Work Detail
Flower Seedlings: Parakeet(Alternanthera Ficoidea) - Bedding, Flower Seedlings: Agapanto(Agapanthus Africanus) - Foliage With Flower, Flower Seedlings: Vinca(Catharanthus Roseus) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Chlorophytum(Chlorophytum Comosum) - Bedding, Flower Seedlings: Purple Ivy (Hemigraphis Alternata) - Bedding, Flower Seedlings: Calanchoe (Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Lavender (Lavandula Officinalis) - Foliage, Flower Seedlings: Daisy (Leucanthemum Vulgare) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Dipladencia (Mandevilla Splendens) - Foliage, Flower Seedlings: Cineraria (Senecio Douglasii) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Estrelitzia (Strelitzia Reginae) - Foliage, Flower Seedlings: Lambari (Tradescantia Zebrina) - Bedding, Flower Seedlings Flowers: Lobelia (Lobelia) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Jasmine (Jasminum Sp.) - Arborea, Flower Seedlings: Begonia(Begonia Elatior) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Myrtle (Myrtus) - Shrub, Flower Seedlings: Three -Marias (Bougainvillea Glabra) - Creeper, Flower Seedlings: Coração-Magoado (Iresine Herbstii) - Bedding, Flower Seedlings: Lisimaquia (Lysimachia Vulgaris) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Azalea (Rhododendron Simsii) - Shrub, Flower Seedlings : Creeping Lantern (Lantana Sp.) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Rosa (Rosa Sp.) - Flower, Flower Seedlings: Alamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) - Creeper, Flower Seedlings: Formis (Phormium Tenax) - Foliage, Seedlings Of Flowers: Yellow Shrimp (Pachystachys Lutea) - Shrub
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