Acquisition Of Pantry And Kitchen Materials, Packaging And Packaging, Utensils And Epi To Be Used By The Subsistence Section (Ssub) Of Gapdf.. Opener, Sugar Bowl, Apron, Metal Tray, Metal Tray, Egg Tray, Ice Bucket, Ice Bucket, Manual Beater, Vegetable Cutter Component, Plastic Box, Plastic Box, Plastic Box, Insulated Box, Insulated Box, Bread Basket, Basket, Ladle, Spoon,Spoon,Spoon,Spoon,Spoon,Ladle,Ladle,Glass Cup,Glass Cup,Glass Cup,Glass Cup,Food Container,Food Container,Food Container,Spatula,Barbecue Skewer,Barbecue Skewer,Table Knife, Table Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife, Frying Pan, Flatware, Shape, Shape, Shape, Shape, Shape, Shape, Shape, Shape, Shape, Platter, Tray Liner, Fruit Bowl, Metal Cruet Rack, Table Fork, Table Fork, Thermos Bottle, Thermos Bottle, Thermos Bottle, Thermos Bottle, Thermos Bottle, Cloth Napkin, Cloth Napkin, Cloth Napkin, Cloth Napkin, Cloth Napkin, Thermos Box, Thermos Box, Pitcher, Garden Hose, Butter Dish, Pressure Cooker ,Pan,Food Tongs,Sharpening Stone,Napkin Holder,Food Board,Food Board,Food Board,Food Board,Food Board,Food Board,Plate,Plate,Plate,Plate,Plate,Salt Shaker,Mount Dish,Bowl,Bowl,Bowl ,Cup,Tablecloth,Tablecloth,Cup,Cup,Washer Brush