Tenders are invited for Construction of 12 storied new office building with 4 basements (IDCOL Green Tower) Eligibility of Tenderer: Brief Eligibility & Qualification of Tenderer: The Invitation for Tender is open to all eligible tenderers who satisfy: (a) The Tenderer shall be from eligible countries as stated in ITT Clause 5 of the tender document. (b) The Tenderer shall have Updated Trade License/ Certificate of Incorporation, VAT Registration and Income Tax Certificate. (c) The Tenderer shall not be insolvent, bankrupt or in receivership and shall not be debarred for entering into the contract. (d) The Tenderer shall not be debarred for fraudulent, collusive, coercive and corrupt practices in any previous works contract execution. (e) The minimum of years of general experience of the Tenderer in the construction works as Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor shall be 10 (ten) years. Years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the newspaper. (f) The minimum specific experience as a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in construction works of at least 01(one) contract(s) of similar nature, complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within the last 05 (Five) years, with a value of at least Tk. 50 (Fifty) crore. Years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the newspaper. Similar nature means one must have the minimum experience of ten (10) storied building with two (2) basements and the building must have the following items: Passenger lifts 350 KVA or above capacity Generator. 630 KVA or above capacity Substation. HVAC system Fire detection & Protection system The similar experience shall have to be substantiated by Completion certificate issued by the respective Procuring Entity. The items mentioned above should be stated in the Details of work completed within the issued Completion certificate. (g) The minimum amount of liquid assets i.e., bank balance (day-end balance), working capital or unconditional credit line(s) of the Tenderers shall be Tk. 10 (Ten) crore. (h) The required average minimum annual construction turnover shall be Tk. 30 (Thirty) crore over the best 3 years in the last 5 years. (i) The minimum tender capacity of the Tenderer shall be Tk. 50 (Fifty) crore. Brief Description of Goods or Works: Construction of 4 basements on RCC raft foundation, related necessary excavation including providing adequate temporary steel bracing, RCC framed superstructure up to 12 floor, fare-face or as-cast concrete members, providing embedded provision for electrical and mechanical works (conduits, pipes fixtures), etc., underground and overhead water reservoir and boundary walls, security room, Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and balancing of 2 x 120 ton capacity water cooled central Air-conditioning HVAC system, 1 x 17.5 ton HVAC VRF system with 8 Nos indoor units & 4 Nos. split type units, Fire protection, fire detection & fire suppression system, Public Address (PA) system, building management and access control system, car management system, 630 KVA Sub-station & 2x350 KVA Generator, 1 No. Deep Tube well & water distribution system including test boring, plumbing and sanitary system, plumbing pressurized pump and sum pump system, & 2 Nos. Passenger and 1 No. Fire Elevators, plumbing water treatment plant (WTP) with gray water treatment plant, BUS BAR Trunking Equipment & Accessories, internal electrical system, close circuit television system, Television system, telephone system, data cabling system. Ensure safety and protecting environment including dust and noise control at site during construction etc. correcting defects during defects liabilities period, establishing on-site Quality Control Laboratory with Equipment and devices for testing materials and works except for water and re-bar which will be carried out in off-site recognized testing laboratory, effecting Insurances as specified in the GCC and PCC, site preparation, mobilization and demobilization of plant & equipment and temporary site facilities etc. detailed in Bill of Quantities, drawings and Technical Specifications etc. Tender Document Price: A non-refundable fee of BDT 5000/- (Taka five thousand only) through a pay order/bank draft in favor of "Infrastructure Development Company Limited" Tender Closing Date and Time: 28/12/2023 12:00 PM Tender Opening Date and Time: 28/12/2023 12:30 PM Office Address Information: Selling Tender Document (Principal): Manager, Procurement Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) UTC Building (Level-12), 8 Panthapath, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka 1215 Receiving Tender Document: Multipurpose Conference Room Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) UTC Building (Level-16), 8 Panthapath, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka 1215 Opening Tender Document: Multipurpose Conference Room Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) UTC Building (Level-16), 8 Panthapath, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka 1215 Selling Tender Document (Others): Tender Link : http://cptu.gov.bd/advertisement-works/details-83456.html