Procurement Projection For The F.Y. 2023-24 (Tentative Projection) At Neigrihms, Shillong -1 ANAT Mortuary Cooler ( 6 body) 2 ANAT Embalming machine 3 ANAT Articulated skeleton set (Original) 4 ANAT Bones (Disarticulated) sets (Original) 5 ANAT Anthropometric kits 6 ANAT Deep freezer (-20°to -40°C)-???Capacity- 7 ANAT Digital High Precision Weighing Balance (0.0001gm readability – 220/250gm) 8 ANAT distilled water plant 9 ANAT Vertical Autoclave (50L) 10 ANAT Digital Tissue floating bath 11 ANAT Thermobrite for in-situ hybridization 12 ANAT Polycut Sliding Microtome 13 ANAT Desktop Computers and printers with internet facilities 14 ANAT Wax dispenser Digital Temp. indicator (500mL) 15 ANAT Vortex 16 ANAT Tissue Hot Plate (Digital Temp. indicator – 6 inch) 17 ANAT Cyclomixer (High mixing) 18 ANAT Trinocular Microscope with Camera for Histology Practicals 19 ANC Treadmill/Jogging machine 20 ANC TT board 21 ANC pool table 22 ANC Furniture 23 ANC Old mattress 24 ANC hospital furniture 25 ANC Gas pipe 26 ANC Dietary equipment-dish washer masala grinder, potato peeler etc. 27 ANC Old projector 28 ANC Laser printer 29 ANC Inkjet printer 30 ANC DeskJet Printer 31 ANC Dot Matrix Printer 32 ANC Office jet printer 33 ANC Hospital Furniture 34 ANC Computer UPS(600VA) 35 ANC Desktop computer 36 ANC Crash Cart trolley 37 ANC Single mattress 38 ANC Emergency Trolley 39 ANES Side lab for emergency investigations (Optional) (POC Machines) 40 ANES USG machine (Desirable) with TEE 41 BIOC LCMS-MS system 42 BLOO Incubator 43 BLOO Water bath 44 BLOO Weighing balance 45 BLOO Cryo bath 46 BLOO Platelet agitator and Incubator 47 BLOO Blood Bank Refrigerator 48 BLOO Temperature surveillance system for Critical Blood Bank Equipment 49 BLOO Calibrated Data Logger 50 BLOO Cell Washer (24 places) 51 BLOO Plasma hemoglobin detection device 52 BLOO Mobile Blood Donation Van 53 BLOO Blood Bank software with bar code reader 54 BLOO Weighing scale (For weighing components) 55 CARD 3D Mapping Anatomical Electro Physiology System 56 COMM Ice Lined Refrigerator(100 litres) 57 COMM LED TV 32 inches 58 COMM LCD Projector 6000 lumen 59 COMM Wall Fan for RHTC 60 COMM Sintex 1000 litres 61 COMM Refrigerator 200 litres 62 COMM ECG Portable 63 COMM Dissecting Microscope 64 COMM Inverter 3KVA 65 COMM Heavy Quality Dari/mats made from fine quality of yarn and is durable and washable 66 CON Female Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, Muscle & Organs (4parts) 67 CON Human Female Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, Muscle, Pelvic Floor, Muscle & Organs (6parts) 68 CON Mama Natalie including Neonatalie 69 CON CPR Adult Training Manikin 70 CON Airway Management Trainer 71 CON Breast Examination Manikin (Human Like Model) 72 CON Heavy Quality Dari/mats made from fine quality of yarn and is durable and washable 73 CON Advanced Child CPR Training Manikin with monitor and voice guided 74 CON Infant full body CPR training manikin 75 CON QCPR Race 76 CON Flannel Board 77 CON Bulletin Board 78 CON Flip Chart 79 CSSD Washer Disinfector (against buyback of old sterilizer ) 80 CSSD Drying Cabinet (against buyback of old drying cabinent (Yorco)) 81 CSSD Anti Microbial Printed wall Paneling (CSS/HP/PVC in Sterile zone) 82 CTVS Heart Valve Surgery Instrument Set 83 CTVS CABG Instrument Set 84 CTVS Thoracic Surgery Set 85 CTVS Aortic Surgery Instrument Set 86 DENT RVG size- 0 size sensor for Exiting system 87 DENT Dental Softtissue Laser 88 DENT Dental Chair 89 DENT Operating Microscope 90 DENT Laser (hard and soft tissue) 91 ENT Sleep Laboratory 92 ENT Anterior skull base and advanced FESS Skill Lab 93 ENT "Operating Binocular Loop 2.5x , 34 ems and 3.0x 46cms" 94 ENT "Thudichum nasal speculum set of 3" 95 ENT "Jobson Horne probe with ring curette (Small )" 96 ENT "Ear micro suction cannula (matellic) size 14 &16 &18 &20" 97 ENT Laptop 98 ENT Suction adaptor 99 ENT Stich removal scissor 100 ENT Bulls Eye Lamp 101 ENT Nasal suction cannula size 3,4 102 ENT ENT Workstation with Integrated Stroboscope against buyback of Old,Existing,Obsolete and Unserviceable ENT Examination 103 ENT OT Light ENT 104 FORE Ultra Violet Spectroscope 105 FORE Infra Red Spectroscope 106 FORE Weighing machine for Cadever 107 FORE Rectal Thermometer 108 FORE Viscera Bottles (2ltr capacity) 109 FORE Chemical Weighing Balance 110 FORE Manual Weighing Balance 111 FORE Sims Speculum 112 