (1X1) , Micropore Transparent Tape 2" (1X1) , Micropore Transparent Tape 3" (1X1) , Band Aid (1X100) , Bio Medical Waste Greenbucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Bio Medical Waste Red Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Bio Medical Waste Blue Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Bio Medical Waste Yellow Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Bio Medical Waste Black Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Gel+Clot Activatervial With Cap (3Ml) (1X100) , Clot Activator Vial 4Ml (1X100) , Plain Screw Cap Tube 5Ml (1X100) , Tourniquet (Buckle Type) (1X1) , Touniquiet (Velcro) (1X1) , Rectified Spirit(1X500 Ml) , Phenyl (1X5 Ltr) , Lyzol (1X5 Ltr) , Toilet Cleaner (1X500 Ml) , Acid For Washing (1X500 Ml) , Dusting Cloth (1X1) , Doormat 4*6 (1X1) , Glass Cleaner(1X500 Ml) , Puncture Proof Box(1X1) , Paper Gloves (1X100) , Surgical Gloves Latex Disposable (Large) (1X100) , Surgical Gloves Latex Disposable (Medium) (1X100) , Surgical Gloves Latex Disposable (Small) (1X100) , Surgical Gloves Latex 6" (1X1 Pair) , Surgical Gloves Latex6.5" (1X1 Pair) , Surgical Gloves Latex7" (1X1 Pair) , Surgical Gloves Latex7.5 (1X1 Pair) , Surgical Examinination Gloves (Free Size) (1X100) , Hand Sanitizer (Liquid) (1X500 Ml) , Sodium Hypo Chloride 5% (1X5 Ltr) , Disposable Needle 23 Nos (1X100) , Disposable Syringe 2Cc With Needle (1X100) , Disposable Syringe 5Cc With Needle (1X100) , Disposable Syringe 10Cc With Needle (1X50) , Disposable Syringe 20Cc With Needle (1X25) , Disposable Syringe 50Cc With Needle (1X20) , Tissue Paper (1X1 Roll) , Marker Pen Fine Tip(1X1) , Liquid Soap For Hand Wash(1X500 Ml) , Micropore Tap 4" (1X1) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Red (1X100) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Green (1X100) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Yellow (1X100) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Black (1X100) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Blue (1X100) , Milkcollection Glass Bottle With Cap 160 Ml (1X1) , Milkcollection Glass Bottle With Cap 30 Ml (1X1) , Haemodialysis A Part K+ Free Solution (10Ltr) , Inj. Normal Saline 0.9%500Ml Glass Bottle (1X1) , Pathology N/10 Hcl (H B Meter Sahilis ) (1X500 Ml) , Copper Sulphate Powder (1X500 Gm) , Hb Meter Tube (Square) (1X1 Tube) , Whatsmans Filter Paper (Circular) (Bt Manual) (1X100 Pcs) , Lancet(Bt Manual) (1X100 Pcs) , Lancet(Bt Manual) (1X200 Pcs) , Capillary Tube Fine (Bt-Ct Manual) (1X100 Tube) , Neubar Chamber (Tlc Manual) (1X1 Unit) , Wbcpipette (Tlc Manual) (1X1 Pcs) , Methanol (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X2.5 Ltr) , Methanol (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X500 Ml) , Field Stain (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X500 Ml A+1X500 Ml B (A+B) Kit) , Glass Slides (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X50 Slide Pkt) , Cedar Wood Oil(Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X500 Ml) , Reticulocytecount Fliud (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X100 Ml) , Mgg Stain(Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1 Kit) , Rapid Papstain(Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1 Kit) , Leishmansstain(Dlc & Pbf Manual) [1*500 Ml Cytochrome+1X500 Ml Stock Buffer (2X)] , Leishmansstain(Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1 