E-Tender For Supply Of Chemicals, Reagent Kits, Glassware And Disc To Hims Hassan - Blood Glucose, Blood Agar Base, Bile Esculin Media, Barium Chloride, Andrades Indicater 1001, Ammonium Sulphate, Ammonia Solution, Agar Agar, Afb Strain Zn Stain, Aec Diluting Fluid, Acetone, Acetic Acid Glacial, Methylene Blue, Methanol, Mannitol Motility Medium M770, Mac Conkey Agar M082, Leishman Stain With Buffer, Isopropyle Alchohol ( Good Quality For Biopsy Purpose ) , Iodine, Hydrochloric Acid N / 10, Hematoxylin Harris, Hcl ( Hydrochloric Acid ) , Gram Stain, Glycerine., Giemsa Stain S011, Fructose, Fouchets Reagent, Formalin-39-40% Sealed ( Good Quality For Biopsy Purpose ) , Ethyl Alcohol, Eosin, Egg Albumin Flakes, Dpx Mounant, Dextrose Anhydrous, Corn Meal Agar, Cedarwood Oil For Microscope, Carbon Fuchsin Strong, Brain Heart Infusion M210, Urine For Pregnancy Tests, Triple Sugar Iron Medium Mu021, Tri Sodium Citrate, Thymol Crystal, Tcbs Media, Surgical Spirit, Sulphuric Acid, Sulfuric Acid H2 So4 Brown Bottle, Sodium Nitro Pruside, Sodium Hyop Chlorite Solution, Soap Oil, Selenite F Broth 500Gm, Salicylic Acid Powder, Robert Son Cooked Medium M149, Potassium Tellurite, Potassium Permanganate, Potassium Dichromate, Platelet Diluting Fluid, Phenolphthalein Indicator, Paraffin Wax With Ceresin ( Good Quality Wax , Pellete Form, Compatable With Instrument ) , Oil Of Winter Green., Nutrient Agar 500Gm M001, Nitric Acid Brown Bottle, Nilgiri Oil., Mr, Vp , Medium M70, Ihc Marker Er, Ihc Marker Lca, Ihc Marker Desmin, Ihc Marker Sma, Ihc Marker Cytokeratin, Buffer Tablet - 6.8 Ph, Urine Controls - 2 Parameters And 10 Parameters, May Grunwald-Giemsa Stain ( Mgg ) , Gomori Methenamine Stain, Leishman Powder, Eosin Powder - Powder, Harris Hematoxalin ( Powder ) , Ihc Stains, Alkaline Phosphatase Stain, Reticulin, Perls, Mucicarmine, Dnaase, Xylene ( Good Quality For Biopsy Purpose ) , Xld Agar, Wbc Diliuting Fluid, Hrp ( Secondory Antibodies ) , Ihc Marker Ki 67, Ihc Marker Her 2 Neu, Ihc Marker Pr, Silver Nitrate ( Ag No3 ) , Potassium Iodine, Picric Acid, Molybelic Acid, Maltose Powder, Magnesium Sulphate ( Mgso4 ) , Lead Acetate, Lactose Powder, Ferric Chloride Androus, Diethyl Barbituric Acid, Copper Acetate, Alpha-Napthol, Agarose, Amido Schwartz, Ammonium Molybdate, Ammonium Chloride, Ro Drops Dosing Chemicals, Sodium, Sodium Acetate, Potassium Acetate, Cryogel For Frozen Section, Sodium Chloride-Nacl-Ar, Tris Buffer-Ar, Acs, Edta Dypotassium Salt Dehydrate Hi-Ar, Pap Pen, Alcohal Hand Rub, Alcian Blue, A.N. A Profile Kit, Ferric Chloride Anhydrus, Peptone 500Gm Himida, Tris Base, Tris Hcl, Sabauraud Dextrose Agar, D- ( + ) - Mannose Himida, Congo Red 1% Aqueus Solution, Congo Red Practical Grade, Ammonium Oxalate, Tartaric Acid, Thio Semi Carbazide, Sodium Floride, Sucrose, Sulphosalicylic Acid, Sodium Barbiturate, Sodium Potassim Tartarate, Sodium Tungstate, Sodium Azide, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Carbonate ( Na2co3 ) , Sodium Sulphate, Sodium Nitrate, Hcv Test Cards., Hbsag Cards, Hbs Ag Elisa, Gel Matrix Cross Match, Fite Farraco, Dengue Ns1 Ag Ab Combo Cards.Sd, Crystal Violet Reagent, Crp Quantitative Kit For Tulip Turbodyne, Crp Antigen., Combi Pack Of Anti A, B, And D, , Calcium Chloride For Aptt, Blood Culture Bottles With Co2 Sensor, Bactek Blood Culture Bottle ( Pedo Plus ) , Bactek Blood Culture Bottle ( Aerobic ) , Aso Quantitative, Aslo Antigen, Aptt Reagent, Anti Human Globulin ( Coombs Serum ) , Anti H Lectin With Good Avidity And Titer