Tender For Empanelling Of Suppliers To Supply Fisheries Requisites Likemultifilament Nets, Nylon Monofilament Nets, Plastic Crates, Insulated Moulded Ice Box, Iron Weighing Scale, Life Jackets , Fiber Glass Coracle Etc. Under Different Govt. Programmes To Taluk Fisheries Offices Of Shivamogga District - Fiber Glass-Coracle + 1 Oars +Life Jacket, Fiber Glass-Coracle +1 Oars + Life Jacket, Floats 03, Nylon Twine, Nylon Monofilament Net, Nylon Monofilament Net 18, Nylon Monofilament Net 17, Nylon Monofilament Net 16, Nylon Monofilament Net 15, Nylon Monofilament Net 14, Nylon Monofilament Net 13, Nylon Monofilament Net 12, Nylon Monofilament Net 11, Nylon Head Rope 09, Nylon Dragnet 06, Nylon Monofilament Net 10, Life Jacket 02, Life Jacket, Iron Weighing Scale, Plastic Crate, Nylon Head Rope, Nylon Bottom Rope, Nylon Dragnet, Sinkers, Floats, Cast Net, Insulated Moulded Ice Box
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