Enzymatic/Colorimetric Uric Acid With 200 Tests, 1% Alcohol Acid Solution 500Ml, Antigen For Vdrl With 5Ml Ready For Use, Methylene Blue With 500Ml, Enzymatic/Colorimetric Cholesterol With 500Ml, Kinetic/Colorimetric Creatinine With 200 Tests, Rheumatoid Factor W/ 2.5Ml Without Pos. And Neg. Control, Urine Examination Strip 10 Parameters, Colorimetric Enzymatic Glucose W/ 500Ml, Specific Kit For Diagnosis Of Sarscov- 2 + Flu A + Flu B + Rsv One Step, Covid-19 Swab Rapid Immunochromatographic Test Kit, Smooth Microscope Slide 26X76mm, Box With 50 Units, Microscope Slide 22X22mm, Box With 100 Units, Disposable Sterile Chopping Lancet With 100 Units, Micropipette Vol Fixed Desc. Automatic 10 Ul., Micropipette Fixed Vol. Desc. Automatic 1000Ul, Micropipette Fixed Vol. Desc. Automatic 100Ul, Micropipette Fixed Vol. Desc. Automatic 20Ul, Micropipette Fixed Vol. Desc. Automatic 25 Ul, Micropipette Fixed Vol. Desc. Automatic 50 Ul, Immersion Oil, Bottle With 100Ml., Manual Pipettor In Pvc With 3 Valves 1St Line Green Color, Glass Pipette For Vhs Graduated From 0 To 200Mm., Universal Collector Pot Desc. With Lid, Cap. 80Ml., Aslo Reagent With 2, Reagent For Enzymatic Urea With 250 Tests 250 Ml, Pcr Reagent With 2.5Ml Without Neg Control. E Pos., Anti-A Serum W/ 10Ml., Anti-B Serum W/ 10Ml., Anti-D Serum W/ 10Ml., Rapid Test Influenza A+ B (H1n1), Uv Kinetic Transaminase Tgo(Ast) W/ 100 Tests, Uv Kinetic Transaminase Tgp(Ast) With 100 Tests, Enzematic Triglycerides With 250 Tests, Plastic Test Tube With Screw Cap, Cap. 5Ml.