More Than 1.32, Anti D Ig G Monoclonal With Good Avidity And Titer, Anti D Igm Type, Anti Ab With Good Avidity And Titre 1.256, Anti A And Anti B Igm Type, Anti A 1 Lectin With Good Avidity And Titer More Than 1.32, Alcohal Hand Wash, Tri- Sodium Citrate 3.2 Percentage Vial For Coagulation Study, Thrombin Time Reagent, Sheep Blood Agar Plate, , Serum Cholesterol, Serum Bilirubin T And D, Reticloyts Count Reagent, Ra Factor Quantitative, Ra Antigen., Pt And Aptt Qc Level 2 Low Abnormal, Pt And Aptt Qc Level 1 Normal, Prothrombin Time Reagent Kit, Pas ( Periodic Acid Schiff ) , Occult Blood, Nitrate Broth, Nigrosin Stain 10%, Myeloperoxidase, Mueller Hinton Agar M1084, Maleria Kit Rapid Pv, Lactophenol Cotton Blue S016, K3 Edta Vials ( Double Cap With Ce Certificates ) , India Ink Rm5259, Ige, Hiv Tridot Kit, Hiv Elisa, Hichrome Candida Differential Agar.Mp1287a, Beakers 1000Ml Borosilicate, Autoclave Bags ( Bag No 12 ) , Aluminium Slide Dryer, Creatinin Kit, Simmons Citrate Agar, Lead Acitatae Paper Strip, Safranin, Urea Agar Base, Cannabis Detection Kit ( Thc ) , Multi Drug Detection Kit ( Thc, Amphetamine, Barbiturates, Benzo Dizepine, Cocaine, Opiates ) , Hb Strips, X2 Wash Solution For Pt / Aptt, X1 Cleaning Solution For Pt / Aptt, Widal Antigen.4X5x1 Ml., Voin Kossa, Verhoeff Van Gieson, Vdrl Rpe Strips., Vdrl Antigen Rpr, Uristics Sugar And Albumin, Urine Strips Uro 10Sd, Turbodyne Rf Control, Turbodyne Ige Control, Turbodyne Crp Control, Turbodyne Aso Control, Citrat Tubes - 3.8 % Sodium Citrate For Esr, Frozen Microtome Blade, Forceps Small, Forceps Big, Filter Paper Whatsman 1, Esr Disposable Tubes, Elisa Print Paper, Culture Swab With Tube, Cover Slip 22X50mm, Counting Chamber ( Silver Coated ) , Copling Jars, Conical Flasks 500Ml Borosilicate, Congo Red Stain, Coagulometer Cuvetes, Capillery Tubes, Bullet Vials, Bullet Tubes1.5Ml, Blood Bags Pediatric 100Ml, Blood Bags Triple 450 Ml, Blood Bags Double 350Ml, Blood Bags Single 350Ml, Biological Indiactors Eto, Beaker ( Borosil Plastic 50Ml ) , Beaker ( Plastic 2 Ltr ) , Beakers 500Mlborosilicate, Beakers 250Ml Borosilicate, Micropipettes7, Micro Pipette ( 5 Ml Fixed ) ( High Precition ) , Micropipettes6, Micropipettes5, Micropipettes4, Micropipettes3, Micropipettes2, Micropipettes1, Micro Tips Yellow, Micro Tips Blue, Micro Tips 5Ml, Micro Piptte Stand ( 5 ) , Measuring Jar ( Plastic ) , Marking Pens, Lysostaphin Disc, Litmus Paper Blue, Litmus Paper Red, Lens Paper, Label Stickers Size No.4, Inoculation Loop Himedia, Heat Resistant & Asbestos Free Gloves, Handyplast Plaster Long, Glass Slides For Microscopy, Glass Rods, Glass Marker Pen, Scalpel Blades 20, Salts, Rust Remover 1 Ltr Can, Rubber Hand Glouse, Reagent Dropping Bottle, Printing Paper ( Single Bundle ) , Printer Roll, Plastic Droppers Small 1, Plastic Box Small Each 10, Plastic Box Big Each 10, Ph Paper, Petridish - Glass 90Mm, Petridish - Glass 60Mm, Petridishes Plastic Auto Clave, Pediatric Sodium Citrate Tube, Pediatric Edta Tube, Pasteur Pipette, Non Vaccum Tubes With Clot Activator ( Double Cap With Ce Certification ) , Nichrome Inaculation Loop Himedia, Needle 23 G, Museum Jars3, Museum Jars2, Museum Jars1, Multichannel Micro Pipattes, Microtome Blade ( Full Profile ) , Viscera Bottles ( Plastic ) 2, Viscera Bottles ( Plastic ) 1, Vertical Plastic Staining Jar., Tuberculin Diluted Ppd 1Tu, Tube Washing Brush Small, Tube Washing Brush Big, Trniquet Belt, Tooth Picks Ordinary, Tissue Soft Paper ( Big Size ) , Test Tubes 30Ml Capcity ( Glass ) , Test