Future And Eventual Acquisition Of Medicines And Hospital Medical Materials For Human Use That Will Be Used By Patients Treated In The Uberlândia Municipal Health Network.. Sanitary Pad, Vacuum Blood Collection Needle, Anoscope, Surgical Drape, Tracheostomy Cannula, Tracheostomy Cannula, Central Catheter, Dressing / Cover, External Urinary Incontinence Device, Dressing / Cover, Formaldehyde (Formol), Disposable Diaper, Collection Bottle ,Scalpel Blade,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Orthopedic Tubular Mesh,Syringe,Syringe,Syringe,Syringe,Closed Tracheal Aspiration System,Closed Tracheal Aspiration System,Closed Tracheal Aspiration System , Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Digestive Tract Probe, Digestive Tract Probe, Petrolatum, Sanitary Pad, Vacuum Blood Collection Needle, Dressing / Covering, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe