Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Drugs And Consumables To Taluk General Hospital Belthangady- 1 Inj 25 Percent Dextrose 2 Haloperidol Injection 5Mg / Ml 1X1vial 3 Inj Amphotericin B 50Mg Vial 4 Inj Amphotericin B Emulsion 50Mg 1X10ml Vial 5 Inj Adenosine 6 Inj Amekacin 100Mg 7 Inj Amekacin 500Mg 8 Inj Amikacin 250Mg 9 Inj Anawin 10 Inj Anti D Human Immunoglobin 300Mg 11 Inj Asv 12 Inj Atorvastatin 20Mg 13 Inj Atracurium 14 Inj Atropin 15 Inj B Complex 30Ml Vial 16 Inj Botropase 17 Inj Bupivacaine 05Percent Heavy Amples 18 Inj Bupivacaine Vials 19 Inj Calciumgluconate 10Percent 20 Inj Carboprost 250Mcg 21 Inj Ceftazidime 1 Grm Vial 22 Inj Ceftazidime 250Mg Vial 23 Inj Ceproflox 500Mg 24 Inj Cpm, Avil 25 Inj Deriphyllin 26 Inj Dexmedetomidine 27 Inj Dexona 28 Inj Diazepam 29 Inj Dicyclamin 30 Inj Dobutamine 31 Inj Dopamine 32 Inj Drotaverine 40Mg 33 Inj Duvadilan -Isoxuprine 10 Mg 34 Inj Enoxparin Sodium 40Mg 35 Inj Ephedrine 36 Inj Erithropoietin 10000Iu 37 Inj Fentanyl 38 Inj Fluphenazine 25Mg 39 Inj Fos Phenytoin Sodium 75Mg, 1Ml 40 Inj Frusemide 41 Inj Glycopyrrolate 42 Inj Heparin 43 Inj Hpmc 5Ml Vial Sinjvisco Elastic 44 Inj Hyaluriondase 1500Iu 45 Inj Hyaluronidase Vials 46 Inj Hydrocortisone 100Mg 47 Inj Isoflurane, Sevoflurane 48 Inj Isoprenaline 49 Inj Ivf Ciprofloxacine 100Ml 50 Inj Ivf Metrogil 100Ml 51 Inj Ketamine 52 Inj Labetalol 100Mg 53 Inj Labetalol 5 Mg 54 Inj Lidocaine 55 Inj Lignocaine 2Percent Plain 56 Inj Lignocaine 4Percent 57 Inj Lorazepam 2Mg, 1Ml 58 Inj Magnesiumsulphate 50 Mg W, V 59 Inj Manniotol 60 Inj Mephentermine 61 Inj Meropinam 62 Inj Methergine 02 Mg 63 Inj Methyl Prednisolone Sodium Succinate40mg 64 Inj Methypreonisolone 65 Inj Midazolam 66 Inj Moxifloxacin Pf Smoxicare 67 Inj Moxifloxacin Pfs 68 Inj Myopyrolate 69 Inj Naloxone 70 Inj Nitroglycerin 71 Inj Noradrenaline 72 Inj Ondansetron 73 Inj Oxytocin 74 Inj Pantoprazole 75 Inj Paracetamol Infusion 100Ml 76 Inj Pause Ethamsylate 77 Inj Pentazocine 30Mg 78 Inj Phenobarbitone 20Mg 79 Inj Phenocaine Plus 80 Inj Phenylephrine 81 Inj Pilocarine 82 Inj Plasma Expander 6 Percent 500Ml 83 Inj Pralidoxime Chloride 1Grm 84 Inj Premix Insulin 30 / 70 40Iu Per Vial 85 Inj Prochlorperazine 25Mg 86 Inj Promethazine 25Mg 87 Inj Promethazine 50Mg 88 Inj Propofol 89 Inj Rabies Multi Dose 90 Inj Rocuranium 91 Inj Succynylcholine 92 Inj Thiamin 93 Inj Thiopentol Sodium 500 Mg 1Grm 94 Inj Tramadol 50Mg 95 Inj Tranexamicacid 500Mg 96 Inj Triamcinalone 40Mg 97 Inj Tt 98 Inj Valethamate Bromide 8Mg 99 Inj Vancomycin 500Mg Vial 100 Inj Vasopressin 101 Inj Vecuroniumbromide 102 Inj Vitamin K 1Mg, 1Ml 103 Inj Voriconazole Vial 104 Inj Xylocaine 4Percent 105 Inj Xylocaine+Adrenalinevials 106 Rabies Immunoglobin 1X2ml 150Iu Per Ml Vial 107 Sterile Water For Injection Water For Injection 100Ml Ip / Bp / Usp 1X1 108 25 Percent Dextrose 109 3 Percent Normalsaline 110 Aceclo With Chlorzoxazone 111 Aceclo With Serratiopeptadase 112 Aceclo With Tramodal 113 Aceclofenac 100Mg 114 Acerobophyline 100Mg 115 Acerobophyline 200Mg 116 Acerobophyline With Acecetyal - Cystine 117 Acyclovir Eye Ointment 118 Acyclovir Eye Ointment 119 Albendazole 120 Albendazole With Ivermection 121 Ambroxyl Syrup 100Ml 