Tube 15Ml ( Glass ) , Test Tube 8Ml ( Plastic- Disposable ) , Test Tube Stand ( Plastic ) 12 Tube Capcity ( Big ) , Termo Seal Tape 24Mm X 50Mtr, Sterile Urine Containers 40Ml, Sterile Sputum Containers, Steel Staining Rack With Handle, Steel Staining Box With Lid, Steel Slide Racks., Stainless Steel Forceps Pointed 6 Inchs, Stainless Steel Forceps Blunt 10Inchs, Spirit Lamp, Smily Ball, Slide Staning Racks, Semen Counting Chamber, Ampicillin A Amp, Amoxyclav, Amoxycillin Ac Amx, Amikacin Ak, Conical Flasks 1000Ml Borosilicate, Concavity Slides Two Cavity, Vrdl Slide, Electircal Loop Sterilizer, Widal Test Tubes With Rock, Glucometer, Multi-Sample Needles, Vaccutainer-Edta ( Purple ) 3 Ml, Vaccutainer-Edta ( Gray ) 3Ml, Vaccutainer-Clot ( Red ) 4 Ml, Volumetric Flask, Instruments Cleaning Brushes, Eto Gas Bottles ( 100 Gms ) , Museum Jars, Stainless Steel Tissue Embedding Moulds, Stainless Steel Cleaner And Polish, Non-Sterile Urine Containers 30Ml, Embedding Cassette, Adhesive Glass ( Hydrophilic Adhesive ) Slides For Ihc Purpose, Cooking Kinfe - 8-12 Inch, Frosted Glass Slides Size 75 X 25 Mm And 0.9 To 1.1 Mm Thick, Co-Trimoxazole Trimeth Sulphamethoxazole Co Cot, Colistin Cl, Clindamycin Cd, Ciprofloxacin Cf Cip, Chloramphenicol C, Cefuroxime Cu Cxm, Ceftriaxone Ci Ctr, Ceftazidime Clavulanicacid Cac, Ceftazidime Ca Caz, Cefoxitin Cn Cx 30Mcg, Cefotaximeclavulinic Acid, Cefotaxime Cv, Cefotaxime Ce Ctx, Cefopodoxime Cep Cpd, Cefoperazone Cs Cpz, Cefexime Ctx Cfm, Cefepime Cpm, Cefepime Tazobactum Cpt, Cefalexin Cn, Carbenicillin Cb, Bile Esculin, Bacitracin B, Aztreonam Ao At, Azthromycin At Azm, Arginine, Tetracycline Te, Polymyxin B Pb, Piperacillin Tazobactoum 100 10Mcg, Piperacillin Pc Pit, Penicillin G P, Oxidase, Oxacillin Ox, Ornithine, Optochin Disc, Onpg Disc, Ofloxacin Of, Novobiocin Nv, Norfloxacin Nx, Nitrofurantoin Nf, Netilmicin Nt Nat, Nalidixic Acid Na, Meropenem Mr, Lysine, Imipenem Edta Disc, Imipenem, Gentamycin G Gin, Gentamycin 120Mcg, Erythromycin E, Edta Disc, Doxycycline Do, Mc Farland Standard Set ( 0.5, 1.0, 2, 3, 4 ) , Cefoxitin / Cloxacillin, Tigecycline Discs, X And V Factor And Disc, Vancomycin Va, Dcls Agar M160, Cycloheximide, Lysine Ornithine, Lysine Arginine, Lysine Hydrochloride, Xylose ( Xy ) , Sorbitol ( Sb ) , Mannitol ( Mn ) , Maltose ( Ma ) , Lactose ( La ) , Fructose ( Fc ) , Galactose ( Ga ) , Dulcitol ( Du ) , Dextrose ( De ) , Arabinose ( Ar ) , Minocycline Discs, Ertapenem, Spectinonycil, Tobramycin Tob, Ticarcllin Clavulanic Acid Tc Rg Tc Ti, Rbc Diluting Fluid9, Cefoxitin Cloxacillin Discs, Cefuroxime 30Mcg, Streptomycin 30Mcg, Peflaxacin 5Mcg, Ceftazidime Avibactum, Ticarcillin / Claulanic Acid, Cefazolin 30Mcg, Clarithromycin, Ceftraoline, Moxifloxacin, Minocyclin 30Mcg, Rifampin 5Mcg, Fosfomycin 200Mg, Ampiciliin / Salbactum, Liquid Paraffin8, Lancet7, Hydrogen Peroxide6, Dpx5, Creatinine4, Calcium Chloride3, Benzidine Powder2, Barium Chloride1, Alberts Stain Kit 2 Kits B S002, Alberts Stain Kit 1 Kits A S001, Selvinoffs Reagent Fructose Testing, Sulphur Powder12, Sodium Metabisulphate11, Semen Diluting Fluid10, Teicoplanin26, Linezolid25, Levofloxacin24, Vaccutainer Na Citrate Blue 1.8 Ml, Three Line Documentation Lable Eto, Slide Tray23, Hemoglobin Meter22, Blotting Paper Sheet21, Uric Acid20, Urea19, Sudan B Black, Rapid Pap Stain Kit18, Liss Solution17, Kovacs Reagent R008, Hcv Elisa16, C4 For Lab, C3 For Lab, Bovine Albumin15, Blood Urea Berthelots Method14, Ammonium Sulphate13, Sulphosalicilic Acid 20 Percent