Kit) , Esr Stand With Marking(Esrmanual) (1X1 Pcs) , Esr Test Cup (Plastic)(Esrmanual) (1X500 Cup Pkt) , Esr Pipette (Glass)(Esrmanual) (1X5 Pipette) , Esr Pipette With Bulb (Disposable Autosuck) (Esr Manual) (1X100 Pipette) , Tri Sodium Citrate 3.8% (Solution) (Esr Manual) (1X500 Ml) , Stop Watch (Esr Manual) (1X1 Pcs) , K3 Edta Tube (Double Cap) Cbc (1X100 Tube Pkt) , Urine Albumin/Sugar Strip (Manual) (1X100 Strip) , Container 50 Ml Capacity Disposable With Screw Cap Plastic (Urine Albumin/Sugar Manual) (1X100container) , Cover Slip (Urine Complete Manual) (1X50x20) , Keto Diastic (For Urine Manual) (1X50) , Sky Blue Cap Tube (For Pt Inr) (1X100) , Coombs Reagent (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X5 Ml) , Coombs Reagent (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Bovine Albumin 22% (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X5 Ml) , Bovine Albumin 22% (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Geimsa Stain(1X500 Ml) , Oil Immersion Lens (For Microscope) (1X1) , Liquid Paraffin(For Microscope) (1X500 Ml) , Slide Tray Aluminium For 20 Slides (1X1) , Slide Tray Aluminium For 24 Slides (1X1) , Grams Stain (1X500 Ml) , Thermal Printer Paper Roll (Size 57X25mm) (1X12) , Binocular Microscope Eye Piece 10 X (1X1) , Binocular Microscope Eye Piece 5 X (1X1) , Binocular Microscope Objective Lens 10 X (1X1) , Binocular Microscope Objective Lens 40 X (1X1) , Binocular Microscope Bulb (1X1) , Glass Slide Size 75Mmx25mmx1.35Mm(1X50) , Formaldehyde Solution (1X5 Ltr) , Pap Stain (1X1) , Microbiology Urine Pregnancy Test Card (Manual) (1X30 Card) , Urine Pregnancy Test Card (Manual) (1X50 Card) , Lugols Iodine (Stool Test Manual) (1X125 Ml) , Hemo Spot Test For Occult Blood (1X100) , Hemo Spot Test For Occult Blood (1X200) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Card (1X100) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Card (1X50) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Card (1X30 Card) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Strip (1X50) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Strip (1X100) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Elisa 4Th Generation (1X96) , Tpha Rapid Strip (1X30) , Tpha Rapid Strip (1X50) , Tpha Rapid Strip (1X100) , Rpr( Rapid) Kit (1X50tests) , Rpr( Rapid) Kit (1X100 Test) , Hiv Rapid Card Triline(1X30) , Hiv Rapid Card Triline(1X50) , Hiv Rapid Tridot (1X50) , Hiv Rapid Tridot (1X100) , Hiv Rapid Combaids (1X48) , Hiv Elisa 4 Thgeneration (1X96) , Anti Hcv Anti Bodyrapid Card (1X30) , Anti Hcv Anti Bodyrapid Card (1X50) , Hcv Elisa 4Thgeneration (1X96) , Malaria Rapid Card Antigen/Ldh (1X30) , Malaria Rapid Card Antigen/Ldh (1X100) , Pan Malaria (Rapid Pf/Pv)(1X100) , Pan Malaria (Rapid Pf/Pv)(1X30) , Widal Test Kit (Vials) (To,Th,Ah,Bh) Agglutination Rgf (1*4*5 Ml) , Typhoid Igm Antibody Card Test(1X1) , Typhoid Igg&Igm Antibody Card Test(1X1) , Aslo Kit (Latex Agglutination) (1X25) , Aslo Kit (Agglutination) (1X50) , R.A. Factor Kit (Agglutination,Qualitative) (1X50) , R.A. Factor Kit (Agglutination,Qualitative) (1X100) , Z.N. Stain Rapid Kit (Sputum For Afb) (100 Ml Eachx1) , Z.N. Stain Rapid Kit (Sputum For Afb) (125 Ml Kit Each) , Siprit Lamp (Sputum For Afb Staining) (1X1) , Crp (Latex Agglutination) (25 Test Kit ) , Crp (Latex Agglutination) (1X30) , Dengue Rapid Antibody (Igg+Igm)+Antigen (Ns1)Combo Card (1X1) , Dengue Antibody (Igg+Igm) Rapid Card (1X1) , Dengue Antigen (Ns1) Rapid Card (1X1) , Dengue Capture Elisa Antibody Igm (Mac) (1X96) , Dengue Elisa Antigen (Ns1) (1X96) , Scrub Tyhpus Rapid Card (Antibody Igm) (1X30) , Scrub Tyhpus Elisa (Antibody Igm) (1X96) , Scrub Tyhpus(Antibody Igm) (1X25) , Chikungunya Rapid Card (Antibody Igm) (1X25) , Chikungunya Rapid Card (Antibody Igm) (1X30) , Chikungunya Elisa (Antibody Igm) (1X96) , Vtm With Swab (For Swine Fiu) (1X1) , Ppe Kit (For Swine Flu) (1X1) , Test Tube Rack Plastic 1X48 Wells (1X1) , Tongue Dipresser Wooden (1X100) , Zipper Polythen (For Packing Medium Size) (1X100) , Test Tube Rack Plastic (1X48 Wells) (1X1) , Test Tube Rack Plastic (1X24 Wells) (1X1) , Yellow Tips (Micro) (1X1000) , Glass Marking Pencil (1X10) , Scalpal Blade 11 To 23No (1X100 Pcs) , Torch Igm Elisa (1X96) , Torch Igm Elisa (1X48) , Torch Igg Elisa (1X96) , Torch Igg Elisa (1X48) , Hepttitis A Elisa (1X96) , Anti Hav Rapid Card (1X25) , Anti Hav Rapid Card (1X50) , Anti Hev Rapid Card (1X50) , Hiv Elisa (Igg+Igm+Antibody Combo) (1X48) , Aluminium Screw For 30 Ml Glass Bottle (30 Ml) , Anti Hev Elisa (1X96 Test) , Anti Hav Elisa Igm (1X96) , Hcv Tridot Pack 4Th Genration (1X100) , Brucella Igm Elisa(1X96) , Anti Hbs Ag (Hepa Card)-Pack Size(1X100test) , Ana Elisa Test Kit(1X96 Tests) , Ana Ict Strips (16 Strips Per Pack) , Japanese Encephalitis Igm (1X96 Tests) , Rota Virus Igm Elisafor Serum& Stool (1X96) , Rota Virus Igm Rapidfor Serum& Stool (1X 25 Test) , Rotavirus/Adenovirus Latex Agglutination For Stool (1X25 Test) , Salmonella O Ag Group C For Salmonella 5 Ml X 1 (1 Vial) , Brucella Igm Elisa(96 Test/Kit) , Measles Igm(1X96 Tests) , Hsv-2 Card Test Pack Size(30 Test) , H2o2 (11%)+ Silver Nitrate Solution (0.01% W/V)(1X1 Ltr) , H2o2 (11%)+ Silver Nitrate Solution (0.01% W/V)(1X5 Ltr) , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar(500 Gm) , Mac Conkey Agar With Cv (500 Gm) , Nutrient Agar (500 Gm) , Cled Agar (500 Gm) , Mycological Peptone (500 Gm) , Mannitol Motility Agar (500 Gm) , Phenylene Deaminase Agar (100 Gm) , Christian Urea Agar With 40% Urea Solution (500 Gm) , Triple Sugar Iron Media(500 Gm) , Simmons Citrate Agar (500 Gm) , Kovacs Indole Reagent (500 Gm) , Mannitol Powder (500 Gm) , Glucose Powder(500 Gm) , Lactose Powder (500 Gm) , Sucrose Powder (500 Gm) , Methanol 95%(500Ml) , Absolute Alcohol(500Ml) , Motility Sulfide Media(100 Gm) , Agar Agar, Type I(500 Gm) , Pottasium Dichromate Powder (500 Gm) , Hydrogen Peroxide 3/6% (500 Ml) , Oxidase Reagent 100 Gm Purity > 99% (100 Gm) , Mueller Hinton Agar(500 Gm) , Potassium Di Hydrogen Phosphate Powder (500 Gm) , Robertson’S Cooked Meat Broth Medium (500 Gm) , Bile Salt Powder With Cholic Acid Content >= 45.0%, Certified,(250 Gm) , Sda With Chloramphenicol(500 Gm) , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (Xld Agar ) (500 Gm) , Thioglycollate Powder(500 Gm) , Iodine Crystals (100 Gm) , Sodiumbicarbonate(500 Gm) , Ammonium Oxalate Powder(500 Gm) , Calcium Chloride (100 Gm) , Brain Heart Infusion Agar(500 Gm) , Brain Heart Infusion Broth(500 Gm) , Acetone 500 Ml , Leishman Stainpractical Grade For Microsopy Twin Pack 500 Ml , Bile Esculin Agar (500 Gm) , Selenite-F Brothpowder( 100Gm) , Grams Stain Kit(2 Ltr) , Dermatophyte Test Agar & Supplement (500 Gm) , Hi Chrome Agar For Candida 100Gm , Potassium Hydroxide (500 Gm) , Dmso( Diemthyl Sulphoxide) (100 Gm) , Sda Plain(500 Gm) , Sda With Chloramphenicol (500 Gm) , Sodium Chloride (Anhydrous)(500 Gm) , India Ink Or Nigrosin (100 Gm) , Lactophenol Cotton Blue(500 Gm) , Albert Stain 100 Ml Each A& B , Lowenstein Jensen Powder (500 Gm) , Phenol Crystals (500 Mg) , Mannitol Motility Agar (100 Gm) , Of Basal Medium(500 Gm) , Ferric Chloride Powder(500 Gm) , Amikacin (30Mg) , Amoxyclav (30 Mcg) , Ampicillin(2Mg) , Azithromycin(15Mcg) , Aztreonam(30Mcg) , Bacitracin (50 Discs/Vl) , Bile Esculin Discs , Cefazolin (Cz) (30 Mcg) , Cefipime(30Mcg) , Cefixime (5Mcg) , Cefoperazone-Sulbactum(75Mcg/30Mcg) , Cefotaxime (30 Mcg) , Cefoxitin (30 Mcg) , Ceftazidime (30Mg) , Ceftazidime /Clavulamic Acid (30/10Mg) , Ceftriaxone (30Mcg) , Cefuroxime(30 Mcg) , Chloramphenicol(30Mcg) , Ciprofloxacin (5Mg) , Clindamycin 2 Mcg , Colistin (10Mcg) , Co-Trimoxazole-(23-75/1.25Mg) , Erythromycin , Gentamicin(10Mcg) , Gentamicin(120Mcg) , Imipenem (10Mg) , Levofloxacin (5Mcg) , Linezolid(30Mg) , Meropenem(10Mcg) , Metronidazole(5Mg) , Nalidixic Acid (30Mg) , Nitrofurantoin(300Mcg) , Novobiocin (30 Mg) , Onpg Discs , Optochin Disc (For S.Pnemonioe ,,) , Oxidasediscs. , Ofloxacin (5Mcg) , Penicillin-G(10Units) , Piperacillin (100Mg) , Pipera-Tazobactum(100/10 Mcg) , Polymyxin-B(300Units) , Teicoplanin(30Mcg) , Tetracycline (30Mg) , Ticarcillin-Clavulanic Acid (75/10 Mcg) , Tobramycin(10Mcg) , Vancomycin(30Mcg) , Fosfomycin 200 Mcg , Cefoxitin + Cloxacillin , Tigecycline 15 Mcg , Cephazolin(30Mcg) , Cinoxacin(100Mcg) , Norfloxacin(100Mcg) , Ertapenem(10Mcg) , Oxacillin(10Mcg) , Cefoxitin(30Mcg) , Glass Petri Dish Culture,60Mm , Glass Petri Dish Culture,90Mm , Single Cavity Glass Slide For Motility , Mccartney Bottle W/ Aluminium Cap With Rubber Liner, Neutral Glass, Autoclavable, Capacity 15 Ml ; 100/Pk (100 Pcs) , Mccartney Flat Bottle :Aluminium Cap With Bromo Butyl Rubber Liner, Neutral Glass, Autoclavable, Capacity 30 Ml; 100 Piece /Pack (100 Pcs) , Volumetric Conical Erlenmeyer Flask (Glass) 50 Ml Graduated W/ Stopper, Class A, Usp Certificate, (5 Pcs) , Volumetric Conical Flasks, Erlenmeyer, Narrow Mouth, 100 Ml (5 Pcs) , Volumetric Conical Erlenmeyer Flask (Glass) 500 Ml Graduated Class A , Usp Certificate (5 Pcs) , Graduated Laboratory Dropping Bottle With Rubber Dispenser Fitted250 Ml Capacity Of Borosilicate Glass(5 Pcs) , Glass Beaker Borosil 100 Ml With Spout , U Shaped Glass Rod , Glass Beaker Of 2 Lt , Heavy Duty , Double Graduation Metric Scale , Glass Beaker With Spout (Discarding Jar) 1Lt , Test Tube Glass Size 12Cm X 150 Mm (50 Tubes Per Pack) (1X50) , Measuringpipette With Rubber Bulb 10 Ml (Mohr Type) Class-B(5 Pcs) , Measuring Cylinder, With Class-A Certificate Capacity 1000Ml With Stopper (1 Pcs) , Measuring Cylinder, With Class-A Certificate; Capacity 250Ml With Stopper (2 Pcs) , Slide Boxes For Students For 100 Slides , Heavy Duty Gloves Heat Resistant , Category Iii Glove, Preferably En 407 Performance Levels (4 Pairs) , Test Tube Stand Polypropylene 3 Tier Fortest Tubes , Paraffin Films M Rolls 2" Inch Width 250 Feet Length , Falcon Tube (Conical) Polypropylene ,Usp Class Vi, Max G Force Of 15,000Xg ;50 Ml ,360 Piece/Pk , Falcon Tube (Conical) Polypropylene 15 Ml 1 Pack Of 300 Each , Test Tube Rack Holder 40 -50 Holes Vents Plastic Centrifugal Deck(10 Pcs) , Universal Eto Sterile Plastic(Pp) Containers(30Ml) 