122 Amlopidine 10Mg 123 Amlopidine 5Mg 124 Amoxycillin Oral Liquid 250Mg / 5Ml 1X60ml 125 Amoxycilline 250Mg Cap 126 Amoxycilline 500Mg Cap 127 Aten 50Mg 128 Aterovastin 10Mg 129 Aterovastin 40Mg 130 Aterovastin 80Mg 131 Atropine Eye Drops 132 Azithromycin 250Mg 133 Azithromycin 500Mg 134 Betadine Oral Spray 135 Betahistine 16Mg 136 Betahistine 24Mg 137 Betahistine 8Mg 138 Brimonidine Eye Drops 139 Calamine Lotion 140 Cap Fluoxetine Hydrochlorid 20Mg 141 Cap Oseltamevir 75Mg 142 Capsulepand 143 Carbamazepine Tab 200Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 144 Cefixime 100Mg 145 Cefixime 200Mg 146 Cefixime 400Mg 147 Cefodoxime 100Mg 148 Cefodoxime 200Mg 149 Cefodroxile 250Mg 150 Cefodroxile 500Mg 151 Ceftriaxone Powder For Injection. 500Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 1X1 152 Cetrizine 10Mg 153 Chlorhalidone 12 Point 5Mg 154 Chlorohexidine Mouthwash 155 Cilindipine 10Mg 156 Cilindipine 5Mg 157 Ciproflox 500Mg 158 Ciprofloxacin + Dexamethazone Ear Drops 159 Ciprofloxacin Ear Drops 160 Ciprofloxacin Eye Drops 161 Ciprofloxacin Eye Ointment 162 Clonidine 100Mg 163 Clotrimozole Ear Drops 164 Cmc Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Eye Drops 05 Percent 165 Cmc Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Eye Gel 01 Percent 166 Tab Cpm 167 Dapaglofozine 10Mg 168 Dapaglofozine 5Mg 169 Deflazacorat 12Mg 170 Deflazacorat 6Mg 171 Derifiphyline 172 Desensitising Tooth Paste 173 Dibucine Ear Drops 174 Diclofenac 50Mg 175 Diclofenac 75Mg 176 Diclofenac Suppository 100Mg 177 Dicyclomine 10Mg 178 Digoxoin Point 25Mg 179 Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate 05 Percent 180 Doxycycline 181 Drops Ambroxol Hydrochloride 182 Drops Cefixime 25Mg-1Ml 183 Drops Chlorpheniramine Maleate 184 Drops Levosalbutamol 025Mg 1Ml 185 Drops Multivitamin 186 Ebastine 187 Ecosporin 150Mg 188 Ecosporin 325Mg 189 Ecosporin 75Mg 190 Enalarpril Maleate 5Mg 191 Erythromycin Eye Ointment 192 Etrocoxib 90Mg 193 Favipravir 800Mg 194 Feboxaxote 40Mg 195 Fexofenadine Tab 120Mg 196 Fluticazone Azelastine Nasal Spray 197 Fluticazone Furoate Nasal Spray 198 Fluticazone Propionate Nasal Spray 199 Gamabenzine Hexachlorid Lotion 2Percent 200 Gatifloxacin Eye Drops 201 Gelfoam 202 Gentamicin Eye Drops 203 Gentian Violet Solution 204 Gliclazide With Metformine 500Mg 205 Glimipride 1Mg 206 Glimipride 2Mg 207 Glimipride 3Mg 208 Glimipride 4Mg 209 Glimipride With Metformine 1000Mg 210 Glimipride With Metformine 500Mg 211 Glycerine 212 Haemocoagulase Nasal Drops 213 Haloperidol Tab 5Mg 214 Homoabrophic Eye Drops 215 Ibuprofen 200Mg 216 Ibuprofen 400Mg 217 Imipramine Tab 25Mg 218 Ivf Dextrose 5 Percent 219 Ivf Dextrose With Normal Saline Point 9 Percent + Point 45 Percent 220 Ivf Isolyte P 221 Ivf10 Percent Dextrose 222 Levocetrizine 223 Levocetrizine Montelcaust 224 Levofloxine 500Mg 225 Lignocaine 2 Percent 226 Lignocaine 4 Percent 227 Lignocaine Ear Drops 228 Lignocaine Oral Gel 229 Lignocaine Oral Spray 10 Percent 230 Lignocaine With Adrenaline 231 Linegliptine 5Mg 232 Lithium Carbonate Tab 300Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 233 Loteprednol Eye Drops 234 Metaprolal 25Mg 235 Metaprolal 50Mg 236 Metformine 1000Mg 237 