Bids Are Invited For Skill Development Adjustable Wrench , Connectors , Crimping Tools , Firmer Chisel , Tennon Saw , Files , Claw Hammer , Pincer , Capacitor , Dimmer Stat , Lamp Bank , Stopwatch , Wiring Materials , Enamel Aluminum And Copper Wire , Copper , Various Insulating Material , Soldering Iron , Modular Wiring Accessorics , Fan Regulator , Mcbs And Ilcbs , Power Supplies , Desoldering Pump And Wire , Cables , Microwave Oven , Mixer Juicer Food Processor , Tds Meter , Water Pressure Gauge , Water Purifier Ro Uv Uf , Spares For Micro Wave Oven As Required , Hand Glove Pairs. , Geyser , Measurement Tape , Sewing Yard , Clear Ruler , Chipar Guide , Clear Ruler For Jointing , Wooden Tailoring Table , Mannequin , Tracking Wheel , Paper Scissors , Picking Scissors , Seem Reper , Thread Clear , Thread Needle , Babin , Loopturner , Sewing Machine , Interlocking Sewing Machine , Yard Stick Meter Stick , Iron Press , Ironing Board Swing Machine , Sleeve Board , Threembl , Fabricbas , Legshepar , Hengar , Brush , Holl Maker , L Square Scale , Tailor Art Curve , Skert Hem Maker Machine , Retractable Tap Major , Swing Box , Hip Curves , Iron Box Heavy Weight , Seem Roll , Almira Total Quantity : 3704