Bids Are Invited For Consuamable Items B P Handle Surgical Blade , Alvogyl , Barbed Broaches , Bonding Agent Self Etch 7Th Generation And Above , Gic Filling Material , Bulk Fill Composite Refill , Composite Pit And Fissure Sealents , Composite Restorative Kit , Edta Endodontic Gel , Endodontic Refrigerant Sprays , Flowable Composite Syringe , Gutta Percha Point 2 Percent Assorted Size , Absorbant Paper Point 2 Percent Assorted Size , Hand Protaper Corresponding Gp F1 F2f3 S1 S2 Sx , Hand Protaper Corresponding Paperpoints F1 F2 F3 S1 S2 Sx , Hand Protaper Set F1 F2 F3 S1 S2 Sx , H-File Assorted Size 15 To 80 , H File Assorted Size 15 To 80 , K-Files No Assorted Size 15 To 80 , Matrix Strips Straight Plastic , Metapex , Petroleum Jelly , Pulp Devitaliser Caustinerf , Rc Cal Calcium Hydroxide Paste , Rc Solve Dissolve Gp And Znoe , Root Canal Conditioner , Root Canal Sealer , Spreader , Inj Lignocaine 2 Percent With 180000 Adrenaline , Greenstick Compound , Modelling Wax , Sterilization Pouch Rolls Or Reels , Absolute Alcohal 99.5 Percent Burning Spirit , Cold Cure Resin , Wire Twister , Wire Cutter Total Quantity : 564