Metformine 500Mg 238 Metrogyl Oral Gel 239 Metronidazole 2% Gel 10Mg / Gm 1X20g 240 Mometazone Nasal Spray 241 Moxifloxacin Eye Drops 242 Moxifloxacin Eye Ointment 243 Moxifloxacin With Dexamethasone Eye Drops 244 Mupirocin Ointment 245 Nasal Pack 246 Natamycin Eye Drops 247 Nebulizing Solution Budesonide 248 Nebulizing Solution Ipratropium Bromide 249 Nebulizing Solution Salbutamol 250 Norflox 400Mg 251 Ofloxacin + Dexamethazone Ear Drops 252 Ofloxacin Ear Drops 253 Ofloxacin Eye Drops 254 Ofloxacin With Dexamethasone Eye Drops 255 Olanzapine Tab 10Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 256 Olanzapine Tab 5Mg 257 Olemesertan 10Mg 258 Olemesertan 20Mg 259 Olopatadine Eye Drops 260 Ors 261 Oxymetazoline - P Nasal Drops 262 Oxymetazoline Nasal Drops Adult 263 Oxymetazoline Nasal Spray 264 Pantaprazole 265 Pantaprazole With Domperidone 266 Pantaprazole With Itoprid 267 Pantaprazole With Levosulfide 268 Paracetamol 250Mg 269 Paracetamol 500Mg 270 Paracetamol 650Mg 271 Paracetamol Rectal Suppository 170Mg 272 Paracetamol Rectal Suppository 250Mg 273 Paracetamol Rectal Suppository 80Mg 274 Paracetamol With Aceclofenac 275 Paracetamol With Diclofenac 276 Phenobarbitone Tab 30Mg 277 Phenobarbitone Tab 60Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 278 Phenytoin Sodium Tab 100Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 279 Pilocarpine Eye Drops 280 Povidone Iodine Eye Drops 281 Prazozin 25Mg 282 Prazozin 5Mg 283 Prednisolone Eye Drops 284 Prednisolone Eye Drops 285 Proctoclysis Enema 286 Quetiapine Tab 100Mg 287 Ranitidine 150Mg 288 Rebeprazole 289 Rebeprazole With Domperidone 290 Risperiddone Tab 2Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 291 Risperiddone Tab 4Mg 292 Risperidone Suspension 1Mg 1X50ml 293 Rosuvastine 10Mg 294 Rosuvastine 20Mg 295 Rosuvastine With Finfoborite 20Mg 296 Salbutamol 2Mg 297 Salbutamol 4Mg 298 Salbutamol Syrup 100Ml 299 Saline Nasal Drops 300 Saline Nasal Spray 301 Silodosine 8Mg 302 Sitagliptine 100Mg 303 Sitagliptine 50Mg 304 Sodium Bicorbonate 1000Mg 305 Sodium Bicorbonate 500Mg 306 Sodium Valproate Cr Tab 500Mg 307 Sodium Valproate Tab 200Mg 308 Sodium Valproate Tab 500Mg 309 Sorbitrate 10Mg 310 Sorbitrate 5Mg 311 Spinal Needle 23 Size 312 Spinal Needle 26 Size 313 Syp Oseltamevir 12Mg 60Ml 314 Syrup Ambroxol Hydrochloride 315 Syrup Amoxyclav 228Mg 5Ml 316 Syrup Amoxyclav 457Mg 5Ml 317 Syrup Calcium With Vitamin D3 318 Syrup Cefixime 100Mg-5Ml 319 Syrup Cefixime 50Mg-5Ml 320 Syrup Chlorpheniramine Maleate 321 Syrup Iron And Folicacid 200Mg 5Ml 322 Syrup Levocetrizine 5Mg-5Ml 323 Syrup Levosalbutamol 05Mg 5Ml 324 Syrup Mefanamic Acid 100Mg 5Ml 325 Syrup Metronidazole 200Mg 60Ml 326 Syrup Monteleukast 10Mg 327 Syrup Multivitamin 328 Syrup Probiotics 329 Tab Acetazolamide 330 Tab Amox+Clavulince 375Mg 331 Tab Amox+Clavulince 625Mg 332 Tab Calcium With Vitamin D3 333 Tab Chloroqine Phosphate 250Mg 334 Tab Clobazam 5Mg 335 Tab Clonazepam 50Mg 336 Tab Deflazacort 6 Mg 337 Tab Derifiphyline 338 Tab Diethycarbamazine 339 Tab Diphenylhydantoin 100Mg 340 Tab Escitalopram 10Mg 341 Tab Ferrous Sulphate 60Mg 342 Tab Flucanazole 150Mg 343 Tab Folic Acid 344 Tab Frusemide 345 Tab Glibenclamide 5Mg 346 Tab Isosorbide