FORE Cuscos Speculum 113 FORE Vulsellum 114 FORE Distillation Plant 115 FORE Oscillating Autopsy Saw With Accessories 116 FORE Dissection Set Complete 117 FORE Victim examination table (Gynecological Examination table with leg stirrups) 118 HOSP Defibrillator/ External Pacer Analyzer 119 HOSP Clamp Meter (0 - 2000 Amp) 120 HOSP Vernier Calliper 121 HOSP Psychrometer 122 HOSP Extended Gas Pipe Line works in the extension of new Surgery wards 123 HOSP Syringe Pump on buyback 124 MEDI B.P. Apparatus 125 MEDI Ophthalmoscope 126 MEDI Haemocytometer 127 MEDI Centrifuge Machine 128 MEDI Light Microscope 129 MEDI Haemoglobinometer 130 MEDI Urinometer 131 MEDI X-ray viewing box 132 MEDI Spirometer 133 MEDI Non-invasive B.P.Apparatus 134 MEDI Pulse oxymeter 135 MEDI Equipment for Cardiac pacing 136 MEDI Ambu bag 137 MEDI Laryngoscope 138 MICR CBNAAT Machine 139 MICR Compound Light Microscope 140 MICR Rotary /VDRL Shaker 141 MICR Laboratory Refrigerator 142 MICR Pipette - 5-10µl; 10-100µl; 20-200µl 143 MICR Multichannel Pipette- 50µl; 100-100µl; 250-200µl 144 O&G C02 Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Equipment 145 O&G RF (Radiofrequency) Vaginal Rejuvenation Equipment 146 ONCOS Desktop composite Endoscopy system 147 ONCOS Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator(CUSA) 148 ONCOS Electrosurgical Unit 149 OPHT Pulse Oximeter with NIBP monitor (portable) 150 OPHT Setting up of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus subspecialty 151 OPHT NCT (Non-Contact Tonometry) 152 OPHT PELLI-ROBSON Contrast Sensitivity Chart (set of two charts) 153 OPHT 100-HUE FANSWORTH-MUNSEL COLOUR VISIOIN CHART 154 OPHT Dehumidifier - 3 (VP/OCT/Laser) 155 OPHT Anterior segment OCT 156 ORTH Spica table for MCI inspection 157 ORTH Multi gym exercise for lower limb and torso 158 ORTH Faradic/ Galvanic simulator with PEN electrode 159 ORTH Dynamic stair trainer 160 ORTH KT1000 161 ORTH Upperlimb CPM 162 ORTH BTE Evaluator 163 PAED INCU Incubator Analyzer 164 PAED Hand held Opthalmoscope (Direct) 165 PAED Capillary Bilirubinometer (single beam) 166 PAED Selective head cooling machine Neonate cooler 167 PAED Humidified High Flow machine (Nasal Cannula) 168 PAED Intubation trolley (Resuscitation) 169 PAED IV Fluid Infusion pump 170 PAED Syringe pumps 171 PAED Students Microscope 172 PAED Rectal Thermometer 173 PAED Shakir's tape 174 PAED Malecot's Catheter 175 PAED Surgical Procedure Light with wheel 176 PAED Otoacoustic emission 177 PAED Ventilator (with neonatal, Paedia and Adult mode) 178 PATH Immunofluorescence Microscope 179 PHAR Micro Centrifuge 180 PHAR Portable HRV 181 PHAR Continuous non invasive haemodynamic monitoring (portable) (Global Trading Exemption) 182 PHAR Micro neurography accessories for ( in existing Power lab AFT testing add on sensors) – MSNA, SSNA, SSR, ADI 183 PSYC "Electro Convulsive Therapy (E.C.T) machine preferably with ECG and EEG monitoring Purchased on 22.02.2014" 184 PSYC ECG Machine 185 PSYC EEG Machine 186 PSYC Lithium Analyzer 187 PSYC Biofeeback Instruments 188 PSYC Thin Layer Chromatography (for drug dependence treatment) 189 PSYC Alcohol Breath Analyzer 190 PSYC "Projective Tests One set Purchased on 26.10.2019. NMC requirement 2" 191 PSYC "Intelligence Tests One Set Purchased on 26.10.2019 NMC requirement 2" 192 PSYC "Personality Tests One set Purchased on 26.10.2019 NMC requirement 2" 193 PHYS Continuous non invasive haemodynamic monitoring (portable) (Global Trading Exemption) 194 PHYS Micro neurography accessories for ( in existing Power lab AFT testing add on sensors) – MSNA, SSNA, SSR, ADI 195 PHYS Cardio pulmonary exercise system (Global tender exempt) accessories for AFT power lab – existing (ADI) 196 RADI Biplane DSA with Flat Panel detectors 197 RCC OT Table (Electrohydraulic) 198 SPOR LED Multi Sports Semi Digital score Board Outdoor/Night Visible 199 SPOR Portable Lawn Tennis Posts 200 SURG Hand held Bidectional Vascular Doppler 201 SURG LED illuminated Operating Loupe 2.5x &6x magnification 202 SURG Anatomy Teaching Surgical Planning Table 203 TB Pulmonary Function Testing machine with Diffusion studies 204 TB SITC for Class Room Furniture 205 UROL Endovision camera set 206 UROL Electro surgical Unit with bipolar facility 207 UROL Ultrasonic & Bipolar coagulation and cutting unit 208 UROL Cystoscope set (adult & Paediatric)
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