Supply Of Medical Equipments For Gamc&H Shimoga - Proctoscope With Illumination, Self-Retaining Retractor, Barron Piles Gun, Sigmoid Scope Rigid Or Flexible, X Ray View Box, Ophthalmic Operation Table With Head Rest, Ophthalmoscope Direct, Dental Chair, Slit Lamp 3, Cheatels Forceps, Peritonsillar Abcess Draining Forceps, Foreign Body Spud, Suction Machine, Spot Light, Diathermy, Medi-Lab-250Wxl Electro Surgery Diathermy, , Operating Table ( Hydraulic ) , Corrugated Rubber Drain, Stretcher With Trolley, Endotracheal Tube, Instrument Trolley, Multi-Parameter Monitor, Bp Apparatus ( Digital ) , Pulse Oximeter Digital Fingertip - Blood Oxygen Spo2 & Pulse Monitor, Infrared Thermometer, Laryngoscope ( Pediatric ) , Umbilical Cord Cutter, Weighing Machine, Pediatric Bp Apparatus, Pediatric Knee Hammer, Pediatric Stethoscope, Enema Pot, Torch 4, Lamp Stand 3, Obstetric Labour Table, Needle Holders 2, Needles, Towel Clips, Bladder Sound 2, I.U.C.D. Removing Hook, Cord Cutting Appliances 3, Endotracheal Tubes 2, Forceps Obstetrics, Kochers Forceps 3, Kochers Forceps 2, Kochers Forceps 1, Uterus Holding Forceps 2, Green Armytage Forceps 2, Sponge Holding Forceps 8, Retractors Abdominal ( Doynes Etc ) , Mtp Suction Currate, Volsellum, Uterine Sound 2, Anterior Vaginal Wall Retractor 2, Cuscos Speculum 2, Simss Speculum, Dilators Set ( Hegars ) , Blunt And Sharp Curettes 2, Mtp Suction Machine 2, Resuscitation Kit, Instrumental Trolley 3, Drums 2, Foetoscope 2, Baby Tray1, Scissors Different Sizes, Needle Holders 1, Artery Forceps 5, Artery Forceps 4, Artery Forceps 3, Artery Forceps 2, Artery Forceps 1, Sutures With Needles, Episiotomy Scissors, Machintosh Rubber Sheet, Low Cavity Forceps 1, Foetal Doppler 1, Vacuum Extractor 1, Infantometer ( Ptsr ) , Anesthesia Trolley, Patient Trolley 1, Weighing Machine ( Paediatric ) , Photo Therapy Unit, Radiant Warmer, Foetal Tococardiograph, Oxygen Cylinder And Mask, Suction Machine ( Neonatal ) , Shadow Less Lamp 1, Weighing Machine, Anthropometer, Height & Weight Measuring Apparatus, Autopsy Instrument ( Post Mortem ) Set ( All Should Be Stainless Steel Material ) , Probes, Nasal Speculum, Reflectors ( Mirrors ) , Bunsen Burner, Hot Air Oven, Tongue Depressor, Thermometer 11, Auto Clave, Westergrens Stand, Improved Neubauer Chamber, Red Cell Pipette, Wbc Pipette, Monocular Microscope With Oil Immersion ( 20X Eye Piece Lens ) , Binocular Microscope, Paper Chromatography Apparatus With Accessories, Tlc Apparatus With All Accessories ( Manual ) , Magnetic Stirrer, Muffle Fumace, Refractometer, Melting Point Determination Apparatus, Hand Operated Tablet Fresh Machine Capacity 3000 Tab / Hour, Capsule Filling Machine, Pill Making Machine, Pulvarizer, Disintegration Apparatus, Friability Tester, Hardness Tester, Viscometer ( Redwood ) , Clevenger Appartus For Volatile Oil, Water Bath, Polarimeter, Enamel Trays, Field Magnifier, Harpendens Calipers, Albuminometer, Urinometer, Cell Counter ( For Differential Count ) Spring Operated, Sterilizer 1, Tuning Forks, Knee Hammer 1, Clinical Thermometer, Stethoscopes 1, Sphygmomanometer, Colorimeter ( Photoelectric ) , Electronic Balance, Haemocytometer ( With Rbc & Wbc Pippette ) , Sahlis Haemoglobinometer, Water Distillation Still, Stop Watches, Electrocardiograph ( Ecg Machine ) , Compound / Medical Microscope With Oil Immersion, Half Size Table