Dinitrate - Soblingual 347 Tab Itraconazole -100Mg 348 Tab Itraconazole 200 Mg-100Mg 349 Tab Metronidazole 400Mg 350 Tab Prednisolone 10 Mg 351 Tab Voglibose Point 2Mg 352 Tab Zinc Sulphate 20 Mg 353 Tab Zinc Sulphate 50 Mg 354 Tab Aceclofenac+ Chlorzoxazone 355 Tab Amitriptyline 25Mg 356 Tab Betahistine 16Mg 357 Tab Cinnarizine 25Mg 358 Tab Clonazepam 05Mg 359 Tab Diclofenac 50Mg 360 Tab Duvadilan 10Mg 361 Tab Flunarizine 10Mg 362 Tab Flunarizine 5Mg 363 Tab Labetalol 100Mg 364 Tab Misoprostol 200Mg 365 Tab Nifedipine 10Mg 366 Tab Nifedipine 5Mg 367 Tab Prednisolone 5Mg 368 Tab Prochlorperazine 5Mg 369 Tab Serratiopeptidase 10Mg 370 Tab Sporlac Ds 371 Tab Terbinafine 250Mg 372 Tab Topiramate 25Mg 373 Tab Tranexamicacid 500Mg 374 Tab Vitamin D3 60000 Iu 375 Tamosiline 4Mg 376 Tamosiline 8Mg 377 Telmesertan 20Mg 378 Telmesertan 40Mg 379 Telmesertan 80Mg 380 Telmesertan With Metaprolal 381 Tenagliptine 20Mg 382 Thiamine Tab 100Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 383 Timolol Eye Drops 384 Tobramycin Eye Drops 385 Travoprost Eye Drops 386 Triamcinalone Oral Gel 387 Triamcinolone Injection 10Mg / Ml 1X1vial 388 Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride Tab 2Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 389 Tropicamide With Phenylephrine Eye Drops 390 Trypsin + Chymotrypsin -100000 Au 391 Turpentine Oil 392 Vildpride 100Mg 393 Vildpride 50Mg 394 Vitamin A Capsule 100000 Iu 395 Vitamin C Chewable ( Ascorbic Acid ) Tab 500Mg 396 Wax Dissolving Spray 397 Xylometazoline - P Nasal Drops 398 Xylometazoline Nasal Drops Adult 399 1 Ml Syringes 400 10 Ml Syringes 401 11 No Blades 402 15 No Blade 403 2 Ml Syringes 404 20 Ml Syringes 405 21 G Needles 406 22 No Blades 407 26 1 / 2 G Needles 408 3 1 / 2 System Plating System 5 Holes 409 3 Way Cannula 410 3 Way Connector 411 5 Ml Syringes 412 50 Ml Syringes 413 Adhesive Plaster - Micropore 414 Adk Drain - 10 -Adk 415 Adk Drain - 12 -Adk 416 Adk Drain - 14 -Adk 417 Adk Drain - 24 -Adk 418 Adult Ambu Bag With Mask With Reservoir 419 Adult Ambubag 420 Adult Iv Set 421 Adult Laryngeoscope 422 Adult Nebulization Mask 423 Adult Oxygen Mask 424 Autocalve Indicator Sticker 425 Baby Band 426 Betadine Scrub Solutiom 100Ml 427 Bougie 428 Bpl Ecg Machine Paper Roll Single Channel 429 Chlotrimazole Cream 1 Percent 430 Cord Clamp 431 Cytofix Spray 432 Disposable Irrigating Vectis 433 Disposable Irrigation , Aspiration Cannula - Simco 434 Dynaplaster 435 E T Tube Size 2 Point 5 436 Ecg Paper Roll Big -12 Channel -210 Mm 20Meters 437 Elbow Length Glove Free Size 438 Elbow Length Glove Medium 439 Ethilon 4-0 Suture Material 440 Ethilon 5-0 Suture Material 441 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 3 442 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 3 1 / 2 443 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 4 444 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 4 1 / 2 445 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 5 446 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 5 1 / 2 447 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 6 448 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 6 1 / 2 449 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 