Supply Of Med Stores To Command Hospital (Cc) Lucknow As Per Rfp , Disposable Craniotomy Tool Tapered 8 Cm, 2.3 Cm Spiral For The Pneumatic Midas Rex Drill System (Cat No F2/8Ta/23S) , Disposable Craniotomy Tool Tapered 8 Cm, 2.3 Cm Non Spiral For The Pneumatic Midasrex (Cat No F2/8Ta/23S) , Titanium Standard Permanent Aneurysm Clips Size-5Mm,7Mm,9Mm,11Mm (Straight, Curved, Rt Angled, Lt Angled. Angled & Baynet Shaped) (Sterile Pre-Packed) , Inflation Device (Indeflator) Kit For Angioplasty (High Pressure Upto 30 Atm) , Ptca Balloon Dilation Catheter Semi Compliant Assorted Sizes , Inj Nicorandil 48 Mg , Diltiazem 5Mg/Ml Inj , Slimline 550 Um Fibre , Lumber Puncture Needle (Disposable) 20G, 22G, 24G) , Tab Trifluradine + Tipiracil 20 Mg/8.19 Mg , Ethambutol 200 Mg Tab , Terbinafine Hcl Tab Of 250 Gm , Eye Drop Sodium Chloride 5% Bott Of 10 Ml , Sodium Chloride Eye Drops 5%, 5Ml Bott , Neonatal Bougie (For Ett Tube Size 2.5 Mm And Above) , Paediatric Bougie (For Ett Tube Size 4Mm And Above , Tube Endotracheal Nasal/Oral Size 5.5 Mm Id Pvc Microcuffed (With Murphy Eye, Smoothly Finished Tube Tip And Walls, Radiopaque Line Throughout The Tube, High Volume, Low Pressure Cuff, Pilot Balloon With Spring Valve) , Harmonic Ace Shear 36Cm For Ultrasonically Activated Cutting And Coagulating Device Compatible With Ultrasonic Harmonic Scalpel => Limited