Acquisition Of Foodstuffs And Related Materials For Food Use. Chocolate, Non-Confectionary Sweet, Food Mix, Processed Oats, Olive Oil, Preserved Vegetable, Preserved Vegetable, Preserved Vegetable, Chocolate, Chocolate, Processed Potato, Sweet Syrup For Filling / Covering, Seasoning, Seasoning, Table Sauce, Non-Confectionery Sweet,Whipped Cream,Shredded Coconut,Disposable Cutlery,Condiment,Non-Confectionery Sweet,Tomato Paste,Condiment,Condiment,Condiment,Chili Sauce,Table Sauce,Condiment,Condiment,Condiment,Condiment,Disposable Cup, ´Sweet Tablet´, ´Sweet Tablet´, Non-Confectionery Jam, Preserved Vegetable, Breadcrumbs, Wheat Flour, Yeast, Yeast, Phosphorus, Corn Flour, Disposable Cutlery, Food Gelatin, Food Gelatin, Jelly, Napkin Paper, Paper Towel, Glove For Non-Surgical Procedure, Table Sauce, Disposable Lunch Box, Pasta, Prepared Baking, Preserved Vegetable, Food Mix, Table Sauce, Salted Meat, Bread, Fresh Poultry Meat, Sauce Table, Sweet Tablet, Toothpick, Aluminum Foil, Film Paper, Plate, Dish, Bag, Salt, Hospital Cap, Fruit, Vinegar, Vinegar, Sugar, Salt, Natural Mineral Water, Natural Mineral Water, Pulp Fruit Pulp,Fruit Pulp,Fruit Pulp,Fruit Pulp,Soda,Soda,Soda,Soda,Juice,Juice,Smoked Meat,Processed Vegetable,Sour Cream,Natural Yogurt,´Condensed Milk´,Fluid Milk,Stuffed Milk, Sausage, Sausage, Vegetable Fat, Cold Cuts