7 450 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 7 1 / 2 451 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 8 452 Ett - Et-Tubes Size 8 1 / 2 453 Face Mask 454 Face Shield 455 Foley''s Catheter 16 Fr 456 Foleys Tube 14 Fr 457 Foleys Tube 16 Fr 458 Formalin Solution 459 Freers Septal Elevator 460 Gloves 6 1 / 2 Size 461 Gloves 7 1 / 2 Size 462 Gloves 7 Size 463 Glutaraldehyde Solution 50 Litre 464 Gluteraldehyde 1 Litre 465 Heavy Utility Gloves 466 Hydrogen Peroxide 100Ml 467 Hydrogen Peroxide 500Ml 468 Hypochloride Solution 469 Icd Tube+ Icd Bag No - 24 Fr 470 Infant Feeding Tube No 6 471 Infant Feeding Tube No 7 472 Infant Feeding Tube No 8 473 Intraocular Lenses No 19 To 25 D 474 Iv Cannula No 18G 475 Iv Cannula No 20G 476 Iv Cannula No 22, G 477 Iv Cannula No 24G 478 Iv Cannula No 26G 479 Ivf Rl 480 Keratome Blades – 32Mm 481 Lactogen 482 Mackintosh Rubber Sheets 483 Mask - N95 484 Mask - Triple Layer 485 Microsurgical Crescent Blades 28Mm 486 Mother Band 487 Mucus Extractor 488 Nasal Pronges Adult 489 Nasal Prongs Paediatric Size 490 Naso Gastric Tubes 491 New Born Eye Pad 492 O2 Hood 493 Paediatric Splint 494 Paediatric Stethescopoe 495 Pampers 496 Pap Smear Kit - Spatula, Cytobrush 497 Paracain - Proparacaine Eye Drops 498 Pead Iv Set 499 Pead Leryngeoscope 500 Pead Nebulization Mask 501 Pead Oxygen Mask 502 Pop 10 Inches 503 Pop 15 Inches 504 Portex Cuffed Tracheostomy Tube No - 7 505 Portex Cuffed Tracheostomy Tube No - 7 1 / 2 506 Portex Cuffed Tracheostomy Tube No - 8 507 Povidone Iodine Lotion 508 Povidone Iodine Ointment 15Grm 509 Prolen Suture 2-0 510 Prolene Mesh 15 X 15 Cm 511 Prolene Mesh 5 Point5 X 12 Point 8Cm 512 Prolene Mesh 7 Point5 X 15 Cm 513 Puncture Proof Container 514 Reusable Aprons 515 Ryles Tube Size 10 516 Ryles Tube Size 12 517 Ryles Tube Size 14 518 Ryles Tube Size 16 519 Ryles Tube Size 18 520 Ryles Tube Size 5 521 Ryles Tube Size 6 522 Ryles Tube Size 8 523 Sideport 15 Degree Blades - Ophthalmic Microsurgical Blade 524 Silvicide Solution 50 Litre 525 Sporolac Sachets 526 Sterile Drapper For Baby 527 Stylet 528 Suction Tube Size 10 529 Suction Tube Size 6 530 Suction Tube Size 8 531 Suction Tubing Disposable 532 Surgical Spirit 533 Suture Catgut 1 4227 534 Suture Catgut 1-0 4242 535 Suture Catgut 2 4228 536 Suture Catgut 2-0 4241 537 Suture Catgut 3-0 4237 538 Suture Ethilon 1 3338 539 Suture Ethilon 1-0 3346 540 Suture Ethilon 2-0 3336 541 Suture Ethilon 3-0 3328 542 Suture Ethilon 4-0 3318 543 Suture Materials Nylon -1 544 Suture Materials Vicryl-1 2347 545 Suture Materials Vicryl-1-0 2421 546 Suture Materials Vicryl-2 547 Suture Materials Vicryl-2-0 2317 548 Suture Materials Vicryl-3-0 2437 549 Suture Materials Vicryl-4-0 2304 550 Suture Silk 2-0 551 Tropicamide With Phenylephrine Drops 552 Trypan Blue Dye Vials 553 Ultra Sound Gel 554 Urosac Bag 555 Vicryl - Polyglactin 3-0 556 Vicryl - Polyglactin 4-0 557 Vicryl - Polyglactin 5-0 558 1 / 3 Tubular Plates 3.5 Systems 4 Hole To 12 Holed ( 5 Each ) 559 3 1 / 2 System Plating System 9 Holes 560 3 1 / 2 System Plating System 6 Holes 561 3 1 / 2 System Plating System 7 Holes 562 3 1 / 2 System Plating System10 Holes 563 4 1 / 2 Point 5 System Plating System 6 