100 Piece In Pack , Sterile Swab With Collection Vial 50 Piece/Pkt , Sterile Swab Stick For Culture Inoculation , Sterile Swab Stick For Nasopharyngeal Specimen ( Himedia Pref.) 100 Piece/Pkt , Screw Capped Cryo Vial 3 Ml Polypropylene For Serum Storage(2 Pcs) , Spatula Spoon Shaped Plastic For Chemical Dispense (Graduated) (10 Pcs) , Autoclave Bowie Dick Tape 1 Pack Of 30 Tests, Complies To Ansi/Aami/Iso 11140-5:2007 Class 2. (100 Test) , Ph Paper Strips 1-14 Ph Range Himedia , Fisher Scientific(200 Strips) , Forcep Stainless Steel Non Corosive Surgical Grade (00 & Higher) , Nichrome Straight Wire (2 Mm) Embedded In Brass Rod With Heat Resistant Handle (Preferably Himedia) , Nichrome Straight Wire (3 Mm) Embedded In Brass Rod With Heat Resistant Handle (Preferably Himedia) , Steel Surgical Scalpel Blade Chisel/ Handle , Forceps For Cover Glasses, Kuhne Type , Glass Or Diamond Marker , Stainless Steel Tub 25 Ltfor Glass Wash , Utility Tray320x260x70mm For Transport Of Samples , Forcep Autoclavable, Size 12 Inch,Blunt Tip, Ss , Forcep Autoclavable, Size 8 Inch, Blunt Tip, Ss 410 , Stainless Steel Forceps, Pointed, Autoclavable, Size 8 Inch, Ss 410 , Tongs Stainless Steel 12 Inch For Beaker (Borosil) , Stainless Steel Forceps, Pointed Tips And Handles 8 Inch, , Test Tube Washing Brushes Steel (Pack Of 10) , Zinc Sulphate 100Gm , Cover Slip 22 Mm (1X50) , Surgical Gloves Free Size (Not Powderd) (Nitrile Hand Gloves) (1X100) , Glycerol(1X500ml) , Xylene (1X500 Ml) , Slide Drying Tray Aluminium (1X1) , Sodium Polyanethol Sulphonate Powder 5 Gm (Sigma1 Bottle) , Leptospirosis Rapid Card (1X1) , Leptospirosis Elisa (1X96) , Of Sugur (Oxidative Fermentative Sugur) (1X1) , Lao (Decarboxylase) (Lyxine, Arginine, Ornithens) (1X1) , Blood Culture Bottle 120 Ml (1X1) , Universal Containor 50 Ml (Sterile) , Methyl Red Reagent 500 Mg (Powder) , Koh Pellets , Cavity Slide For Matility , Loops (Nichreme) Hi Midia , Teasing Needle (Fungus) (1X1) , Biochemistry Blood Sugar Reagent Enzymatic (For Semi-Auto God/Pod) (2X200 Ml) , Urea Berthlot (For Semi-Auto Urease End Point (Liquid)) (2X100 Ml) , Urea Kinetic (For Semi-Auto) (5X20 Ml) , Creatinine (Jaffes For Semi-Auto,Initial Rate) (R1-2X60 Ml R2-2X60 Ml) , Sgot For Semi -Auto (Without Pridoxal Phosphate-Ifcc Method) (5X20 Ml) , Sgpt For Semi -Auto (Without Pridoxal Phosphate-Ifcc Method) (5X20 Ml) , Bilirubin Total (For Semi-Auto,Jendrassik & Grof (1X200 Ml) , Bilirubin Direct (For Semi-Auto,Jendrassik & Grof (1X200 Ml) , Amalyse Kinetic (For Semi-Auto) (2X20 Ml) , Lipase (For Semi-Auto) , Ggt (For Semi-Auto) , Csf Protein Fluid (For Csf Protein Manual) (1X100 Ml) , Code Free (Blood Sugar Strip Rapid) (1X100) , Sample Cup Plastic (For Biochemistry) (1X500) , Pipette Stand Plastic (1X1) , Vaccutainer (Red Top ) For Biochemistry 5Ml (1X100) , Micro Pipette 10Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 20Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 50Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 100Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 500Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 1000Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 5-50Ul(Variable) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 20-200Ul(Variable) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 100-1000Ul(Variable) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 5 