Tenders are invited for Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvement of Magadi Exit Gate (West) Oloiborto (Cb Narok) (b19) Road Package: ROUTINE MAINTENANCE & SPOT IMPROVEMENT OF MAGADI EXIT GATE (WEST) OLOIBORTO (CB NAROK) (B19) ROAD Contractor 0 Bill of Quantities Page: 1 Bill No.1 General: Office administration and overheads/Preliminaries Project: Item No. Description Units Quantity Unit Bid Rate(Ksh) Amount KSh 01-60-005 Publicity sign boards No. 2 01-80-010A Payment for Material Testing as detailed in the schedule attached in Appendix C as Instructed by the Engineer Sum 65,910 1 65,910 01-80-011A Extra over 01-80-010A for profits and overheads % 65,910 01-80-030A Payment of Engineers Supervisory Staff including overtime in accordance with clause 137 of Special Specifications and as per Renumeration Rates in Appendix A as instructed by the Engineer Sum 1,118,250 1 1,118,250 01-80-031A Extra over 01-80-030A for contractors profits and overheads % 1,118,250 01-80-026A Payment of Resident Engineer Miscellaneous Account as detailed in the schedule attached in Appendix B as Instructed by the Engineer Sum 1 Total Carried Forward to Summary: KeNHA/R5/216/2024 Issued by Kenya National Highways Authority 106 Road Code B19 Section Name MAGADI EXIT GATE (WEST) OLOIBORTO Package: ROUTINE MAINTENANCE & SPOT IMPROVEMENT OF MAGADI EXIT GATE (WEST) OLOIBORTO (CB NAROK) (B19) ROAD Contracto r 0 Bill of Quantities Page: 2 Bill No.4 SITE CLEARANCE Project: Item No. Description Units Quantit y Unit Bid Rate(Ksh ) Amount KSh 04-50-003 Heavy bush clearing M2 100,000 04-50-004 Light bush clearing M2 150,000 Package: ROUTINE MAINTENANCE & SPOT IMPROVEMENT OF MAGADI EXIT GATE (WEST) OLOIBORTO (CB NAROK) (B19) ROAD Contractor 0 Bill of Quantities Page: 3 Bill No.7 EXCAVATION AND FILLING FOR STRUCTURES Project: Item No. Description Units Quantity Unit Bid Rate(Ksh) Amount KSh 07-60-001 Excavate and back fill for gabions in soft materials M³ 75 07-60-002 Provide and place gabion boxes and mattresses as specified or as directed by the Engineer M² 550 07-60-003 Provide and place rock fill to gabions and mattresses M³ 100 07-60-004 Allow for grouting of the rock fill where necessary M² 120 Tender Link : https://kenha.co.ke/worksmaintenance/
Contact Information
P.O. Box 200-00507, Nairobi Attn:Office of the Regional Director – Nairobi Region,
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