Holes With Cortical And Screws 564 4 1 / 2 System Plating System 10 Holes With Cortical And Screws 565 4 1 / 2 System Plating System 12 Holes With Cortical And Screws 566 4 1 / 2 System Plating System 7 Holes With Cortical And Screws 567 4 1 / 2 System Plating System 9 Holes With Cortical And Screws 568 4Mm - C C Screw Fixation 6 1 / 2 Mm – Femoral Neck, Tibial Condyle 569 Cannulated Cancellous Screw System 4Mm With Screws Size 20Mm To 70Mm Half Threaded With Washer ( 4 Each ) 570 Cannulated Cancellous Screw System 6.5Mm With Screws Size 25Mm To 100Mm Half Threaded ( 4 Each ) 571 Distal Femur Locking Plates Rightside Leftside 4 Holed To 10 Holed Plates 572 Distal Radius Locking Plates Right And Left 3 Holes With Locking Screws 3.5Mm And 2.7Size 573 Distal Radius Locking Plates Right And Left 3, 4, 5, 6 Holes With Locking Screws 3.5Mm And 2.7Size 574 Distal Radius Locking Plates Right And Left 3, 4, 5, 6 Holes With Locking Screws 3.5Mm And 2.7Size 575 Distal Radius Locking Plates Right And Left 4, 5, 6 Holes With Locking Screws 3.5Mm And 2.7Size 576 Enders Nails 577 Externalfixator Set With Connecting Rods, Clamps, 3 1 / 2 Mm, 4 1 / 2Mm 578 Femur Nailing Instruments And Nails Full Set 10 Diameter 280 To 380 Mm With Instrumentation And Locking Bolts 579 Femur Nailing Instruments And Nails Full Set 8 Diameter 280 To 380 Mm With Instrumentation And Locking Bolts 580 Femur Nailing Instruments And Nails Full Set 9 Diameter 280 To 380 Mm With Instrumentation And Locking Bolts 581 Hemi Arthroplasty Instruments Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Size 37 To 51 582 K Wires 1 1 / 2Mm Size 583 K Wires 1 Point 8Mm Size 584 K Wires 1Mm Size 585 K Wires 2 1 / 2Mm Size 586 K Wires 2Mm Size 587 K Wires 3Mm Size 588 K Wires 9Mm Size 589 Olecranon Plates And Left 590 Orthopaedic Surgical Instruments And Inventory 591 Philo Plating Right And Leftside 4 Holed 592 Philo Plating Right And Leftside 5 Holed 593 Philo Plating Right And Leftside 6 Holed 594 Proximal Femur Nailing System 180Mm- 130 And 135 Degree Proximal Femur Nailing System 180Mm - 250Mm - 130 And 135 Degree 595 Proximal Tibia Condyle Plates Locking Plates 4 Holed With Locking Screws 596 Proximal Tibia Condyle Plates Locking Plates 5 Holed With Locking Screws 597 Proximal Tibia Condyle Plates Locking Plates 6 Holed With Locking Screws 598 Proximal Tibia Condyle Plates Medial 4 Holed 599 Proximal Tibia Condyle Plates Medial 5 Holed 600 Proximal Tibia Condyle Plates Medial 6 Holed 601 Reconstruction Plates 4 Holes To 10 Holes 2 Each 602 Rush Pins 1 1 / 2Mm Diameter-14Cm To 30Cm Length 603 Rush Pins 2 1 / 2Mm Diameter-14Cm To 30Cm Length 604 Rush Pins 2Mm Diameter-14Cm To 30Cm Length 605 Rush Pins 3Mm Diameter-14Cm To 30Cm Length 606 Skeletal Traction Set Steenmenn Pin 3 1 / 2Mm Dia 607 Skeletal Traction Set Steenmenn Pin 4 1 / 2Mm Dia 608 Tension Band Wiring Set With 18Mm, 20Mm, 22Mm Ss Wire 609 Tibia Nailing Instruments And Nails Full Set 10 Diameter 320 To 440 Mm With Instrumentation And Locking Bolts 610 Tibia Nailing Instruments And Nails Full Set 11 Diameter 320 To 440 Mm With Instrumentation And Locking Bolts 611 Tibia Nailing Instruments And Nails Full Set 8 Diameter 320 To 440 Mm With Instrumentation