Ul (Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 25 Ul (Fix Volume) (1X1) , Blue Tips(1X500) , D.I. Water (1X5 Ltr) , Glucometer (Code Free) (1X1) , Blood Sugur Strip (1X50) , Glucometer Cell (1X1) , Carbon Bush For Centrifuge Machine (1X2) , D-Dimer Quantitative For Semi Auto (1X100) , Blood Bank Transfer Blood Bag (Without Anti Coagulant) 100 Ml (1X10x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Single Bag )350 Ml (1X10x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Single Bag )100 Ml (1X10x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Double Bag )350 Ml (1X6x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Double Bag )450 Ml (1X6x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpdadouble Bag With Sagm)450Ml (1X6x11) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Tripple Bag Withoutsagam ) 450 Ml (1X5x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Tripple Bag Withsagam ) 450 Ml (1X5x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Tripple Bag With Sagam ) 350 Ml (1X5x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Quadriplebag With Sagam) 350 Ml (1X4x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Quadriplebag With Sagam) 450 Ml (1X4x10) , Quantiple 450 Ml (1X3x10) , Soft Ball (Exercise Ball) (1X8) , Antisera Stand Plastic (1X1) , Antisera Anti A1 Lactin (1X5 Ml) , Antisera Anti H (1X5 Ml) , Antisera Anti Ab (1X5 Ml) , Anti Human Globulin (Ahg) (1X5 Ml) , Anti A Polycolonol (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Anti B Polycolonol (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Anti D Polycolonol (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , A,B,D Vial (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X3x10 Ml) , Anti Sera Amonoclonal(Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Anti Sera Bmonoclonal(Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Anti Sera Dmonoclonal(Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , B.P. Instrument (Mercury) (1X1) , B.P. Instrument- Dial (1X1) , B.P. Instrument - Digital (1X1) , B.P. Instrument - Cuff With Cover (1X1) , B.P. Instrument - Armlet Rubber (1X1) , Bulb Rubber (1X1) , Weight Machine Digital Up To 150 Kg (1X1) , Weight Machine Arroe Up To 150 Kg (1X1) , Postal Scale 1Kg (1X1) , Tips Stand (1X1) , Beaker Glass 500 Ml (1X1) , Measuring Cylinder 500 Ml (1X1) , Slipeer Rubber (1X1) , Bucket All Colour With Sieve (For Bio Medical Waste) 60 Ltr (1X1) , Plastic Bag (For Bio Medical Waste) 60 Ltr (100X1) , Cpda Penta Bag 350 Ml (1X3x10) , Cpda Penta Bag 450 Ml (1X3x10) , Cpda Penta Bag 450 Ml (1X10x10) , D.W.(0Tds)(1X5ltr) , Digital Tharmameter (1 Pcs) , Digital Weighing Machine Cell (1X1) , Pencil Cell (Small/Medium) (1X1) , Liss/Coombs (24X12) , Diluent (1X500 Ml) , Abo/Rh (4X12) , Abo/D+ Reverse (24X12) , Biological Indicator Of Autoclabe Machine (1 Roll) , Art K3 Edta Tube 6 Ml Non Vaccume (1X100) , Multi Purpose Tube Plane 5Ml With O Ring Cap (1X100) , K3 Edta Tube 2 Mlvaccume (1X100) , Red Top Vaccutainer Plain Vial Vaccum (1X100) , Vaccum Holder (1X1) , Vaccum Blood Collection Needle (1X100) , K3 Edta 6 Ml Vaccume (1X100) , Red Top Vaccutainer Plain Vial Vaccum 6 Ml (1X100) , K3 Edta Vaccume 4 Ml (1X100) , K3 Edta Vaccume 3 Ml (1X100) , Cryo Vial With O Ring Cap Polypropylene Tube 2Ml (1X100) , Cryo Vial With O Ring Cap Polypropylene Tube 5Ml (1X100) , Sodium Floride Vial (1X100)