And Locking Bolts 612 Tibia Nailing Instruments And Nails Full Set 9 Diameter 320 To 440 Mm With Instrumentation And Locking Bolts 613 With Screws 3.5Mm Diameter 12Mm 30Mm ( 5 Each ) 614 Abo Grouping Kit 615 Act- Anti Malarial Combi Blister Pack -9-14 Yrs 616 Act-Anti-Malarial Combi Blister Pack -15 & Above 617 Act-Anti-Malarial Combi Blister Pack -5-8 Yrs 618 Aec Diluting Fluid 619 Albumin -Meril Fully Automated 620 Albumin-Agappe Fully Automated 621 Alkaline Phosphatase -Agappe Fully Automated 622 Alkaline Phosphatase -Meril Fully Automated 623 Alkaline Washing Solution -Agappe Fully Automated 624 Amylase -Agappe Fully Automated 625 Anti Sera- A1 626 Anti Sera- H 627 Applicator Sticks 628 Aso -Meril 629 Bath Additive -Agappe Fully Automated 630 Bath Additive -Agappe Fully Automated 631 Beaker -Small & Big 632 Bile Salt 633 Bilirubin-Direct -Agappe Fully Automated 634 Bilirubin-Indirect -Agappe Fully Automated 635 Biocal Kit -Meril 636 Bio-Hazard Sticker 637 Bionorm Kit -Meril 638 Biopath Kit -Meril 639 Blood Transfusion Set 640 Blood Urea -Meril Fully Automated 641 Blotting Paper 642 Blue Tips 643 Bovine Albumin 644 Bullet Cap Tubes 645 Calcium -Agappe Fully Automated 646 Capillary Tube 647 Cell Cleaner- 50 Ml -Sysmex Fully Automated 648 Centrifuge -Table Top 649 Chloroquine Tab 650 Chloroscope 651 Circular Chart Temperature Graph Paper 652 Circular Filter Paper 653 Clot Retractor Tubes -Non Vaccum 654 Clot Retractor Tubes -Vaccum 655 Cold Chain Carrier 656 Colour Coded Dust Bins 657 Control / Calib- D-Dimer -Agappe Fully Automated 658 Control / Calib-Protein -Agappe Fully Automated 659 Coomb’S Ahg 660 Cotton Roll 661 Cover Slips 662 Creatinine -Agappe Fully Automated 663 Crp -Agappe Fully Automated 664 Crp Kit -Meril 665 Cuvettes / Cup -Meril 666 Dcl- Cell Pack -20L- Sysmex Fully Automated 667 D-Dimer -Agappe Fully Automated 668 Detergent / Soap Solution -For Washing Glass Slides 669 Diluent-20 Ltr -Mindray Fully Automated 670 Direct Bilirubin -Meril Fully Automated 671 Disposable Blood Lancets 672 Disposable Esr Pipette 673 Disposable Plastic Test Tubes 674 Disposable Urine Containers -25 Ml 675 Distilled Water 676 Draining Rack 677 Dropper-Small & Big 678 Edta Tubes -Vaccum 679 Ferritin -Agappe Fully Automated 680 Fluorocell Wdf-42Ml -Sysmex Fully Automated 681 Funnel 682 Geimsa Stain 683 Glass Stirror 684 Glass Test Tubes 685 Glucometer & Glucometer Strips 686 Glucose -Agappe Fully Automated 687 Haemoglobin Reagent- Drabkins Reagent 688 Hba1c -Agappe Fully Automated 689 Hba1c Control -Agappe Fully Automated 690 Hba1c Multicalibarator -Agappe Fully Automated 691 Hbsag Card 692 Hdl -Agappe Fully Automated 693 Hdl -Meril Fully Automated 694 Heparin Tubes 695 Hydrogen Peroxide 696 Hypochlorite -1 Percent And 5 Percent 697 Improved Neubaur Counting Chamber 698 Isopropyl Alcohol 699 K3 Edta Tubes -Non Vaccum 700 Ldl -Agappe Fully Automated 701 Ldl -Meril Fully Automated 702 Leishman Stain 703 Lens Tissue Paper 704 Liquid Paraffin Oil 705 Lyse-200 Ml -Mindray Fully Automated 706 Magnesium -Agappe Fully Automated 707 Measuring Cylinder-Small & Big 708 Meril-Cleanzer Kit 709 Meril-Cup / Cuvettes 710 Micro Slides 711 Micro-Pipette -10 To 100 Ml 712 Micro-Pipette -1000 Ml 713 Micro-Pipette -5 To 50 Ml 714 Micro-Pipette Tips Stand 715 Microscope Bulb -Halogen 716 Microscope Eye Pieces -5X, 10 X 717 Microscope Halogen Lamp 718 Microscope Objective Lens-10X, 40X, Oil Immersion 719 Multicalibarator -Agappe Fully Automated 720 Multi-Drug Testing Kits 721 Multi-Purpose Self Adhesive Labels 65L 38X21mm Wr 722 N / 10 Hcl 723 Needle Cutter / Hub Cutter 724 Parafilm Roll 725 Pasteur Pipette -Big & Small 726 Pipette Stand 727 Plastic Storage Container -Small, Medium And Big 728 Platelet Diluting Fluid 729 Pm Kit -Agappe Fully Automated 730 Primaquine Tab- 25 Mg And 75 Mg 731 Probe Cleaner- Mindray Fully Automated 732 Puncture Proof Container -White 733 Qualicheck Norm -Agappe Fully Automated 734 Qualicheck Path -Agappe Fully Automated 735 Ra -Meril 736 Rbc Diluting Fluid 737 Rbc Pipette 738 Rubber Bands 739 Sahli’S Haemoglobinometer Set 740 Salphosalicylic Acid 741 Sanitizer 742 Screw Cap Tubes -5 Ml 743 Self-Adhesive Tapes -Small& Big 744 Serum Creatinine -Meril Fully Automated 745 Serum Uric Acid -Meril Fully Automated 746 Sgot -Agappe Fully Automated 747 Sgot -Meril Fully Automated 748 Sgpt -Agappe Fully Automated 749 Sgpt -Meril Fully Automated 750 Slide Boxes -100 Capacity 751 Slide Drying Tray -Flat -Aluminium 752 Sodium Citrate 38 Percent Tubes 753 Sodium Flouride Tubes 754 Spirit Lamp 755 Staining Rack - S S 756 Sterile Glass Bottles -200 Ml, 500 Ml 757 Stopwatch / Timer 758 Sulfolyser-500Ml- Sysmex Fully Automated 759 Surgical Spirit 760 Test Tube Rack 761 Thermal Paper Roll -50 Mm 762 Tissue Roll 763 Total Bilirubin -Meril Fully Automated 764 Total Cholesterol -Agappe Fully Automated 765 Total Cholesterol -Meril Fully Automated 766 Total Protein -Agappe Fully Automated 767 Total Protein -Meril Fully Automated 768 Tourniquet 769 Transfusion Set 770 Triglycerides -Agappe Fully Automated 771 Triglycerides -Meril Fully Automated 772 Triple Layer Masks 773 Urea -Agappe Fully Automated 774 Uric Acid -Agappe Fully Automated 775 Urine Analysis Multistix Strips-10 Testing Parameters 776 Urine Pregnancy Test Kits 777 Vacutainer 778 Vacutainer Holder 779 Vacutainer Needle 780 Vdrl Card 781 Water Bath 782 Wbc Diluting Fluid 783 Wbc Pipette 784 Wdf-Lysercell -5L -Sysmex Fully Automated 785 Widal Reagent -Slide & Tube Method & Glass Plate With White Ceramic Rings 786 Widal Tubes -Folin-Wu’S Tubes 787 Yellow Tips 788 Zip Lock Cover Size 8X10 789 Lugol''s Iodine 790 Normal Saline 791 Saturated Saline 792 Small Bottles Or Pencillin Bulbs 793 Glucose-Meril 794 Fuji Cr Film 10X8 795 Light Pink Bed Spread - Size 150Cmx220cm With Pillow Cover Size Fit For 18" X 24" Pillow 796 Mustard Colour Bed Spread - Size 150Cmx220cm With Pillow Cover Size Fit For 18" X 24" Pillow 797 Light Blue Colour Bed Spread - Size 150Cmx220cm With Pillow Cover Size Fit For 18" X 24" Pillow 798 Green Colour Bed Spread - Size 150Cmx220cm With Pillow Cover Size Fit For 18" X 24" Pillow 799 Pista Colour Bed Spread - Size Size 150Cmx220cm With Pillow Cover Size Fit For 18" X 24" Pillow 800 Pillows - Size Hospital Grade Hypo-Allergenic Wipeable Vinyl Pillow Size 18" X 24" Filling With Soft Fibre Recron Polyster Sythetic Cotton
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